算法博弈论 W43 Multi-parameter mechanism design
Multi-parameter mechanism design Multi-parameter environments nnn strategic participants or agents finite set Ω\OmegaΩ of outcomes (could be very large) each agent iii has a private non-negative valuations vi(ω)v_i(\omega)vi(ω) for each outcome ω∈Ω\omega\in\Omegaω∈Ω. the social welfare of outcome ω∈Ω\omega\in\Omegaω∈Ω is defined as ∑i=1nvi(ω)\sum_{i=1}^nv_i(\omega)∑i=1nvi(ω). Single-item auctions nnn bidders (agents) set Ω\OmegaΩ consists of n+1n+1n+1 possible outcomes the valuatio ...
计算机视觉 W43 CNN architectures
This class will introduce some typical CNNs. Transfer learning pre-train finetune replace decoder and train it. time saving Examples reinitialize and train only the last few fully connected layer. encoder: more generic features (edge, blob, texture) decoder: more specific features (object parties) transfer learning freeze the encoder, whereas fine tuning unfreeze encoder. AlexNet 1998, first CNN. conv filter 5*5, stride 1 subsampling layers were 2*2 applied at stride 2. architecture: conv-poo ...
丹麦语 DU 3.1 Bolig og lokalområde, Uddannelse og arbejde
Bolig og lokalområde en ejendom 房产 en lejlighed 公寓 en opgang 楼梯 et kollegieværelse 宿舍 et hus i byen 城里的一套房 et hus på landet 乡下的一套房 Rum/Værelser 房间名称 en entré 入口 en gang 过道 et køkken 厨房 en spisestue 餐厅 et bryggers 杂物间 et badeværelse 浴室 et toilet 厕所 en stue 房间 et soveværelse 卧室 et børneværelse 儿童房 et kontor 办公室 et arbejdsværelse 工作室,自习室 Køkkenet 厨房中的物品名称 et køkkenbord 厨台 et køleskab 冰箱 en fryser 冰柜 et komfur 灶 en ovn 烤箱 et køkkenskab 橱柜 en skuffe 抽屉 en termokande 热水瓶 en tallerken 碟子 en kniv 刀 ...
计算几何 W41 Polygon Triangulation
DCEL Definition a planar subdivision in a complex structure 平面剖分 components: vertices faces edges store two copies of each edge (opposite directions) one copy of edge for each adjacent face the adjacent face is always to the right edges are clockwise around each face 很巧妙,所有面都有一个顺时针的环构成 an edge points to twin, adjacent face, start and end points e.twin,e.face,e.start,e.end twin 指的是相同端点,方向相反的边 edge around a face are in a linked-list each vertex points to an out-going adjacent edge each face ...
丹麦语 DU 3.1 Med bussen, Mad og indkøb, Sundhed og livsstil
Med Bussen venter 等待 til sidst 终于 lukker 关闭 bevægelse og bevægelsesretning går ned 向下走 går op 向上走 går hen 向前走 går ud 向后走 går ind 向里走 Han rejser sig (op). 他起立。 Han sætter sig (ned). 他坐下。 går (hen) til 过去 går (væk) fra 离开 går igennem 通过 går forbi 经过 står på 上车 = går ind i bussen står af 下车 = går ud af bussen Retnings- og stedsadverbier 方向和地点副词,有长形式和短形式之分。当动作产生位移的时,用短形式表方向 Retning;当动作没有产生位移时,用长形式表地点 Sted “静长动短” Kort form (retning) Lang form (sted) hjem 回家 hjemme 在家 hen 向前 henne 在前 ind ...
算法博弈论 W41 Exercise, examples, Q&A
Exercise Exercise 3.4 sponsored search auctions nnn bidders, nnn slots. each bidder iii has a value of viv_ivi. the j-th slot has CTR aja_jaj, with a1≥a2≥⋯≥ana_1\ge a_2\ge\cdots\ge a_na1≥a2≥⋯≥an maximize social welfare denoting by δ(i)\delta(i)δ(i) the slot bidder iii occupies, this means that the quantity ∑iaδ(i)vi\sum_ia_{\delta(i)}v_i∑iaδ(i)vi is as high as possible Q: design a DSIC mechanism that maximizes social welfare allocation rule should be monotone. focus on bidder iii and c ...
计算机视觉 W41 Training ConvNet (2)
Training pipeline set up architecture i.e. computational graph train using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) loop: sample a batch of images forward propagation it through network, get loss back propagation to calculate the gradient update parameters using the gradient Be careful activation function ReLU, careful with learning rates - leaky ReLU try tanh don’t use sigmoid data regularization always use zero-center data normalize to control variance apply the same pre-processing ...
计算几何 W40 Linear Programming
阅读材料 课堂笔记 Convex Hull and Sorting convex hull algorithms: O(nlogn)O(n\log n)O(nlogn). can we do better? convex hull of points is equivalent to sorted numbers. O(nlogn)O(n\log n)O(nlogn) worst-case is optimal. fewer than n points on the hull O(nlogh)O(n\log h)O(nlogh)? Marriage Before Conquest MbC(P:l,r): find Upper Hull of P from x-coordinates l to r find median x-coordinate xmx_mxm. partition into Pl,PrP_l,P_rPl,Pr. O(n)O(n)O(n) times find the bridge, uv, over xmx_mxm. remove the ...
丹麦语 DU 3.1 将来时/过去时
I klassen 2 一些日常用语 Tak. 谢谢。 Selv tak. 不用谢。 Ja selvfølgelig. 当然。 Undskyld. 对不起。 Det er i orden. 没关系。 Modalverber kan 能够 skal 必须,应该 vil 将要,将会 må 可以 情态动词后接动词不定式 infinitiv Ordstilling: S - V1 - V2 Han kan tale tysk. De vil tag bussen. Spørgsmål: V1 - S - V2 Kan han tale tysk? Vil de tag bussen? 动词的命令式 imperativ,不定式 infinitiv,现在时 nutid Imperativ - Infinitiv -e Nutid -er tal at tale taler kom at komme kommer tag at tage tager bo at bo bor 命令式就是动词的词根 Planer/ønsker med ‘skal’ og ‘ ...
算法博弈论 W40 Simple Near-Optimal Auctions
Revenue-maximizing auction Disadvantages somehow complicated require detailed information about the probability distributions of the valuations much different than the format used in practice. Review allocation rule: x(v)=argmaxX∑iφi(vi)⋅xi(v)\mathbf x(\mathbf v)=\arg\max_X\sum_i\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v)x(v)=argmaxX∑iφi(vi)⋅xi(v). for profile v\mathbf vv, φi(vi)=vi−1−Fi(vi)fi(vi)\varphi_i(v_i)=v_i-\frac{1-F_i(v_i)}{f_i(v_i)}φi(vi)=vi−fi(vi)1−Fi(vi) is the virtual val ...