
Classroom examples of robustness problems in geometric computations

by Lutz Kettner et al.

substituting floating point arithmetic for the assumed real arithmetic may cause implementation to fail.

focus on floating point - real numbers issue

IEEE 754


Computational Geometry

algorithms that deal with geometric data

  • points
  • lines
  • circles
  • hyperplanes


  • graphic
  • databases
  • geographical information system
  • robotics

one example:

a file contains n lines where the i-th line contains two numbers xix_i and yiy_i, describing a point pi=(xi,yi)p_i=(x_i,y_i).

find all the points contained inside a rectangle [l,r]×[b,t][l,r]\times[b,t]


d dimensional point (x1,,xd)(x_1,\cdots,x_d)

d-dim line: a0+a1X1+a2X2++ad1Xd1=Xda_0+a_1X_1+a_2X_2+\cdots+a_{d-1}X_{d-1}=X_d

other useful representations:

  • curve (f1(t),f2(t),,fd(t))(f_1(t),f_2(t),\cdots,f_d(t))
  • line: fif_i is a linear function of tt, i.e. fi(t)=ait+bif_i(t)=a_it+b_i.
  • line segment or curve segment t[0,1]t\in[0,1]
  • algebraic, semi-algebraic 代数,半代数
  • sphere: i(Xici)2=r2\sum_i(X_i-c_i)^2=r^2

Geometric Predicates

Point P, Line l (above, below, on)

how to judge whether 3 points A,B,CA,B,C are in the same line?

check direction of vector ABAB and ACAC: ABACAB\cdot AC

det[x1y11x2y21x3y31]right turn ifdet<0left turn ifdet>0\det \left [ \begin{matrix} x_1 &y_1 & 1 \\ x_2 &y_2 & 1 \\ x_3 &y_3 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right ]\\ right\ turn\ if \det\lt0\\ left\ turn\ if \det\gt0\\

Line Segments

whether line l1l_1 and line segment ss have intersect.

if (q1 is on l1) or (q2 is on l1), then Tangent

else if ((q1 is below l1) and (q2 is below l1)) then below

else if((q1 is above l1) and (q2 is above l1)) then above

else intersecting

for 2 line segments s1 and s2:

if ((l1 intersects q) and (l2 intersects p)) then intersecting

else non intersecting

Reminder: Real RAM

  • real RAM

    • a RAM equipped with real registers

    • a real register can store any real number

    • basic arithmetic operations on real registers take O(1) time

      i.e. we can compute sqrt of a number upto infinite precision in O(1) time

floating point issues in practice

  • floating point operations are imprecise
  • imprecision can create impossible scenarios, infinite loops etc.
  • different operations can suffer differently from floating point issues
  • smarter coding can help
  • libraries available e.g. CGAL multi-precision floating point numbers

Convex Hull Algorithms

problem: compute the convex hull of a given set of n points in the plane.

a convex polygon, composed of vertices and edges

an upper hull + a lower full

Definition of convex hull

a shape without bumps

i.e. for any 2 points p, q in a convex hull, the line segment pq is inside the convex hull.

Graham’s Scan

compute the upper hull

  1. sort by x coordinate
  2. initialize UH to empty, UH.add(p1,p2); s=2
  3. for i = 3 to n do
    • while s>=2 and UH(s-1), UH(s), pi make a left turn
      • remove UH(s); s–;
    • UH.add(pi); s++;

every point is removed at most once at step remove UH(s); s-- and add exactly once at UH.add(pi).

O(n) time for step 3.

Divide and Conquer

  1. find the median x coordinate and partition O(n)O(n)
  2. recurse on left & right f(n2)f(\frac{n}{2})
  3. merge O(n)O(n)

how to find the upper common tangent?


add one by one, using graham’s scan

from a single point:

  • O(logn)O(\log n) time binary search.

from a chain:

  • O(log2n)O(\log^2n) time binary search using previous
  • O(logn)O(\log n) time (more careful approach)

total time complexity: f(n)=2f(n2)+O(n)=O(nlogn)f(n)=2f(\frac{n}{2})+O(n)=O(n\log n)

Gift Wrapping (Jarvis March)

  1. Initialize:

    p = the left most point

    r: an upward ray from p


  2. Repeat:

    1. Rotate r clockwise around p until O(n)O(n)

      the first point q is hit

    2. CH.add(q)

    3. p=q

    until p equals the left most point O(h)O(h) times

running time: O(n×h)O(n\times h)