计算机视觉 W46 Visualizing and understanding CNNs
Why visualizing
The inner workings of ConvNets
After training, each layer progressively extracts higher and higher-level features of the image, until the final layer essentially makes a decision on what the image shows.
early layers: features like “corners” and “blobs”
late layers: semantic like “wheel” and “door”. assemble features into complete interpretations
why visualize CNN?
with neural networks we have little insight about learning and internal operation
through visualization, we may:
- observe how input stimuli excite the individual feature maps
- observe the evolution of features during training
- make better network designs
as a bonus we can derive techniques for Neural Style Transfer and Texture Synthesis.
debugging deep neural network is tricky, because they are not invertible: many different inputs could have generated a particular output.
Visualizing layer activations
the layer activation (aka feature map) is the output of the convolution operation
Layer activations
the most straight-forward visualization technique is to show the activations of the network during the forward pass.
given an input image, plot what each filter has extracted after a convolution operation in each layer.
ConvNets acts as information distillation 信息蒸馏 pipelines, where the input image is being converted to a domain, which is visually less interpretable but mathematically useful for the network to make a choice from the output classes in its last layer.
using layer activations to monitor training
- For ReLU networks, the activations usually start out looking relatively blobby and dense, butt as the training progresses the activations usually become more sparse and localized.
- one dangerous pitfall: easily noticed that with this visualization is that some activation maps may be all zero for many different inputs, which can indicate dead filters, and can be a symptom of high learning rates.
Visualizing filters
convolution reflects the similarity between input and output
by visualizing filters/kernels we get an idea of what pattern each layer has learned to extract from the input.
typical-looking filters on the first convolution layer of a trained AlexNet
notice that the weights are very nice and smooth, indicating nicely converged network
Not converged network:
- working with image pixels it can be helpful and satisfying to plot the first-layer features visually.
- noisy feature could indicate
- not converged network
- improperly st learning rate
- very low weight regularization penalty
the filter weight are useful to visualize because well-trained networks usually display nice and smooth filters without any noisy pattern
noisy patterns can be an indicator of a network that hasn’t been trained for long enough. or possibly a very low regularization strength that may have led to overfitting
Inspecting fully connected layers
the objective of fully connected layers is to take the results of the convolution/pooling process and use them to classify the image into a label
one-way to inspect an FC layer is as follows
- choose a layer. for AlexNet and VGG, FC layers output a 1000 or 4096 dimensional feature vector for each image.
- run the network on many images and collect the feature vectors
- run KNN
- for a given test image, compare with nearest neighbors. check similarity.
KNN finds images with similar feature representation
the similarities should be class-based and semantic, rather than pixel and color-based
Feature visualization using dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality reduction
another way to visualize learned feature representation (typically FC layers) is by reducing the dimensionality of feature vectors from high to 2 dimensions
simple algorithm: PCA, aka principal component analysis
PCA is a technique for reducing the number of dimensions in a dataset whilst retaining most information
use correlation between some dimensions and tries to provide a minimum number of variables that keeps the maximum amount of variation or information about how the original data is distributed.
use eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the data’s covariance matrix.
aka t-distributed stochastic neighboring entities
another technique for dimensionality reduction and is particularly well suited for the visualization of high-dimensional dataset
contrary to PCA it’s not an analytical technique but a probabilistic one.
observations that are close in the high-dimensional space will also be close in the low-dimensional space
t-SNE can help us understand what a particular CNN has learned
specifically, the t-SNE embedding gives us a rough idea of the topology of the learned representation
Maximally activating patches
take a large dataset of images, feed them through the network and keep track of which images maximally activate some neuron.
we can then visualize the images to get an understanding of what the neuron is looking for in its receptive field.
Receptive field
one of the most important concepts in CNN
all of the state-of-art object recognition methods design their model architectures around this idea.
definition: the receptive field is defined as the region in the input space that a particular CNN feature is looking at.
a receptive field of a feature can be described by its center location and its size.
we can see from images that earlier layers learn more fundamental features, late layers learn more complex feautures
ZF Net
deconvolution was introduced in ZF Net to derive an improved AlexNet
the objective of this is to project hidden feature maps back into the original input space.
this allows us to visualize the activation functions of a specific filter
- deconvnet is attached to each of its layers
- input image is presented to the convnet
- to examine a given convnet activation, we set all other activations in the layer to zero and pass the feature maps as input to the attached deconvnet layer.
Max unpooling
the max-pooling is non-invertible
switch variables - record the locations of maximal
it places the reconstructed features into the recorded locations
signals go through a ReLU operation to keep values positive
use of transposed conv
- Filters are flipped horizontally and vertically.
- Transposed convolution projects feature maps back to input space.
- Transposed convolution corresponds to the back-propagation of the gradient (an analogy from MLPs)
Saliency maps
what is saliency: saliency maps tell us how different image regions affect the predicted class label.
Saliency via occlusion
simple idea - mask part of the image before feeding to CNN, check how much predicted probabilities change.
we iterate over regions of the image, set a patch of the image to be all zero, and look at the probability of the class.
we can visualize the probability as a 2-dimensional heat map
Reconstruction-based visualization techniques
Inverting ConvNets
basic idea: generate an image from latent features
the input is the content image that we want to reconstruct
job is to find such is has latent features similar to those of .
could use any pre-trained CNN
Let denote the output of layer of our CNN when is input.
Let denote the output of layer when is the input
job is to generate an image s.t.
minimize: (Frobenius Norm: )
we can regularize this optimization procedure using a norm regularizer.
and/or a total variation regularizer that encourages the image to be piece-wise constant:
steps for image reconstruction
- initialize with random noise
- feed forward pass the image
- compute the loss function
- compute gradients of the cost and backpropagate to input space
- update generated image with a gradient step
- repeat step 2 - 5 until convergence
shed light on the information represented at each layer
more invariant and abstract notion of image content is formed in the network
Reconstruction-based filter visualization
interpretations of VGG filter visualization
initial layer: simple directional edges and colors
deeper: more complex shapes
a lot of these filters are identical but rotated.
Class-based reconstruction
start with an image full of random noise, then gradually tweak the image towards what the neural net considers a banana.
impose a prior constraint that the image should have similar statistics to natural images.
Breaking CNNs with adversarial attacks
通过给图像加噪点,使得 CNN 判别错误
Insights to generate new images
ask network to enhance whatever it detected.
If we choose higher-level layers, which identify more sophisticated features in images, complex features or even whole objects tend to emerge.
Texture synthesis
to generate high perceptual quality images that imitate a given texture.
Neural style transfer
to have a better understanding of ConvNets
visualization techniques can be used to
- observe how input stimuli excite the individual feature maps and class label predictions
- observe the evolution of features during training
- make better network designs