The Existence of Core

Is the core empty?

In the paper, we have proved that Greedy Capture computes 22-core in O(kn)O(kn) time for maximum distance loss.

❓Is the 22 the lower bound for code?

Special Case: Binary Distance Value

Consider a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), where for every pair i,jVi,j\in V, (i,j)E(i,j)\in E if dist(i,j)=1dist(i,j)=1, else dist(i,j)=2dist(i,j)=2.

If there exist a graph such that no matter how we assign the clusters, there always exist a clique of size at least n/k\lceil n/k\rceil, then the lower bound of 22 is proved.

Split&Merge Algorithm

In any given aforementioned graph GG, the cluster in the core always exist. (But this can not prove the actual core always exist.)

Consider the algorithm below:

Algorithm Split-and-Merge:

Input: Graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), kk

Output: Clustering C=(C1,,Ck)C=(C_1,\cdots,C_k) in the actual core

  1. n#V,C,Xn\gets\#V,C\gets\empty,X\gets\empty
  2. while XVX\neq V, do // SPLIT PHASE
    • CMAXCLIQUE(VX,E)C'\gets MAXCLIQUE(V\diagdown X,E)
    • CC{C}C\gets C\cup\{C'\}
    • XXCX\gets X\cup C'
  3. while C>k|C|\gt k, do // MERGE PHASE
    • c1argmincCc,c2argmincC{c1}c,c=c1c2c_1\gets\arg\min_{c\in C}|c|,c_2\gets\arg\min_{c\in C\diagdown\{c_1\}}|c|,c'=c_1\cup c_2
    • CC{c1,c2},CC{c}C\gets C\diagdown\{c_1,c_2\},C\gets C\cup \{c'\}
  4. return CC

Analysis of Split&Merge

It’s straightforward to see that Split&Merge is a greedy algorithm.

Since Split&Merge uses MAXCLIQUEMAXCLIQUE as an oracle, it is a NP solution.

🎯Theorem: Split-and-Merge always return the cluster in the actual core.

Claim: If a set of points form a cluster, which means, the cost of everybody is 11. All of them have no incentive to form a coalition with anyone outside of the clique.

Thus before merging, any subset of VV that intersects at least two item-sets in CC, can not be a clique.

❗By pigeonhole principle, before merging, any item-set in CC with size already greater than n/k\lceil n/k\rceil would not be picked in the merge phase! All data points in these clusters have no incentive to deviate.

In the merge phase, every point who would have been merged have the cost 22. But they can not find other points to form a clique with size at least n/k\lceil n/k\rceil.

If there exist a clique with size at least n/k\lceil n/k\rceil in the merge phase, by pigeonhole principle and the property of maximum clique, it should be chosen in the split phase. Which leads to a contradiction.

🤔Can we extend Split&Merge to more general cases?

Special Case: Trinary Distance Value

Consider a group of points NN, for every pair of points, their distance can only be 1,2,21,\sqrt2,2. (Now matter how the distances are, they always subject to triangle inequality)

If there exists an instance, where no matter how we assign kk clusters, the approximation of core cannot be better than 2\sqrt2, then we prove that the bound for inapproximability of core is 2\sqrt2.

It seems that we can extend Split&Merge in this case to produce clustering in the core.

Extend Split&Merge for Trinary Distance Value

The extended version of Split&Merge:

Input: kk and the distance between each pair of points

  1. construct a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), where VV corresponds to the set of data points. For a pair i,jVi,j\in V, there is an edge (i,j)E(i,j)\in E if the distance between ii and jj is 11.
  2. XV,CX\gets V,C\gets\empty
  4. while cn/k|c|\ge\lceil n/k\rceil do // find the clique of distance 11 with large enough size
    • CC{c}C\gets C\cup\{c\}
    • XXcX\gets X\diagdown c
  5. construct a graph G=(X,E)G'=(X,E), where XX corresponds to the free data points. For a pair i,jVi,j\in V, there is an edge (i,j)E(i,j)\in E if the distance between ii and jj is either 11 or 2\sqrt2
  6. CC'\getsSplit&Merge(G,kC)(G',k-|C|) // run Split&Merge on remaining points
  7. CCCC\gets C\cup C'
  8. return CC

Analysis Split&Merge for Trinary Case

For simplicity, we introduce the notation of core-violator: A core-violator is a subset SNS\subseteq N with size n/k\ge\lceil n/k\rceil, where each point in SS has a strictly better cost if they are clustered together.

🤔Claim: extended version of Split&Merge always return a clustering in the core.

Assume that Split&Merge returns a clustering not in the core. Which means there exist a core-violator SS.

  • Since the minimal distance is 11 and the cost of each points in the clique in CC is exactly 11 before Split&Merge, core-violator can’t exist there.

  • The only possible existence of core-violator is in the Split&Merge step.

    • Claim: It is not possible that the a free point at step 5 can collude with any point in the clique formed in step 4.
    • The only possible core-violator can formed only among free points at step 5.
    • ❗️By the property of step 4, any subset of free points at step 5 can not form a core-violator with distance 11 between any pair. Otherwise they they should be clustered in step 4.
      • Thus, the possible core-violator must contain a free point improving cost from 22 to 2\sqrt2, meaning that there exist a large enough clique in GG' after the merge phase.
      • By pigeonhole principle, this contradicts the property of split phase (This large enough clique must be chosen in split phase).

Thus the extended version of Split&Merge guarantees the core property.

❓Can we further extend Split&Merge to general cases where there are n(n1)/2n(n-1)/2 distances?

The answer is YES if I can successfully extend splir&merge to general cases

Extend Split&Merge to General Cases

For nn data points in a metric space, given number of clusters kk.

We construct the complete weighted undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) where VV corresponds to the set of data points, for each pair (i,j)E(i,j)\in E, the weight is the distance between ii and jj. There are n(n1)/2n(n-1)/2 edges in GG.

First, we sort the edges by weight.

Start from another graph with VV and no edge. We iteratively add an edge from the scratch in the ascending order.

  • At each time, we check whether there exist a clique of size at least n/k\lceil n/k\rceil.
    • If so, we immediately include them into a cluster and delete them temporarily.

🤔Intuitively I think this extension outputs a cluster in the core. But I haven’t well organized a formal proof.