丹麦语 DU 3.3 11 Jobansøgning
Tekst-struktur i jobansøgning 写求职信,是 DU 3.3 的一大考点。 Jobansøgning Hovedoverskrift, der fortæller. Hvilken stilling, du søger. 标题写清楚要找什么职位 F.eks. Ansøgning om stilling som kok på restaurant ‘Blixen’ Att.: (attention) + titel, for- og efternavn på den, du skriver til. 这里要写完整收件人的头衔和全名 Skriv, hvad der motiverer dig, og hvad du kan tilbyde firmaet. 求职动机、你可以为单位提供什么 Vælg en overskrift med kompetencer, der matcher firmaets behov. Beskriv kort de kompetencer/erfaringer, du har fra tidligere job, projek ...
算法和计算复杂度 14 SAT Problem
Boolean satisfiability is prototypical NPNPNP-complete problem. There is no algorithm deciding SATSATSAT in worst case in polynomial time unless P=NPP=NPP=NP. We always assume that P≠NPP\neq NPP=NP. For SATSATSAT problem, SOTA algorithm uses time 2(1−1O(log(m/n)))nmO(1)2^{(1-\frac{1}{O(\log(m/n))})n}m^{O(1)}2(1−O(log(m/n))1)nmO(1). For special case of kSATkSATkSAT, there are faster algorithms, but all take time 2(1−ck)n2^{(1-\frac{c}{k})n}2(1−kc)n for some constant 0<c<k0\lt c\lt k0< ...
Fair AI/ML 6 Some Open Problems about Non-centroid Clustering
In this post, we focus on upper and lower bound of core where non-clusterings are. Let the loss (or cost) function for every data points be maximum distance between any other points and itself: ℓi(S)=maxj∈Sd(i,j).\ell_i(S)=\max_{j\in S}d(i,j). ℓi(S)=j∈Smaxd(i,j). We have known that a clustering in the exact core must exist given N,kN,kN,k. For the approximation of core: The Greedy Capture algorithm computes the upper bound of 222 in polynomial time. And it have the lower bound of 111. What ab ...
Efficient ReliK 4 Sampling Optimization
What is heur? By default, heur is set to binomial. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146def binomial(u: str, v: str, M: nx.MultiDiGraph, models: list[object], entity_to_id_map: object, relation_to_id_map: o ...
丹麦语 DU 3.3 10 Job og kompetencer
Jobannoncer ansvarsbevidst -, -e 负责任的,有责任感的 gå-på-mod -et 主观能动性 kundskab -en, -er, -erne 认知,知识 så hurtigt som muligt 越快越好 weekendvagt 值周末班 ansigt -et, -er, -erne 脸,面部 udadtil 外部的 præsentabel -t, præsentable 像样的,体面的 serviceminded -, -e 服务态度好的 selvstændig = selbständig 自主的,独立的 afvekslende = abwechselnd 交替的 gyldig -t, -e = gültig 有效的 opholds- og arbejdstilladelse -n, -r, -rne 居留和工作许可 afløser -en, -e, -ne 继承人,替代者 vikariat -et, -er, -erne 临时工 tiltrædelse -n, -r, -rne 担任,加入 forlængelse -n, -r, -rne 延 ...
算法和计算复杂度 12 PCP-based Inapproximability
For MAXCLIQUEMAXCLIQUEMAXCLIQUE problem. A constant factor polynomial-time approximation algorithm doesn’t exist unless NP∈DTIME(2(logn)O(1))NP\in DTIME(2^{(\log n)^{O(1)}})NP∈DTIME(2(logn)O(1)), based on the theorem that NP⊆PCP((logn)O(1),(logn)O(1))NP\subseteq PCP((\log n)^{O(1)},(\log n)^{O(1)})NP⊆PCP((logn)O(1),(logn)O(1)). Use a different approach the final PCPPCPPCP theorem implies that a constant factor polynomial-time approximation algorithm for MAXE3SATMAXE3SATMAXE3SAT doesn’t exist ...
算法和计算复杂度 13 Random Access Machine
More precise model Problem of integer multiplication. Registers can contain arbitrary integers. Consider repeated squaring to number 222. After just nnn multiplications, the resulting number is 22n2^{2^n}22n, a doubly exponential large number in nnn. This requires exponential number of bits. A RAM has an infinite sequence of registers each able to contain an arbitrary non-negative integer. Machine is controlled by a program consisting of a list of instructions. Registers can be added or subtrac ...
Fair AI/ML 5 PROP in Non-Centroid Clustering
Read the paper Proportional Fairness in Non-Centroid Clustering by Caragiannis et al. This paper was accepted in NeurIPS 2024! Introduction nnn points, kkk clusters C=(C1,⋯ ,Ck)C=(C_1,\cdots,C_k)C=(C1,⋯,Ck), distance metric ddd. kkk-means objective: ∑i=1k1∣Ci∣⋅∑x,y∈Cid(x,y)2\sum_{i=1}^k\frac{1}{|C_i|}\cdot\sum_{x,y\in C_i}d(x,y)^2∑i=1k∣Ci∣1⋅∑x,y∈Cid(x,y)2. Scenario in which there are no cluster centers. Question: Can we obtain PROP guarantee for non-centroid clustering? Do the algorithm ...
丹麦语 DU 3.3 9 Jobsøgning
Edison søger job krævende 苛求的 et par måneder 几个月 indtil 直到 vikariat -et, -er, -erne 临时职位 kvalifikation -en, -er, -erne 资格 rutinepræget -, …prægede 固定程序的,无脑的 utilfredsstillende 令人不满意的 afvekslende adv 交互,交替 udfordrende 有挑战的 allerførst -, -e 首先,第一 personlighed -en, -er, -erne 个性,性格 kompetence -n, -r, -rne 能力,权力,专长 overfladisk -, -e 皮毛的,浅层次的,表面的 nysgerrig -t, -e 好奇的 indadvendt -, - 内向的 udadvendt -, - 外向的 målrettet -, målrettede 坚定的,果断的 resultatorienteret 以结果为导向的 holdspiller -en, -e, -ne 团队成员 mene 认 ...
算法和计算复杂度 11 Probabilistic Checkable Proofs
Proof systems where a polynomial-time probabilistic verifier can spot-check a given written proof by inspecting a few randomly selected symbols of the proof. Cost: Introducing some error. 📖Definition 48 (PCP verifier). A (non-adaptive) PCP verifier VVV is a polynomial-time probabilistic Turing machine equipped with an additional random access proof tape together with a write-only query tape and a read-only answer tape. Two additional states: query state and continue state. The symbols on the pr ...