randomized ½ approximation for each problem


aka maximum satisfiability problem

  • Input consists of nn Boolean variables x1,,xnx_1,\cdots,x_n, mm clauses C1,,CmC_1,\cdots,C_m.
    • Clauses CjC_j consist of some number of variables and \or and a non-negative weight wjw_j.
  • The objective of the problem is to find an assignment of xix_i that maximizes the weight of the satisfied clauses.
  • A clause is said to be satisfied if one of the unnegated variables is set to true, or one of the negated variables is set to false.

Some terminology:

  • literal. A variable xix_i or a negated variable xˉi\bar x_i is a literal, so that each clause consists of some number of literals.
    • xix_i is called positive literal
    • xˉi\bar x_i is called negative literal
  • length. The number of literals in a clause. Length of CiC_i is lil_i.
  • Clause of length 1 is unit clause.

WLOG, assume that no literal is repeated in a clause, at most one of xix_i and xˉi\bar x_i appears in a clause.

Assume the clauses are distinct.

A very straightforward use of randomization: set each xix_i to true independently with probability 1/21/2.

🤔Theorem 1. Setting each xix_i to true with probability 1/21/2 independently gives a randomized 1/21/2-approximation algorithm for the MAX SAT problem.

Define indicator variable YjY_j: 11 if clause jj is satisfied and 00 otherwise.

Let WW be a random variable that is equal to the total weight of the satisfied clauses, so that W=jwjYjW=\sum_jw_jY_j.

Let OPTOPT denote the optimum value of the MAX SAT instance. Then, by linearity of expectation, and the definition of the expectation of 0-1 random variable, we know

E[W]=j=1mwjE[Yj]=j=1mwjPr[Cj is satisfied].\mathbb E[W]=\sum_{j=1}^mw_j\mathbb E[Y_j]=\sum_{j=1}^mw_j\Pr[C_j\text{ is satisfied}].

For each CjC_j, the probability that it is not satisfied is the probability that each positive literal in CjC_j is set to false and each negative literal is set to true, each of which happens with probability 1/21/2. Hence,

Pr[Cj is satisfied]=(1(12)lj)12,\Pr[C_j\text{ is satisfied}]=\left(1-(\frac{1}{2})^{l_j}\right)\ge\frac{1}{2},

where the last inequality is a consequence of the fact that lj1l_j\ge1. Hence,

E[W]12j=1mwj12OPT,\mathbb E[W]\ge\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j=1}^mw_j\ge\frac{1}{2}OPT,

where the last inequality follows from the fact that the total weight is an easy upper bound on the optimal value, since each weight is assumed to be non-negative.

If ljkl_j\ge k for each clause jj, the algorithm is a (1(12)k)\left(1-(\frac{1}{2})^k\right)-approximation algorithm for such instances. Thus the longer the clauses, the better the approximation.

Consider lj=3l_j=3 for all clauses, the problem turns into MAX E3SAT. By analysis above, this randomized algorithm gives guarantee of 7/87/8 approximation. Nothing better is possible for these instances unless P=NPP=NP.

🤔Theorem 2. If there is an (78+ϵ)(\frac{7}{8}+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for MAX E3SAT for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon\gt 0, then P=NPP=NP.


aka maximum cut problem

In this problem. the input is an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), along with a non-negative weight wij0w_{ij}\ge0 for each edge (i,j)E(i,j)\in E. The goal is to partition the vertex set into two parts UU and W=VUW=V-U, so as to maximize the weight of edges whose two endpoints are in different parts, one in UU and another in WW.

An edge with endpoints in both UU and WW is in the cut. In the case wij=1w_{ij}=1 for each edge E\in E, we have an unweighted MAX CUT problem.

We place each vertex vVv\in V into UU independently with probability 1/21/2. As with the MAX SAT algorithm, this can be viewed as sampling a solution uniformly form the space of all possible solutions.

🤔Theorem 3. If we place each vertex vVv\in V into UU independently with probability 1/21/2, then we obtain a randomized 1/21/2-approximation algorithm for the maximum cut problem.

Consider a random variable XijX_{ij} that is 11 if edge (i,j)(i,j) is in the cut, and 00 otherwise.

Let ZZ be the random variable equal to the total weight of edges in the cut, so that Z=(i,j)EwijXijZ=\sum_{(i,j)\in E}w_{ij}X_{ij}.

Let OPTOPT denote the optimal value of the maximum cut instance. Then, as before, by linearity of expectation and the definition of expectation of a 0-1 random variable, we get that

E[Z]=(i,j)EwijE[Xij]=(i,j)EwijPr[(i,j) in cut].\mathbb E[Z]=\sum_{(i,j)\in E}w_{ij}\mathbb E[X_{ij}]=\sum_{(i,j)\in E}w_{ij}\Pr[(i,j)\text{ in cut}].

The probability that a specific edge (i,j)(i,j) is in the cut: since the 2 endpoints are placed in the sets independently, they are in different sets with probability equal to 1/21/2. Hence,

E[Z]=12(i,j)Ewij12OPT,\mathbb E[Z]=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{(i,j)\in E}w_{ij}\ge\frac{1}{2}OPT,

where the inequality follows directly from the fact that the sum of the non-negative weights of all edges is obviously an upper bound on the weight of the edges in an optimal cut.


Randomized algorithm for MAX SAT can be derandomized by replacing the randomized decision of whether to set xix_i to true with a deterministic one that will preserve the expected value of the solution. The decisions will be made sequentially.

Assume that x1x_1 is fixed, and other variables will be set true with probability 1/21/2. Intuitively we should choose the value of x1x_1 which maximize the expected value of WW. In this way, we should maintain the algorithm that the expected value is at least half the optimum, while having fewer random variables left.

If E[Wx1true]E[Wx1false]\mathbb E[W|x_1\gets true]\ge\mathbb E[W|x_1\gets false], then we set x1x_1 to true, otherwise false. Then

E[W]=E[Wx1ture]Pr[x1true]+E[Wxfalse]Pr[x1flase]=12(E[Wx1true]+E[Wx1false])\mathbb E[W]=\mathbb E[W|x_1\gets ture]\Pr[x_1\gets true]+\mathbb E[W|x\gets false]\Pr[x_1\gets flase]\\ =\frac{1}{2}(\mathbb E[W|x_1\gets true]+\mathbb E[W|x_1\gets false])

By induction, we can set the sequence of variables better than 1/21/2.

Flipping Biased Coins

Consider MAX SAT instance with no unit clauses xˉi\bar x_i. (This condition can be moved)

Suppose we set each xix_i to be true independently with probability p>12p\gt\frac{1}{2}, then the probability that any given clause is satisfied is at least min(p,1p2)\min(p,1-p^2) for MAX SAT instances with no negated unit clauses.


对于只含一个变量的布尔表达式,满足的概率为 pp.

对于含有至少两个变量的布尔表达式,假设 xix_iaa 个,xˉj\bar x_jbb 个,则该表达式不满足的概率为:

Pr[Ck not satisfied]=(1p)apbpa+bp2Pr[Ck satisfied]1p2\Pr[C_k\text{ not satisfied}]=(1-p)^ap^b\le p^{a+b}\le p^2\\ \therefore\Pr[C_k\text{ satisfied}]\ge 1-p^2

现在就需要将 min(p,1p2)\min(p,1-p^2) 最大化。

Best performance is p=1p2p0.618p=1-p^2\Rarr p\approx0.618.

🤔Theorem 4. Setting each xix_i to true with probability pp independently gives a randomized min(p,1p2)\min(p,1-p^2)-approximation algorithm for MAX SAT instances with no negated unit clauses.

Let viv_i be the weight of the unit clause xˉi\bar x_i if it exists in the instance, and let viv_i be zero otherwise.

OPTOPT has a tighter bound: OPTj=1mwji=1nviOPT\le\sum_{j=1}^mw_j-\sum_{i=1}^nv_i.

Let UU be the set of indices of clauses of the instance excluding unit clauses of the form xˉi\bar x_i. WLOG the weight of each clause xˉi\bar x_i is no greater than the weight of clause xix_i. Thus jUwj=j=1mwji=1nvi\sum_{j\in U}w_j=\sum_{j=1}^mw_j-\sum_{i=1}^nv_i. Each xix_i is set to true with probability 0.6180.618. So the algorithm produces

E[W]=j=1mwjPr[Cj satisfied]jUmwjPr[Cj satisfied]pjUwj=p(j=1mwji=1nvi)pOPT.\mathbb E[W]=\sum_{j=1}^mw_j\Pr[C_j\text{ satisfied}]\\ \ge\sum_{j\in U}^mw_j\Pr[C_j\text{ satisfied}]\\ \ge p\cdot\sum_{j\in U}w_j\\ =p\cdot(\sum_{j=1}^mw_j-\sum_{i=1}^nv_i)\ge p\cdot OPT.

This algorithm can be derandomized using the method of conditional expectations.

Randomized Rounding

Biasing probability with which we set xix_i true yields an improved approximation algorithm. However, we gave each variable the same bias. We can do better by giving each variable its own bias!

Idea of randomized rounding:

  • First set up an integer programming formulation of the problem at hand in which there are 0-1 integer variables. 0-1 variable yiy_i for each Boolean variable xix_i s.t. yi=1y_i=1 corresponds to xix_i set true.
  • The integer program is relaxed to a linear program by replacing the constraints yi{0,1}y_i\in\{0,1\} with 0yi10\le y_i\le 1.
  • The fractional value yiy_i^* is interpreted as the probability that yiy_i should be set to 11. In this case we set each xix_i to true with probability yiy_i^* independently.

For MAX SAT problem, in addition to the variables yiy_i, we introduce a variable zjz_j for each CjC_j that will be 11 if the clause is satisfied and 00 otherwise. For each clause CjC_j let PjP_j be the indices of the variables xix_i that are positive, NjN_j be negated in the clause.

We denote the clause CjC_j by

\bigvee_{i\in P_j}x_i\or\bigvee_{i\in N_j}\bar x_i.

Then the inequality

iPjyi+iNj(1yi)zj\sum_{i\in P_j}y_i+\sum_{i\in N_j}(1-y_i)\ge z_j

must hold for CjC_j since if each variable that occurs positively in the clause is set to false and each variable that occurs negatively is set to true, then the clause is not satisfied, and zjz_j must be 00.

This yields integer programming formulation of MAX SAT problem:

  • maximize j=1mwjzj\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j
  • subject to iPjyi+iNj(1yi)zj\sum_{i\in P_j}y_i+\sum_{i\in N_j}(1-y_i)\ge z_j, \forall C_j=\bigvee_{i\in P_j}x_i\or\bigvee_{i\in N_j}\bar x_i,
  • yi{0,1},i=1,,ny_i\in\{0,1\},i=1,\cdots,n
  • 0zj1,j=1,,m0\le z_j\le 1,j=1,\cdots,m

ZLPZ^*_{LP} is the optimum value of this linear program LPLP, then clearly the optimum value of integer program (IP) ZIP=OPTZ^*_{IP}=OPT.

Let (y,z)(y^*,z^*) be the optimum value of solution to the linear programming, relaxation. Consider the result of using randomized rounding, and setting xix_i to true with probability yiy_i^* independently. Before we can begin the analysis, we will need 2 facts. The first is commonly called the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, because it compares the arithmetic and geometric means of a set of numbers.


If f(x)0x[0,1],f(0)=a,f(1)=b+af''(x)\le0\forall x\in[0,1],f(0)=a,f(1)=b+a, then f(x)bx+ax[0,1]f(x)\ge bx+a\forall x\in[0,1].

🤔Theorem 5. Randomized rounding gives a randomized (11e)(1-\frac{1}{e})-approximation algorithm for MAX SAT.

Applying arithmetic-geometric mean inequality:

Pr[Cj not satisfied]=iPj(1yi)iNjyi[1lj(iPj(1yi)+iNjyi)]lj\Pr[C_j\text{ not satisfied}]=\prod_{i\in P_j}(1-y_i^*)\prod_{i\in N_j}y_i^*\\ \le\left[\frac{1}{l_j}(\sum_{i\in P_j}(1-y_i^*)+\sum_{i\in N_j}y_i^*)\right]^{l_j}

By rearranging terms,

[1lj(iPj(1yi)+iNjyi)]lj=[11lj(iNj(1yi)+iPjyi)]lj\left[\frac{1}{l_j}(\sum_{i\in P_j}(1-y_i^*)+\sum_{i\in N_j}y_i^*)\right]^{l_j}=\left[1-\frac{1}{l_j}(\sum_{i\in N_j}(1-y_i^*)+\sum_{i\in P_j}y_i^*)\right]^{l_j}

By the inequality Optimum of LP \ge Optimum of IP, we see

Pr[Cj not satisfied](1zjlj)lj.\Pr[C_j\text{ not satisfied}]\le\left(1-\frac{z_j^*}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}.

Function f(zj)=1(1zjlj)ljf(z_j^*)=1-\left(1-\frac{z_j^*}{l_j}\right)^{l_j} is concave for lj1l_j\ge1, then

Pr[Cj satisfied]1(1zjlj)lj[(11lj)lj]zj.\Pr[C_j\text{ satisfied}]\ge1-\left(1-\frac{z_j^*}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}\\ \ge\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}\right]z_j^*.

Therefore the expected value of the randomized rounding algorithm is

E[W]=j=1mwjPr[Cj satisfied]j=1mwjzj[(11lj)lj]mink1[(11k)k]j=1mwjzj.\mathbb E[W]=\sum_{j=1}^mw_j\Pr[C_j\text{ satisfied}]\\ \ge\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j^*\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}\right]\\ \ge\min_{k\ge1}\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{k}\right)^{k}\right]\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j^*.

[(11k)k]\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{k}\right)^{k}\right] is non-increasing. It approaches 11e1-\frac{1}{e} from above as kk tends to infinity. Thus we have

E[W]mink1[(11k)k]j=1mwjzj(11e)OPT.\mathbb E[W]\ge\min_{k\ge1}\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{k}\right)^{k}\right]\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j^*\ge(1-\frac{1}{e})OPT.

This randomized rounding algorithm can be derandomized in the standard way using the method of conditional expectations.

这个证明不太优雅,其实可以用 exx+1e^x\ge x+1 进行放缩,将乘积化为 ee 的指数和的形式。

然后再用线性规划的结果至少优于整数线性规划的结果,得到 Pr[Ci(x)=1]1exp(zj)\Pr[C_i(x)=1]\ge1-\exp(-z_j^*)

Choosing the Better of 2 Solutions

Consider a given clause CjC_j of length ljl_j. The randomized rounding algorithm satisfies the clause with probability at least [(11lj)lj]zj\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}\right]z_j^*, while the unbiased randomized algorithm satisfies the clause with probability 12lj(12lj)zj1-2^{-l_j}\ge(1-2^{-l_j})z_j^*.

When the clause is short, it is very likely to be satisfied by the randomized rounding algorithm, tough not by the unbiased randomized algorithm. When the clause is long, the opposite is true.

🤔Theorem 6. Choosing the better of the two solutions given by the randomized rounding algorithm and the unbiased randomized algorithm yields a randomized 3/43/4-approximation algorithm for MAX SAT.

Let W1W_1 be a random variable denoting the value of the solution by randomized rounding algorithm.

Let W2W_2 be the results of unbiased randomized algorithm. To show:

E[max(W1,W2)]34OPT\mathbb E[\max(W_1,W_2)]\ge\frac{3}{4}OPT\\

Observe that

E[max(W1,W2)]E[12(W1+W2)]=12E[W1]+12E[W2]12j=1mwjzj[(11lj)lj]+12j=1mwj(12lj)j=1mwjzj[12(1(11lj)lj)+12(12lj)].\mathbb E[\max(W_1,W_2)]\ge\mathbb E[\frac{1}{2}(W_1+W_2)]\\ =\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[W_1]+\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[W_2]\\ \ge\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j^*\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{l_j}\right)^{l_j}\right]+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j=1}^mw_j(1-2^{-l_j})\\ \ge\sum_{j=1}^mw_jz_j^*\left[\frac{1}{2}\left(1-(1-\frac{1}{l_j})^{l_j}\right)+\frac{1}{2}(1-2^{-l_j})\right].

Claim that


for all positive integers ljl_j.


Notice that taking the best solution of the two derandomized algorithms gives at least half of sum of two results.

Thus taking the best solution of the two derandomized algorithms is a deterministic 3/43/4-approximation algorithm.

Non-linear Randomized Rounding

3/43/4-approximation algorithm for MAX SAT can be obtained by using randomized rounding with a non-linear function ff.

ff is a function from [0,1][0,1] to [1,0][1,0]

Select ff s.t. 14yf(y)4y11-4^{-y}\le f(y)\le 4^{y-1} for every y[0,1]y\in[0,1]. Such an ff does exist.

Use the similar analysis of linear randomized rounding.