First part of lecture notes on prophet inequality and secretary problem is by Anupam Gupta (CMU)

Prophet inequalities and Secretary problems are 2 classes of problem where online decision-making meets stochasticity: in the first set of problems the inputs are random variables, whereas in the second one the inputs are worst-case but revealed to the algorithm (aka decision maker) in random order.

Here are some results, proofs and techniques about them.

The Prophet Inequality

在之前的算法博弈论课上学过,具体可以参考我的对应 课堂笔记

nn random variables X1,,XnX_1,\cdots,X_n. We know their distributions up-front, but not their realizations. The realizations are revealed one-by-one.

We want to give a strategy that, upon seeing the value XiX_i decides either to choose ii in which case we get reward XiX_i and the process stops. Or we can pass, in which case we move on to the next random variables, and are not allowed to come back to ii every again. We want to maximize our expected reward. If X_\max=\max\{X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_n\}, it is clear that our reward can’t exceed \mathbb E[X_\max].

Theorem 1 by Krengel, Sucheston and Garling. There exists a strategy with expected reward \frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[X_\max].

Let τ\tau be the median of the distribution of X_\max, i.e., \Pr[X_\max\ge\tau]=1/2.

Now the strategy is simple: pick the first XiX_i which exceeds τ\tau. Clearly, we will pick an item with probability exactly 121\over2, then notice that

\mathbb E[X_\max]\le\tau+\mathbb E[(X_\max-\tau)^+]\\ \le\tau+\mathbb E[\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-\tau)^+].

Then for algorithm:

ALG\ge\tau\cdot\Pr[X_\max\ge\tau]+\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[(X_i-\tau)^+]\cdot\Pr[\bigwedge_{j\le i}(X_j\lt\tau)]\\ \ge\tau\cdot\Pr[X_\max\ge\tau]+\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[(X_i-\tau)^+]\cdot\Pr[X_\max\lt\tau]

By letting \Pr[X_\max\lt\tau]=\Pr[X_\max\ge\tau]=1/2, we have

ALG\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[X_\max]

The proof is beautiful, but hard to generalize. What if we can choose kk variables?

There are LP-based version of proof, which can be generalized:

Define pip_i as the probability that element XiX_i takes on the highest value. Hence ipi=1\sum_ip_i=1. Moreover, suppose τi\tau_i is s.t. Pr[Xiτi]=pi\Pr[X_i\ge\tau_i]=p_i, i.e., the pip_i-th percentile for XiX_i. Define

vi(pi)=E[XiXiτi]v_i(p_i)=\mathbb E[X_i|X_i\ge\tau_i]

as value of XiX_i conditioned on it lying in the top pip_i-th percentile. Clearly, \mathbb E[X_\max]\le\sum_iv_i(p_i)\cdot p_i.

A simpler weaker bound. Here’s a simple algorithm that gets value \frac{1}{4}\sum_iv_i(p_i)\cdot p_i\ge\frac{1}{4}\mathbb E[X_\max].

If we haven’t chosen an item among 1,,i11,\cdots,i-1, when looking at item ii, pass with probability half without even looking at XiX_i, else accept it if XiτiX_i\ge\tau_i.

Definition: we “reach” item ii if we have not picked an item before ii. The expected value of the algorithm is

ALGi=1nPr[reach item i]12Pr[Xiτi]E[XiXiτi]=i=1nPr[reach item i]12pivi(pi)ALG\ge\sum_{i=1}^n\Pr[\text{reach item }i]\cdot\frac{1}{2}\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau_i]\cdot\mathbb E[X_i|X_i\ge\tau_i]\\ =\sum_{i=1}^n\Pr[\text{reach item }i]\cdot\frac{1}{2}\cdot p_i\cdot v_i(p_i)

Since we pick each item with probability 12pi\frac{1}{2}p_i, the expected number of items we choose is half. So, by Markov’s inequality, the probability we pick no item at all is at least half. Hence, the probability we reach item ii is at least one half too, the above expression is 14ivi(pi)pi\frac{1}{4}\cdot\sum_iv_i(p_i)\cdot p_i as claimed.

The bound of 2. To improve the algorithm, suppose we denote the probability of reaching item ii by rir_i and suppose we reject item ii outright with probability 1qi1-q_i. Then inequality shows that

ALGi=1nriqipivi(pi)ALG\ge\sum_{i=1}^nr_i\cdot q_i\cdot p_i\cdot v_i(p_i)

Above, we ensured that qi=ri=12q_i=r_i=\frac{1}{2}, and hence lost a factor of 14\frac{1}{4}. But if we ensures that riqi=1/2r_i\cdot q_i=1/2, we would get the desired result of \frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[X_\max]. For the first item r1=1r_1=1 and hence we can set q1=12q_1=\frac{1}{2}.

For future items, since

ri+1=ri(1qipi)r_{i+1}=r_i(1-q_i\cdot p_i)

we can just set qi+1=12ri+1q_{i+1}=\frac{1}{2r_{i+1}}. A simple induction shows that ri+112r_{i+1}\ge\frac{1}{2}. Summing up this equation to get ri+1=r1jipi/2r_{i+1}=r_1-\sum_{j\le i}p_i/2, so that qi+1[0,1]q_{i+1}\in[0,1] and is well-defined.

The Computational Aspect

If the distribution of the random variable stream XiX_i is explicitly given, the proofs above immediately give us algorithms. But what if XiX_i are given via a black-box (we can only access via samples)?

The first proof merely relies on finding the median: finding an approximate median τ^\hat\tau s.t. \Pr[X_\max\lt\hat\tau]\in(\frac{1}{2}-\epsilon,\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon) gives us expected reward \frac{1}{2+\epsilon/2}\mathbb E[X_\max]. To do this, sample from X_\max O(\epsilon^{-2}\log\delta^{-1}) times and take τ^\hat\tau is an approximate median with probability at least 1δ1-\delta.

For the second proof, there are 2 ways of making it algorithmic. Firstly, if the quantities are polynomially bounded, estimate pip_i and viv_i by sampling. Alternatively, solve the convex program

max{iyivi(yi)iyi=1}\max\{\sum_iy_i\cdot v_i(y_i)|\sum_iy_i=1\}

and use the yiy_i’s from its solution in lieu of pip_i’s in the algorithm above.

Since getting samples from the distributions may be expensive, there are method to get a constant fraction of \mathbb E[X_\max] via taking just one sample from each of the XiX_is.

Extensions: Picking Multiple Items

What if we are allowed to choose kk variables from among the nn?

If pip_i is the probability that XiX_i is among the top kk values, we have


The upper bound on our quantity of interest remains essentially unchanged

E[sum of top k r.v.s]ivi(pi)pi\mathbb E[\text{sum of top }k\text{ r.v.s}]\le\sum_iv_i(p_i)\cdot p_i

What about an algorithm to get value 1/41/4 of the value in this inequality? Then same: reject each item outright with probability 1/21/2, else pick ii if XiτiX_i\ge\tau_i. Proof goes through unchanged.


One can get within (11k+3)(1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{k+3}}) of the value. For k=1k=1, this matches 1/21/2. One can, however, get a fractor of 1O(logkk)1-O(\sqrt{\frac{\log k}{k}}) using a simple concentration bound.

Suppose we reduce the rejection probability to δ\delta. Then the probability that we reach some item ii without having picked kk items already is lower-bounded by the probability that we pick at most kk elements in the entire process. Since we reject items with probability δ\delta, the expected number of elements we pick is (1δ)k(1-\delta)k.

Hence, the probability that we pick less than kk items is at least 1eΘ(δ2k)1-e^{-\Theta(\delta^2k)}, by a Hoeffding bound for sums of independent random variables. Now setting δ=O(logkk)\delta=O(\sqrt{\frac{\log k}{k}}) ensures that the probability of reaching each item is at least (11/k)(1-1/k), and a argument similar to that in Proof shows that

ALGi=1nPr[reach item i]Pr[not reject item i]Pr[Xiτi]E[XiXiτi]=i=1n(11/k)(1O(logkk))pivi(pi)ALG\ge\sum_{i=1}^n\Pr[\text{reach item }i]\cdot\Pr[\text{not reject item }i]\cdot\Pr[X_i\ge\tau_i]\cdot\mathbb E[X_i|X_i\ge\tau_i]\\ =\sum_{i=1}^n(1-1/k)\cdot(1-O(\sqrt{\frac{\log k}{k}}))\cdot p_i\cdot v_i(p_i)

which gives the claimed bound of (1O(logkk))(1-O(\sqrt{\frac{\log k}{k}})).

Secretary Problems

nn items, each has some intrinsic non-negative value.

Assume the values are distinct, but we know nothing about their ranges.

We only know nn.

The item are presented one by one. Upon seeing an item, we can either pick it or we can pass. The goal is to maximize the probability of picking the item with the highest value.

If an adversary chooses the order in which the items are presented, every deterministic strategy must fail.

❓Secretary problem: what if the items are presented in uniformly random order? For this setting, it seems surprising that one can prove the following theorem:

Theorem 2.1. There is a strategy to pick the best item with probability at least 1e\frac{1}{e}.

A simple algorithm and proof showing probability of 14\frac{1}{4}: ignore the first n/2n/2 items, and then pick the next item that is better than all the ones seen so far. Note that this algorithm succeeds if the best item is in the second half of the items (happens with probability 1/21/2). Hence 1/41/4. Rejecting the first half of the items is not optimal, and there are other cases where the algorithm succeeds that this simple analysis does not account for.

First, the algorithm should never pick an element that is not the best so far. Moreover, if we define

f(i)=Pr[ith item is global bestith is best so far]=Pr[ith item is global best]Pr[ith is best so far]=1/n1/i=ing(i)=Pr[picking global best using optimal strategy from item i onwards]f(i)=\Pr[i^{th}\text{ item is global best}|i^{th}\text{ is best so far}]\\ =\frac{\Pr[i^{th}\text{ item is global best}]}{\Pr[i^{th}\text{ is best so far}]}=\frac{1/n}{1/i}=\frac{i}{n}\\ g(i)=\Pr[\text{picking global best using optimal strategy from item i onwards}]

then g(i)g(i) is a non-increasing and f(i)f(i) is increasing.

Any optimal strategy should pass at times ii where f(i)<g(i+1)f(i)\lt g(i+1) and pick at other times if we see an element that is best so far. i.e., a strategy of the type used in the simple proof of 1/41/4 is optimal.

So if we reject the first τ\tau items, then the probability we succeed in picking the global best is

t=τ+1nPr[tth item is global best]Pr[best of first t1 items in first τ positions]=t=τ+1n1nτt1=τn(Hn1Hτ1).\sum_{t=\tau+1}^n\Pr[t^{th}\text{ item is global best}]\cdot\Pr[\text{best of first }t-1\text{ items in first }\tau\text{ positions}]\\ =\sum_{t=\tau+1}^n\frac{1}{n}\cdot\frac{\tau}{t-1}=\frac{\tau}{n}(H_{n-1}-H_{\tau-1}).

This is g(τ+1)g(\tau+1). So the first position where f(τ)=τ/ng(τ+1)f(\tau)=\tau/n\ge g(\tau+1) is given by the smallest τ\tau s.t. 1Hn1Hτ11\ge H_{n-1}-H_{\tau-1}, i.e., τn/e\tau\approx n/e for large nn, hence g(τ+1)1/eg(\tau+1)\approx1/e.

There is an alternate proof that uses a convex-programming. We will write down an LP that captures some properties of any feasible solution, optimize this LP and show a strategy whose success probability is comparable to the objective of this LP.

Fix an optimal strategy. Assume w.l.o.g(不失一般性) that it does not pick any item that is not the best so far.

Let pip_i be the probability that this strategy picks an item at position ii. Let qiq_i be the probability that we pick an item at position ii, conditioned on it being the best so far. So qi=pi1/i=ipiq_i=\frac{p_i}{1/i}=i\cdot p_i.

Now the probability of picking the best item is

iPr[ith position is global best and we pick it]=iPr[ith position is global best]qi=i1nqi=iinpi\sum_i\Pr[i^{th}\text{ position is global best and we pick it}]\\ =\sum_i\Pr[i^{th}\text{ position is global best}]\cdot q_i\\ =\sum_i\frac{1}{n}q_i=\sum_{i}\frac{i}{n}p_i

Constraints: pi[0,1]p_i\in[0,1]. But also

pi=Pr[pick item ii best so far]Pr[i best so far]Pr[didn’t pick 1,...,i-1i best so far](1/i)p_i=\Pr[\text{pick item }i|i\text{ best so far}]\cdot\Pr[i\text{ best so far}]\\ \le\Pr[\text{didn't pick 1,...,i-1}|i\text{ best so far}]\cdot(1/i)

But not picking the first i1i-1 items is independent of ii being the best so far, so we get

pi1i(1j<ipj).p_i\le\frac{1}{i}(1-\sum_{j\lt i}p_j).

Hence the success probability of any strategy is upper-bounded by the following LP in variables pip_i:

maxiinpiipi1j<ipjpi[0,1]\max\sum_i\frac{i}{n}\cdot p_i\\ i\cdot p_i\le1-\sum_{j\lt i}p_j\\ p_i\in[0,1]

Now it can be checked that the solution pi=0p_i=0 for iτi\le\tau and piτn(1i11i)p_i\frac{\tau}{n}(\frac{1}{i-1}-\frac{1}{i}) for τin\tau\le i\le n is a feasible solution, where τ\tau is defined by the smallest value s.t. Hn1Hτ11H_{n-1}-H_{\tau-1}\le1.

Finally we can get a stopping strategy whose success probability matches that of the LP. Indeed solve the LP.

For ithi^{th} position if we’ve not picked an item already and if this item is the best so far, pick it with probability ipi1j<ipj\frac{ip_i}{1-\sum_{j\lt i}p_j}. By the LP constraint, this probability [0,1]\in[0,1]. More over, removing the conditioning shows we pick an item at location ii with probability pip_i, and a calculation similar to the one above shows that the algorithm’s success probability is iipi/n\sum_iip_i/n, the same as the LP.

Extension: Game-Theoretic Issues

In the optimal strategy, we don’t pick any items in the first n/en/e timesteps, and then we pick items with quite varying probabilities.

Suppose we insist that for each position ii, the probability of picking the item at position ii is the same.

Let’s fix any such strategy, and write an LP capturing the success probbailities of this strategy with uniformity condition as a constraint. Suppose p1/np\le1/n is this uniform probability. Again, let qiq_i be the probability of picking an item at position ii, conditioned on it being the best so far. Note that we may pick items even if they are not the best so far, just to satisfy the uniformity condition; hence instead of qi=ipq_i=i\cdot p, we have qiipq_i\le ip.

By same argument constraint in LP, we know that qi1(i1)pq_i\le1-(i-1)p.

And the strategy’s success probability is again qi/n\sum q_i/n. So we can now solve the LP

maxi1nqiqi1(i1)pqiipqi[0,1],p0\max\sum_i\frac{1}{n}\cdot q_i\\ q_i\le1-(i-1)\cdot p\\ q_i\le i\cdot p\\ q_i\in[0,1],p\ge0

Buchbinder et al. shows the optimal value of this LP is at least 11/20.291-1/\sqrt 2\approx 0.29.

Extension: Multiple Items

Suppose we want kk items, maximizing the expected sum of these kk values.

Suppose the set of kk largest values is S[n]S^*\subseteq[n], and their total value is V=iSviV^*=\sum_{i\in S}v_i. It is easy to get an algorithm with expected value Ω(V)\Omega(V^*).

E.g., split the nn items into kk groups of n/kn/k items, and run the single-item algorithm separately on each of these. Or ignore the first half of the elements, look at the value v^\hat v of the (1ϵ)k/2th(1-\epsilon)k/2^{th} highest value item in this set, and pick all items in the second half with values grater than v^\hat v. And indeed, ignoring half the items must lose a constant factor in expectation.

But here’s an algorithm that gives value V(1δ)V^*(1-\delta) where δ0\delta\rarr 0 as kk\rarr\infty. We set δ=O(k1/3logk)\delta=O(k^{-1/3}\log k) and ϵ=δ/2\epsilon=\delta/2. Ignore the first δn\delta n items.

Now look at the value v^\hat v of the (1ϵ)δkth(1-\epsilon)\delta k^{th}-highest valued item in this ignored set, and pick the first kk elements with values grater than v^\hat v among the remaining (1δ)n(1-\delta)n elements.

Second part of lecture notes on martingales is by Elias Koutsoupias (Oxford)



Chernoff bounds cannot be used for sums of dependent variables.

If the dependency of particular type, the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality provides a general concentration bound.

Definition of martingale: A martingale is a sequence of random variables X0,X1,X_0,X_1,\cdots of bounded expectation s.t. for every i0i\ge0,

E[Xi+1X0,,Xi]=Xi.\mathbb E[X_{i+1}|X_0,\cdots,X_i]=X_i.

More generally, a sequence of random variables Z0,Z1,Z_0,Z_1,\cdots is a martingale w.r.t. the sequence X0,X1,X_0,X_1,\cdots if for all n>0n\gt0 the following conditions hold:

  • ZnZ_n is a function of X0,,XnX_0,\cdots,X_n
  • E[Zn]\mathbb E[|Z_n|]\le\infty
  • E[Zn+1X0,,Xn]=Zn\mathbb E[Z_{n+1}|X_0,\cdots,X_n]=Z_n

Here are some example of martingales.

Gambler’s Fortune

A gambler plays a sequence of fair games. Let XiX_i be the amount that the gambler’s total winnings immediately after the ii-th game. Since the games are fair, E[Xi]=0\mathbb E[X_i]=0 and E[Zi+1X0,,Xi]=Zi+E[Xi+1]=Zi\mathbb E[Z_{i+1}|X_0,\cdots, X_i]=Z_i+\mathbb E[X_{i+1}]=Z_i, which shows that very finite sequence Z0,Z1,,ZnZ_0,Z_1,\cdots,Z_n is a martingale. This is a generalization of the simple random walk on a line. The gambler can use the past outcomes and any algorithm to calculate the amount of the next bet.

Balls and Bins

Suppose that we throw mm balls into nn bins independently and uniformly at random.

Consider the expected number of empty bins. Let XiX_i be the random variable representing the bin into which the ii-th ball falls. Let YY be a random variable representing the number of empty bins. Then the sequence of random variables

Zi=E[YX1,,Xi]Z_i=\mathbb E[Y|X_1,\cdots,X_i]

is a martingale. Clearly ZiZ_i is a function of the X1,,XiX_1,\cdots,X_i’s and has bounded expectation. Furthermore

E[Zi+1X1,,Xi]=E[E[YX1,,Xi,Xi+1]X1,,Xi]=E[YX1,,Xi]=Zi\mathbb E[Z_{i+1}|X_1,\cdots,X_i]=\mathbb E[\mathbb E[Y|X_1,\cdots,X_i,X_{i+1}]|X_1,\cdots,X_i]\\ =\mathbb E[Y|X_1,\cdots,X_i]=Z_i

We can view ZiZ_i as an estimate of YY after having observed the outcomes X1,,XiX_1,\cdots,X_i. At the beginning Z0Z_0 is a crude estimate, simply the expectation of YY. As we add more balls to the bins. ZiZ_i’s give improved estimates of YY, and at the end we get the exact value Zm=YZ_m=Y.

Doob Martingales

The balls and bins is a typical doob martingale. Doob martingales are processes in which we obtain a sequence of improved estimates of the value of a random variable as information about it is revealed progressively. More precisely, suppose YY is a r.v. that is a function of random variables X0,X1,X_0,X_1,\cdots. As we observe the sequence of random variables X0,,XnX_0,\cdots,X_n, we improve our estimates of YY. The sequence of the mean estimates

Zt=E[YX0,,Xt]Z_t=\mathbb E[Y|X_0,\cdots,X_t]

form a martingale w.r.t. the sequence X0,,XnX_0,\cdots,X_n (provided that ZtZ_t’s bounded). Indeed, when we argued that the balls and bins process is a martingale, we used no property of the experiment, therefore the following holds in general

E[Zt+1X0,,Xt]=E[E[YX0,,Xt,Xt+1]X0,,Xt]=E[YX0,,Xt]=Zt\mathbb E[Z_{t+1}|X_0,\cdots,X_t]\\ =\mathbb E[\mathbb E[Y|X_0,\cdots,X_t,X_{t+1}]|X_0,\cdots,X_t]\\ =\mathbb E[Y|X_0,\cdots,X_t]=Z_t

Azuma-Hoeffding Inequality

Let X0,,XnX_0,\cdots,X_n be a martingale s.t. XiXi1ci|X_i-X_{i-1}|\le c_i.

Then for any λ>0\lambda\gt0,

P(XnX0λ)exp(λ22i=1nci2),\mathbb P(X_n-X_0\ge\lambda)\le\exp(-\frac{\lambda^2}{2\sum_{i=1}^nc_i^2}),


P(XnX0λ)exp(λ22i=1nci2).\mathbb P(X_n-X_0\le-\lambda)\le\exp(-\frac{\lambda^2}{2\sum_{i=1}^nc_i^2}).

Proof of the first inequality, (similar proof for second inequality):

By applying Markov’s inequality to an appropriate random variable and it is similar to the proof of Chernoff’s bounds.

We use the variables Yi=XiXi1Y_i=X_i-X_{i-1}. The step of the proof:

  1. We use Chernoff bounds and instead of bounding P(XnX0λ)\mathbb P(X_n-X_0\ge\lambda), we bound P(exp(t(XnX0))exp(tλ))\mathbb P(\exp(t(X_n-X_0))\ge\exp(t\lambda)):

P(exp(t(XnX0))exp(tλ))exp(tλ)E[exp(t(XnX0))].\mathbb P(\exp(t(X_n-X_0))\ge\exp(t\lambda))\le\exp(-t\lambda)\mathbb E[\exp(t(X_n-X_0))].

Then focus on E[exp(t(XnX0))]\mathbb E[\exp(t(X_n-X_0))], which can be replaced by YiY_i’s

E[exp(t(XnX0))]=E[i=1nexp(tYi)],\mathbb E[\exp(t(X_n-X_0))]=\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^n\exp(tY_i)],

by telescoping, XnX0i=1n(XiXi1)=i=1nYiX_n-X_0\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-X_{i-1})=\sum_{i=1}^nY_i.

  1. We can’t use E[Y1Y2]=E[Y1]E[Y2]\mathbb E[Y_1Y_2]=\mathbb E[Y_1]\mathbb E[Y_2] since YiY_is are not independent. Consider the conditional expectation.

E[i=1nexp(tYi)X0,,Xn1]=(i=1n1exp(tYi))E[exp(tYn)X0,,Xn1]\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^n\exp(tY_i)|X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}]\\ =(\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\exp(tY_i))\mathbb E[\exp(tY_n)|X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}]

because for fixed X0,,Xn1X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}, all but the last factor in the product are constant and can be moved out.

Then find an upper bound on E[exp(tYn)X0,,Xn1]\mathbb E[\exp(tY_n)|X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}].

  • Observe that E[YiX0,,Xi1]=0\mathbb E[Y_i|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]=0 by martingale property.

    E[YiX0,,Xi1]=E[XiXi1X0,,Xi1]=E[XiX0,,Xi1]E[Xi1X0,,Xi1]=Xi1Xi1=0\mathbb E[Y_i|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]\\ =\mathbb E[X_i-X_{i-1}|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]\\ =\mathbb E[X_i|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]-\mathbb E[X_{i-1}|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]\\ =X_{i-1}-X_{i-1}=0

  • Then by the condition Yici|Y_i|\le c_i,


    for βi=(etci+etci)/2exp((tci)2/2)\beta_i=(e^{tc_i}+e^{-tc_i})/2\le\exp((tc_i)^2/2), γi=(etci+etci)/(2ci)\gamma_i=(e^{tc_i}+e^{-tc_i})/(2c_i). Then rewrite YiY_i as Yi=rci+(1r)(ci)Y_i=rc_i+(1-r)(-c_i), where r=1+Yi/ci2[0,1]r=\frac{1+Y_i/c_i}{2}\in[0,1], then use the convexity of etxe^{tx} to get

    etYiretci+(1r)etci=βi+γiYi.e^{tY_i}\le re^{tc_i}+(1-r)e^{-tc_i}\\ =\beta_i+\gamma_iY_i.

  • Combine the above to get

    E[etYiX0,,Xi1]E[βi+γiYiX0,,Xi1]=βiexp((tci)2/2).\mathbb E[e^{tY_i}|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]\le\mathbb E[\beta_i+\gamma_iY_i|X_0,\cdots,X_{i-1}]\\ =\beta_i\le\exp((tc_i)^2/2).

It follows that

E[i=1nexp(tYi)]=E[i=1n1exp(tYi)×exp(tYn)X0,,Xn1]E[i=1n1exp(tYi)]exp((tcn)2/2).\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^n\exp(tY_i)]=\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\exp(tY_i)\times\exp(tY_n)|X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}]\\ \le\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\exp(tY_i)]\exp((tc_n)^2/2).

  1. Then take expectations on both sides to get rid of the conditional expectation:

E[i=1nexp(tYi)]=E[E[i=1n1exp(tYi)X0,,Xn1]]E[i=1n1exp(tYi)]exp((tcn)2/2).\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^n\exp(tY_i)]=\mathbb E[\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\exp(tY_i)|X_0,\cdots,X_{n-1}]]\\ \le\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\exp(tY_i)]\exp((tc_n)^2/2).

  1. Then use same standard techniques
  • By induction: E[i=1nexp(tYi)]i=1nexp((tci2)/2)=exp(t2i=1nci2/2)\mathbb E[\prod_{i=1}^n\exp(tY_i)]\le\prod_{i=1}^n\exp((tc_i^2)/2)=\exp(t^2\sum_{i=1}^nc_i^2/2)
  • Therefore P(exp(t(XnX0))exp(λt))exp(λt)exp(t2i=1nci2/2)\mathbb P(\exp(t(X_n-X_0))\ge\exp(\lambda t))\le\exp(-\lambda t)\exp(t^2\sum_{i=1}^nc_i^2/2)
  • Set t=λ/i=1nci2t=\lambda/\sum_{i=1}^nc_i^2 to minimize the above expression and get the bound of the theorem.

Apply AH Bounds on Gambler’s Fortune

A gambler plays a sequence of fair games. We have seen that if ZiZ_i denotes the gambler’s total winnings immediately after the ii-th game, the sequence Z0,,ZnZ_0,\cdots,Z_n is a martingale. Suppose that the gambler has a very sophisticated algorithm to decide the amount that he bets every day that takes into account past bets and outcomes. Since the games are fair, the expected gain ZnZ_n is zero.

Winning is not concentrated around the mean value in general.

For example, the case that gambler puts higher and higher bets. Suppose now that there is a bound on the size of bets, By AH inequality, the final winnings are concentrated with high probability in [k,k][-k,k] where k=O(nlogn)k=O(\sqrt{n\log n}).