Today we start to consider other topic than mechanism design.
Review of Braess’ paradox
A road network for sending traffic from location s to location t
Latency of the long wide road: 1 hour
Latency of the short narrow road: x hours, where x is the fraction traffic
graph TD
1-->|short narrow road|3
1-->|long wide road|4
3-->|long wide road|2
4-->|short narrow road|2
Travel time: 1.5 hours 因为均衡:左边多了会有人到右边,右边多了会有人到左边
If authority build a very fast short-cut from A to B:
graph TD
1-->|short narrow road|3
1-->|long wide road|4
3-->|long wide road|2
4-->|short narrow road|2
All users have an incentive to use the new road
假设只走左边的有 α,只走右边的有 β,使用传送节点的有 1−α−β。
New travel time: 2 hours
Price of anarchy: quantifies inefficiencies
Here, price of anarchy=34.
Pigou’s example
One unit of traffic from s to t.
graph TD
1-->|c ( x ) =1|2
1-->|c ( x ) =x|2
Equilibrium: all traffic uses the lower path (x=100%, travel time = 1)
Optimal route (i.e., minimizing average travel time): half traffic through the left path, half traffic from the right path.
Optimal average travel time =43
Price of anarchy =34
What if for short path, c(x)=xp?
graph TD
1-->|c ( x ) =1|2
1-->|c ( x ) =x^p|2
Optimal route: some traffic through the left path, some traffic through the right path.
Average travel time=1×(1−x)+x×xp
Optimal average time = minimal of average travel time =(p+11)pp+1−(p+11)p1+1
Price of anarchy depends on p
Ingredients of a Pigou-like network
- Two nodes, s and t
- Two edges between s and t, called the upper (left) and lower (right) path
- A non-negative traffic rate r
- A cost function c(⋅) on the lower path
- Constant cost function equal to c(r) on the upper path
graph TD
1-->|c ( r )|2
1-->|c ( x )|2
The PoA of a Pigou-like network
To prove this, it suffices to observe that
x⋅c(x)+(r−x)⋅c(r)=r⋅c(r)+x(c(x)−c(r))≥r⋅c(r)=x′⋅c(x′)+(r−x′)⋅c(r) for x′=r∈[0,r]
Price of Anarchy equals:
cost at equilibrium (all routing traffic on the lower path) over
cost of routing a traffic fraction x on the lower path + cost of routing a traffic fraction r−x on the upper path
Family of latency functions C.
- linear latencies: c(x)=ax+b, a,b≥0
- quadratic latencies: c(x)=ax2+bx+c, a,b,c≥0
- polynomial of degree d: c(x)=∑j=0dajxj, aj≥0
- concave non-decreasing function 上凸非减函数
Let C be a set of non-negative, continuous, non-decreasing cost functions:
Application: PoA=34 for linear (affine) or concave cost functions.
- c(x)=αx+β:
derivative of denominator =0⇒2αx+β−αr−β=0⇒x=2r
Thus, the denominator becomes: α4r2+2βr+α2r2+2βr=43αr2+βr≥43r(αr+β)
所以无序的代价 PoA 最大值是 34
- a(concave non-decreasing)=34
For every concave non-decreasing latency function c, there is a linear latency function c′ with c(r)=c′(r), s.t. x⋅c(x)+(r−x)⋅c(r)r⋅c(r)≤x⋅c′(x)+(r−x)⋅c′(r)r⋅c′(r)
通过画图可以证明,上凸函数和线性函数 x⋅c(x)≥x⋅c′(x), (r−x)⋅c(r)=(r−x)⋅c′(r). 分子相等,分母左边比右边小。
The Price of anarchy of selfish routing
For every set C of cost functions, and every selfish routing network with cost functions in C, the Price of Anarchy is at most a(C).
Selfish routing network: connecting node s to node t
Equilibrium flow: traffic travels only on shortest s−t paths.
Volume of r of users who want to route traffic from s to t.
ce: latency function of edge e
fe: total volume of user who cross edge e=∑p,e∈pfp
p: a path from s to t in G.
fp: total volume of user who use path p
Equilibrium condition: For every path p from s to t, s.t. fp>0, the total latency ∑e∈pce(fe) is minimum possible.
C(f): total cost of set of strategies f
f∗ optimal set of strategies i.e. the strategies minimizing the total latency.
Cost of a flow:
Assume that f and f∗ are an equilibrium and optimal flow respectively, then
Information we will use in the proof: Why don’t the players use their optimal strategies at equilibrium.
Observation: For a path p with fp>0, we have that the latency is minimum possible. i.e. ∑e∈pce(fe)=L ① which is as low as possible. Meaning that for every path p with fp∗>0, We have ∑e∈pce(fe)≥L ②.
By summing ① for all paths with fp>0 from s to t, we have ∑p:fp>0fp⋅∑e∈pce(fe)=∑p:fp>0L⋅fp=r×L
By doing the same with ② and all paths with fp∗>0 from s to t, we have ∑p:fp∗>0fp∗⋅∑e∈pce(fe)≥∑p:fp∗>0fp∗L=r×L ③
The Left Hand Side of ③ is equal to ∑p:fp>0fp⋅∑e∈pce(fe)
=∑e∈E∑p:fp>0,e∈pfp⋅ce(fe)=∑e∈Ece(fe)∑p:fp>0,e∈pfp ④
The LHS of ④ is equal to ∑e∈p∑p:fp∗>0fp∗⋅ce(fe)
From ③ and ④ and their equivalent expressions, we have ∑e∈E(fe∗−fe)ce(fe)≥0
Thus, using c=ce,r=fe,x=fe∗, we have that
Summing over all edges, we have