会在笔记中记录 Ιωάννης 的搞笑希腊口音的英语

帕拉漏 parallel

显仙秀里 essentially

神拿里欧 scenario

珠 true

多大儿 total

度 two


  • single-item auction
  • sponsored search auction

Single-item auctions


a seller wants to sell an item

n potential buyers (interested in the item, ready to act strategically to get it)

Question: how do we design how the item should be sold?

Intermediate problem: what do the buyers want?

  • buyer i has no-negative val viv_i of the item
  • valuate is private, unknown to other potential buyers and the seller
  • utility
    • 0 if buyer doesn’t get the item
    • vipv_i-p if buyer gets the item and pays pp

Sealed bid Auction

  1. every buyer i submits bid bib_i to the seller
  2. seller decides who should get the item
  3. the seller decides the price of items

First-price auction

highest bidder gets/wins the item and pays equal to bid

for bidder: difficult to decide how to behave

for seller: difficult to predict what will happen

Second-price auction

highest bidder wins the item and pays the second highest bid

dominant strategy: if it maximizes utility for agent, no matter what other buyers decide to do

dominant strategy is the subset of best response

Theorem: in a second-price auction, every buyer i has as dominant strategy to submit private valuation as bid for the item bi=vib_i=v_i


Let B be the highest bid among other buyers

2 cases

  1. vi<Bv_i<B utility: 0. no incentive to bid vi>Bv_i>B since it will lead utility to negative.
  2. viBv_i\ge B utility: viB0v_i-B\ge0

for bidder: easy to decide how to behave

for seller: easy to predict what will happen

Theorem: in second-price auction, truthful bidder is guaranteed non-negative utility


DSIC aka dominant strategy incentive compatible: if truthful bidding is a dominant strategy for every potential buyer i and gives non-negative utility.

efficiency issues

  • who gets the item? the highest bidder
  • social welfare (the sum of utility of all buyers here equals winner’s valuation-winner’s pay) maximization

second-price auctions are ideal

  • it’s DSIC
  • it’s social welfare maximizing
  • it can be implemented in time complexity polynomial (linear)

Sponsored search auctions


a simple model

k slots: 1, 2, …, k

advertisers who, for a particular query, wish to have their ad in one of the slots

every slot j has a click-through-rate (CTR) aja_j: how often users watch an ad at j-th slot

CTR of a slot does not depend on the ad hosted

CTRs: a1a2aka_1\ge a_2\ge\cdots\ge a_k

advertiser i: has a private valuation viv_i for every click of its ad and values having the ad at slot j as ajvia_jv_i


  • DSIC auction
  • social welfare maximization: the tot val of the advertisers for clicks is as high as possible
  • simplicity: low computational complexity

generalized second-price auction

advertisers: submit bids to Google

Google: interprets the bids as valuations per click and assigns the ad with j-th highest valuation per click to the j-th slot

Google: defines as price pjp_j per click at slot j the (j+1)-th highest bid

when is welfare maximized?

when higher a times with higher v

NOT DSIC!!! truth-telling here is not dominant strategy (举个很简单的例子就可以证明)

Social welfare maximization? Not necessarily

exercise 2.1 prove that third-price auction is not DSIC

assume there are 3 bidder with true value 13, 11, 10.

the first guy 13 pay 10.

the second guy’s utility is 0, it incentives it to bid higher than 13, which utility will increase to (11-10)=1 i. e. the mechanism encourage telling lies.