
Random Access Machine Model

standard theoretical model of computation

  • infinite memory
  • uniform access cost

simple model crucial for success of computer industry

Hierarchical Memory

modern machines have complicated memory hierarchy

  • levels get larger and slower further away from CPU
  • data moved between levels using large blocks

many issues influence performance

  • cache misses, TLB misses, branch mis-predictions etc.

Disk access is 10610^6 slower than main memory access

important to store/access data to take advantage of blocks

Scalability problems

most programs developed in RAM-model

  • run on large dataset because OS moves blocks as needed

modern OS utilize sophisticated paging and pre-fetching strategies

  • but if program makes scattered accesses even good OS can’t take advantage of block access

I/O Model

NN num of items in the problem instance

BB num of items per disk block

MM num of items that fit in main memory

TT num of items in output

I/O: move block between memory and disk

assume that M>B2M\gt B^2

Fundamental bounds

sortingNlogNN\log NNBlogM/BNB\frac{N}{B}\log_{M/B}\frac{N}{B}


  • Linear I/O O(N/B)O(N/B)
  • Permuting not linear
  • Permuting and sorting bounds are equal in all practical cases
  • cannot sort optimally with search tree

Large difference between NN and N/BN/B!!!

Queue and Stacks


  • maintain push and pop blocks in main memory O(1/B)O(1/B)


  • maintain push and pop block in main memory O(1/B)O(1/B)


  • <M/B<M/B sorted lists and be merged in O(N/B)O(N/B) I/O
  • unsorted list can be distributed using <M/B<M/B split elements in O(N/B)O(N/B) I/O

Merge sort

  • create N/MN/M memory sized sorted lists
  • repeatedly merge lists together Θ(M/B)\Theta(M/B) at a time

Multi-way quick-sort

  • compute Θ(M/B)\Theta(M/B) splitting elements
  • distribute unsorted list into Θ(M/B)\Theta(M/B) unsorted lists of equal size
  • recursively split lists until fit in memory

Computing splitting elements

in internal memory: linear time selection

selection algorithm: finding i-th element in sorted order

  1. select median of every group of 5 elements
  2. recursively select median of N/5N/5 selected elements
  3. distribute elements into 2 lists using computed median
  4. recursively select in one of two lists.


  • step 1 and 3 performed in O(N/B)O(N/B) I/O
  • step 4 recursion on at most 710N\sim\frac{7}{10}N

T(N)=O(N/B)+T(N/5)+T(7N/10)=O(N/B)T(N)=O(N/B)+T(N/5)+T(7N/10)=O(N/B) I/O



Intro and Motivation

2 trends:

  • Parallelism
  • Non-Uniform Memory Access, caches…

start with 2 level of memory

I/O Model

  • slow but large mem
  • fast but limited mem of size MM
  • block transfer of O(B)O(B) elements at a time

block transfer is a common architectural phenomenon

I/O algorithms borrowed from PRAM

I/O Model

aka external memory model

input size: NN

memory size: MM

blocked storage, block size: BB

fixed cost to read/write one block

almost the same as pre-learning…


store N items (values)

search for a key (value)


  • O(logN)O(\log N) search

  • O(logN+K)O(\log N+K) report values in an interval

static, blocking:

  • O(logn)O(\log n) search
  • O(logn+K/B)O(\log n+K/B) report values in an interval

Dynamic Search Tree

like Splay tree.

rotation destroys blocking!


(a,b)-tree (a>=2, b>=2*a-1)

  • completely balanced
  • leaves store between a and b values
  • except root, degrees between a and b
  • root degree between 2 and b
  • ordered like a search tree


  • search and insert in a leaf v
  • if v not overflowing done!
  • else split v


  • split v into two
  • add a key to parent of v
  • recurse into parent of v


  • search and delete from a leaf v
  • if v not underflowing done!
  • else re-balance b

Buffer Trees

idea: to be lazy