
计算几何:理论和实验,aka Computational Geometry: Theory and Experimentation

Week 35 - Week 49,共 14 周(除去秋假一周)


第一周(Week 35)内容:Introduction to Algorithm Engineering



title: Algorithm Engineering – An Attempt at a Definition

by Peter Sanders (Universität Karlsruhe)

Algorithm engineering: cycle of design, analysis, implementation, experimental evaluation.

algorithm engineering = experimental algorithmics??? too limited

design: not just care about asymptotic worst efficiency, but also have to look at the constant factors.

analysis: gap between theory and practice.

algorithm libraries: portable, easy to use


title: How Not To Do It

by Ian P. Gent (University of Edinburgh), Toby Walsh (INRIA-Lorraine)

Getting Started

  • Don’t trust yourself: bugged code may give better performance than the correct one

  • Do make it fast enough: as fast as possible

Experimental Design

  • Do collect all data possible: every branches, every procedures should be taken into consider
  • Do it all again: reproducibility
  • Do it often and do it big: perform lots of experiments on large problems
  • Do be stupid: stupid experiments give fascinating results.

Analysis of Data

  • Do loot at the raw data
  • Do look for good views: finding a good view of data
  • Don’t reject the obvious

Presentation of Results

  • Do present statistics: give min, mean, max, median, standard deviation
  • Do report negative results: as valuable as reporting positive results
  • Don’t push deadlines:


title: Testing Heuristics: We Have It All Wrong

by J. N. Hooker (Carnegie Mellon University)

The evils of competitive testing

  • makeing the competition fair: machines’ differences, coding skills
  • choice of test problems: benchmark problem

A more scientific alternative

  • branching rule

what to measure: things predicted by the model

How Branch Mispredictions Affect Quicksort

by Kanela Kaligosi (Max Planck Institut für Informatik) and Peter Sanders (Universität Karlsruhe)


  • random pivot, median-of-three, α-skewed pivot

Branch Prediction Schemes

  • static branch prediction

    α-skewed pivot selection, not take dynamic behavior of program

  • dynamic branch prediction

    • 1-bit predictor: look the last time
    • 2-bit predictor: look back twice
    • k-bit predictor: look back k times


  • median-of-3 pivot selection bring no significant benefits in practice: increase of branch mispreddictions

Tradeoffs Between Branch Mispredictions and Comparisons for Sorting Algorithms

Gerth Stølting Brodal and Gabriel Moruz (Aarhus Universitet Datalogi)

optimal comparison based sorting algorithm: Θ(n log n)


Skewed Binary Search Trees

Gerth Stølting Brodal and Gabriel Moruz (Aarhus Universitet Datalogi)

skewed BST: a constant α(0,12]\alpha\in(0,\frac{1}{2}], s. t. for each node v there is a fixed ratio between the num of nodes in the subtree rooted in the left child and the subtrees rooted at v.


hardware discussion


branch misprediction

memory layouts


Intro to AE



复习一下渐进时间复杂度 O Θ Ω

快速排序时间复杂度最差情况下是 O(n^2)


Quick Histroy & BG



the gap between theory and practice!

Overview of AE

  • 对算法进行详细研究
  • 测试&执行
  • 分离并控制有影响的参数
  • 建模
  • 统计分析
  • bridge the gap between theory and practice


  • 系统结构
  • 算法和数据结构
  • 高级语言的微调 tuning
  • 低级语言的微调
  • 系统软件
  • 平台和硬件

What’s not AE

  • algorithmic horse race(田忌赛马式的对比)

  • 建立最快的算法

  • 实现一些算法并看谁最快


  • best practices
  • 理解模型、假设、评估、解释结果、形成理论

Models of computation

理论假设的 RAM

  • 所有的内存都是寄存器
  • 基础的 CPU 操作被认为是 O(1) 的
  • 寄存器简单的读写被认为是 O(1) 的

计算几何中的 RAM

  • 理论上认为存储器存的实数
  • 所有的简单运算(加减乘除开 k 次方根)被认为是 O(1) 的
  • 好处:理论简单化,易于设计分析算法
  • 坏处:不显示,disparity between theory and practice

In reality

  • 寄存器、一级缓存、二级缓存、RAM、固态硬盘、机械硬盘


  • 机械硬盘非常慢,访存延迟特别高(盘片旋转+寻道时间)

IO Model

假设 B 大小存储块中有 N 个数字


Max 设为负无穷,从左到右挨着扫一遍,更新 Max 即可。I/O Compexity: O(n)

问题二:快速排序中找到一个枢纽值 P 进行左右 交换 (Partition) 操作

如果存储大小 ≥ 2*B,也是 n 次块内读,n 次块内写 I/O Compexity: O(n)


f(n)=O(nlogn)f(n)=O(n\log n)

快排的 IO 复杂度:O(NBlogNB)O(\frac{N}{B}\log\frac{N}{B})

堆排的 IO 复杂度: O(NlogN)O(N \log N)

On Experiments

what to measure?

  • CPU time sometimes could be misleading: machine dependent, OS and other factors

  • Cycles, clock time

  • cache misses, I/O, etc.

  • counters

Modeling performance and other metrics

检查 running time

  • O(log n) 当 n 加倍时,运行时间增加一个常数
  • O(n) 当 n 加倍时,运行时间加倍
  • O(n^2) 当 n 加倍时,运行时间加四倍
  • O(n log n) 除去 n,当成 log n 检查
  • O(sqrt(n)) 当 n 加四倍时,运行时间加倍

注意在数据规模较小时,常数的影响 dominates!