Planar Point Location using Persistency


Given a planar subdivision with nn segments, pre-process it for point location queries.

给定一个具有 n 段的平面细分,对其进行预处理以进行点位置查询。

nn disjoint line segments that divide the plane into some regions

query: given a point, ask which region it lies in.


O(n)O(n) space

O(logn)O(\log n) query time

O(nlogn)O(n\log n) pre-processing

Recall the solution for line segment intersection:

  • sweep a vertical line ll over the plane

  • maintain the segments that intersect ll in the status structure.

  • at a query-event: query the status structure. we find the segment above the query.

Idea: remember/store the status structure for later use

naive: O(n2)O(n^2) storage

Persistent Data Structures

Regular data structure are ephemeral 暂时的: updates destroy old version of the data structure.

A persistent data structure also allows access to previous versions of the data structure.

  • partial persistence:

    allow queries in previous versions

  • full persistence:

    allow queries and updates in previous versions

Theorem: Any pointer machine data structure with O(1)O(1) pointers to any node can be made fully persistent with O(1)O(1) amortized multiplicative time and space overhead per update.

任何具有 O(1)O(1) 指向任何节点的指针的指针机器数据结构都可以完全持久化,每次更新的摊销乘法时间和空间开销为 O(1)O(1)


  • Sweep a vertical line ll over the plane

  • maintain the segments that intersect ll in the status structure:

    the status structure: a partially persistent red-black tree 部分持久的红黑树存储状态

At every event we update the status structure

  • maintain the lines (i.e. X-coordinates) when the status line has changed in a BST.

Fact: a red-black tree can be rebalanced using O(1)O(1) rotations.

Each such update takes O(logn)O(\log n) time, and thus creates at most O(1)O(1) changes in the status structure.

Theorem: Let S\mathcal S be a planar subdivision with nn edges. Using O(nlogn)O(n\log n) pre-processing, we can store S\mathcal S in a data structure of size O(n)O(n) so that we can answer point location queries in O(logn)O(\log n) time.

Planar Point Location using a Trapezoidal Decomposition


given a planar subdivision with nn segments, pre-process it for point location queries.


O(n)O(n) space

O(logn)O(\log n) query time

the partition into slabs creates a refined subdivision, in which planar point location is easy.


Question: is there a refined subdivision of size O(n)O(n) in which planar point location is easy?

问题:是否存在大小为 O(n) 的精细细分,其中平面点定位很容易?

Observation: All faces are trapezoids 梯形, they are bounded by 2 vertical line segments and 2 input segments. 它们由两个垂直线段和两个输入线段界定

The subdivision is a trapezoidal decomposition 平面细分就是梯形分解

Add 2 vertical extension segments incident to every vertex, stop when they hit another segment.


Observation: the resulting subdivision is a trapezoidal decomposition and has size O(n)O(n)

The Search Structure

we build the trapezoidal decomposition using a randomized incremental construction

As a side effect, the algorithm builds a search structure D\mathcal D.

A DAG in which

  • trapezoids stored in the leaves only once.
  • internal nodes are line segments
  • could be store multiple times

每个线段有 left 区域、above 区域、below 区域、right 区域。把线段看成一个父节点,这些区域可以看成子节点。



  1. Compute a bounding box, and initialize the decomposition T\mathcal T and a search structure D\mathcal D.
  2. Compute a random permutation s1,,sns_1,\cdots,s_n of the segments in S\mathcal S.

Invariant: D\mathcal D is a search structure for T\mathcal T.

  1. for i1i\leftarrow 1 to nn do

    find the trapezoids Δ1,,Δk\Delta_1,\cdots,\Delta_k intersected by sis_i.

    replace Δ1,,Δk\Delta_1,\cdots,\Delta_k by new trapezoids.

    update D\mathcal D: remove the leaves for Δ1,,Δk\Delta_1,\cdots,\Delta_k and insert internal nodes containing sis_i.

    place pointers from nodes containing sis_i to the new trapezoids and update DCEL

Running time O(k)O(k) in the for loop.

O(n2)O(n^2) worst-case running time

O(n2)O(n^2) worst-case space

O(n2)O(n^2) worst-case query time


we bound the expected pre-processing time, query time, and size of the data structure

expected query time for a given query point qq = average query time over all n!n! permutations of s1,,sns_1,\cdots,s_n

Fix a query point qq, consider the path P\mathcal P in D\mathcal D to Δ\Delta^* containing qq.

E[\mathbb E[query time for q]=E[q]=\mathbb E[length of P]=E[iXi]=iE[Xi]P]=\mathbb E[\sum_iX_i]=\sum_i\mathbb E[X_i].

What is the probability that sis_i is top(Δ\Delta)?

We use backwards analysis:

suppose we remove sis_i, what is the probability that top(Δ\Delta) disappears?


What is the probability that sis_i is bottom(Δ\Delta)?


What is the probability that by removing sis_i we remove rightp(Δ\Delta)?


PiP_i=probability that a new node created when inserting sis_i

=sis_i is top, is bottom; leftp is an endpoint of sis_i, or rightp is an endpoint of sis_i


E[\mathbb E[query time for q]4i1i=4Hnq]\le4\sum_i\frac{1}{i}=4H_n

HnH_n is the n-th harmonic number.

Similarly E[\mathbb E[size D]=O(n+iE[ki])=O(n)\mathcal D]=O(n+\sum_i\mathbb E[k_i])=O(n)

kik_i is number of trapezoids created when inserting sis_i

Again, we use backwards analysis:

kik_i is trapezoids removed from Ti\mathcal T_i when deleting sis_i

E[ki]=1is{s1,,si}ΔTiδ(Δ,s)=O(i)i=O(1)\mathbb E[k_i]=\frac{1}{i}\sum_{s\in\{s_1,\cdots,s_i\}}\sum_{\Delta\in\mathcal T_i}\delta(\Delta,s)=\frac{O(i)}{i}=O(1)

δ(Δ,s)={1 if Δ there are at most 4 segments that can causeΔ to disappear.otherwise\delta(\Delta,s)=\begin{cases}1\ if\ \Delta\ there\ are\ at\ most\ 4\ segments\ that\ can\ cause \Delta\ to\ disappear.\\ otherwise\end{cases}

So s{s1,,si}ΔTiδ(s,Δ)4Ti=O(i)\sum_{s\in\{s_1,\cdots,s_i\}}\sum_{\Delta\in\mathcal T_i}\delta(s,\Delta)\le4|\mathcal T_i|=O(i)

E[\mathbb E[preprocessing time]=O(1)+iE[]=O(1)+\sum_i\mathbb E[time to insert si]s_i].

=O(1)+i(O(logi)+O(E[ki]))=O(1)+\sum_i(O(\log i)+O(\mathbb E[k_i]))

=O(1)+i(O(logn)+O(1))=O(1)+\sum_i(O(\log n)+O(1))

=O(nlogn)=O(n\log n)

kik_i is number of trapezoids created when inserting sis_i.


Given a planar subdivision with n segments, pre-process it for point location queries.


  • expected preprocessing: O(nlogn)O(n \log n)
  • expected space: O(n)O(n)
  • expected query time: O(logn)O(\log n)
  • worst case query time: O(n)O(n)
  • worst case space: O(n2)O(n^2)