Revenue-maximizing auction


  • somehow complicated
  • require detailed information about the probability distributions of the valuations
  • much different than the format used in practice.


allocation rule:

x(v)=argmaxXiφi(vi)xi(v)\mathbf x(\mathbf v)=\arg\max_X\sum_i\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v).

for profile v\mathbf v, φi(vi)=vi1Fi(vi)fi(vi)\varphi_i(v_i)=v_i-\frac{1-F_i(v_i)}{f_i(v_i)} is the virtual valuation for probability distribution FiF_i.

Single-item auction

  • potential buyers with independent valuations drawn form the same distribution FF.
  • optimal w. r. t. the revenue: second-price auction with reserve at value φ1(0)\varphi^{-1}(0).
  • basic advantage: simplicity
  • which we loose if the potential buyers have different distributions
  • e. g. the highest bidder may not be the one who gets the item

Prophet inequality


A n-step game

  • game in n step: as step ii, we are given a non-negative award XiX_i from a probability distribution FiF_i.
  • the distribution F1,F2,,FnF_1,F_2,\cdots,F_n are known and independent.
  • whenever we see award XiX_i, we can either accept and stop the game or reject and continue.
  • Risk accepting a reasonable award without loosing a higher one later.
  • The prophet inequality gives us a simple strategy that works very well!

Using Prophet inequality

  • use an appropriately selected threshold τ\tau.
  • select the first award that exceeds the threshold.
  • obviously, the threshold strategy is suboptimal(why)

There exist a threshold, so that the expected award is at least 12EXF[maxiXi]\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E_{X\sim F}[\max_iX_i]

Analysis of a threshold strategy

先证明 E[maxiXi]Quantitiy\mathbb E[\max_iX_i]\le Quantitiy,再证 E[ALG]12Quantity\mathbb E[ALG]\ge\frac{1}{2}Quantity, 最后结合一下就可以证明先知不等式了。

E(maxiXi)=E[τ+maxi{Xiτ}]τ+E[maxi{(Xiτ)+}]   (xx+)τ+E[i=1n(Xiτ)+]   (max of nonnegative val is at most their sum)\mathbb E(\max_iX_i)=\mathbb E[\tau+\max_i\{X_i-\tau\}]\\ \leq\tau+\mathbb E[\max_i\{(X_i-\tau)^+\}]\ \ \ (x\leq x^+)\\ \leq \tau+\mathbb E[\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-\tau)^+]\ \ \ (max\ of\ non-negative\ val\ is\ at\ most\ their\ sum)

the algorithm:

ALG=i=1nE[XiXi>τ,Xj<τ,j<i]Pr[Xiτ,Xj<τ,j<i]=τi=1nPr[Xiτ,Xj<τ,j<i]+i=1nE[XiτXiτ,Xjτ,j<i]Pr[Xiτ,Xj<τ,j<i]=τPr[maxiXiτ]+i=1nE[XiτXiτ]Pr[Xiτ]Pr[Xj<τ,j<i]τPr[maxiXiτ]+Pr[maxiXi<τ]i=1nE[XiτXiτ]Pr[Xiτ]=τPr[maxiXiτ]+Pr[maxiXi<τ]i=1nE[(Xiτ)+]=12(τ+E[i=1n(Xiτ)+])12E[maxiXi]ALG=\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[X_i|X_i\gt\tau,X_j\lt\tau,\forall j\lt i]\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau,X_j\lt\tau,\forall j\lt i]\\ =\tau\cdot\sum_{i=1}^n\Pr[X_i\ge\tau,X_j\lt\tau,\forall j\lt i]+\\ \sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[X_i-\tau|X_i\ge\tau,X_j\le\tau,\forall j\lt i]\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau,X_j\lt\tau,\forall j\lt i]\\ =\tau\cdot\Pr[\max_iX_i\ge\tau]+\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[X_i-\tau|X_i\ge\tau]\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau]\cdot\Pr[X_j\lt\tau,\forall j\lt i]\\ \ge\tau\cdot\Pr[\max_iX_i\ge\tau]+\Pr[\max_iX_i\lt\tau]\cdot\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[X_i-\tau|X_i\ge\tau]\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau]\\ =\tau\cdot\Pr[\max_iX_i\ge\tau]+\Pr[\max_iX_i\lt\tau]\cdot\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[(X_i-\tau)^+]\\ =\frac{1}{2}(\tau+\mathbb E[\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-\tau)^+])\ge\frac{1}{2}\cdot\mathbb E[\max_iX_i]

Simple single-item auction

idea: use a virtual valuation threshold

allocation rule:

  1. select threshold τ\tau s.t. Pr[maxiφi(vi)+τ]=12\Pr[\max_i\varphi_i(v_i)^+\ge\tau]=\frac{1}{2}

  2. give the item to the potential buyer with φi(vi)τ\varphi_i(v_i)\ge\tau and the highest bid

    from prophet inequality, EvF[i=1nφi(vi)xi(v)]12EvF[maxiφi(vi)+]\mathbb E_{v\sim F}[\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(v)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E_{v\sim F}[\max_i\varphi_i(v_i)^+]

Prior-independent auctions

what if we don’t have information about valuations of the potential buyers?

Bulow & Klemperer’s theorem

  • increasing competition is more important than designing revenue-optimal auctions
  • the expected revenue of the revenue-maximizing auction with n bidders from F is at most the expected revenue of the second price auction with n+1 bidders from F.


define the artificial auction among n+1 bidders from F as follows:

  1. run the revenue-maximizing auction among n bidders.
  2. If the item is not sold, give it to the (n+1)-th bidder


  • REV1: the revenue of the revenue-maximizing auction with n bidders.
  • REV2: the revenue of the artificial auction with n+1 bidders.
  • REV3: the revenue of the second-price auction with n+1 bidders.

by the definition of the artificial auction, we have E[REV1]E[REV2]\mathbb E[REV1]\leq\mathbb E[REV2].

Then we need to prove E[REV2]E[REV3]\mathbb E[REV2]\leq\mathbb E[REV3]:

the artificial auction always sells the item. Then we need to prove the second-price auction has the highest expected revenue among all auctions that always sell the item:

An auction that always sells the item has i=1nxi(v)=1\sum_{i=1}^nx_i(v)=1, i.e. only one agent has xi(v)=1x_i(v)=1 the others xi(v)=0x_i(v)=0. under this constraint, which auction can maximize i=1nφ(xi)xi(v)\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi(x_i)x_i(v)? By regularity of F, this auction gives the item to the highest bidder. By Myerson’s Lemma, the only DSIC auction that has this property is the second-price auction.

How to simulate auctions on computer

second-price auction with reserve

two bidder drawing values from the uniform distribution in [a,b][a,b].

reserve price of RR.

Data: revenue is lowest bid or reserve RR or 0.

column A: bidder 1’s bid

column B: bidder 2’s bid

column C: revenue

let a=157,b=280,R=200a=157,b=280,R=200

revenue=max(R,min(a,b)) if max(a,b)>=R else 0