Observe that the edges which belong to the cut but are not incident to node i are the same in states S and S′, since they are not affected by the change of strategy for player i. (与 i 不相邻的点在其改变策略前后对势函数的贡献不变) Hence, we have:
Review: price of stability (defined in social cost) 如果用社会福利定义,分子分母反过来。
PoS=value of optimal solutionvalue of best Nash equilibrium,PoS≥0
The potential function mainly gives us information about the structure of the game. To assess the quality of states, we use the notion of the social welfare, defined as the total payoff of all players in state S, i.e. Social welfare: total payoff of all players in state S,
Observation: SW(S)=2Φ(S).
(简单来讲,就是因为一条割边被记了两次 because two player share a cut edge while Φ(S) only count cut edge once.)
By definition of the social welfare, we have
Now, observe that every edge in the cut contributes to the payoff the two players controlling its end points. Thus, we have:
Hence the price of stability is equal to 1. (Why?)
By Lemma proved above, notice that the state of maximum social welfare maximizes the value of the potential function and is, thus, an equilibrium. The theorem follows by the definition of the price of stability.
Theorem: The price of anarchy is at most 2
Similar to the proof that a simple local search algorithm for solving the MAX-CUT problem has good performance. MAX-CUT is formally defined as follows: Given a graph G with non-negative weights on the edges, find a partition of the nodes in two set so that the total weight of edges with their endpoints is different sets of the partition is maximized.
Let Seq be a pure Nash equilibrium and u a node that is at the left of the cut in state Seq. Since Seq is an equilibrium, the player controlling node u has no incentive to deviate from her strategy.
This means that the total weight of edges in the cut which are incident to u is at least half the total weight of all edges which are incident to u. Thus, for every player at the left of the cut, we have:
Using similar reasoning, we can verify an analogous for the nodes at right of the cut. Summing over all players and using the definition of social welfare, we have
The last equality follows since when we sum over all nodes, we count each edge e=(u,v) twice since e belongs to both sets Nu and Nv. Now, it suffices to observe that 2×∑e∈Ewe is a upper bound on the social welfare of any state, including the state S∗ of maximum social welfare. Indeed(一个点的 payoff 最多只能被所有与之相连的边贡献,SW(S∗) 不能超过所有点连出去的所有边权之和):
Theorem: There exists cut games with PoA exactly 2
ab cd: SW=4
ac bd: SW=8
Network design games
Graph G=(V,E)
Cost we for edge e∈E
indicates the cost of establishing the corresponding link in the network
n player
player i want to connect a source σi to a destination node τi.
strategies: the different paths that connect node σi with node τi.
Cost of player i at a state S where the strategy si is used for player i
fe(S): 在 S 状态下,使用 e 边的玩家总数
Social cost = total cost of all players at a state
SC(S)=i∑costi(S)=i∑e∈si∑fe(S)we=e∈E∑i∈Ni,e∈si∑fe(S)we=e∈E∑fe(S)wei∈Ni,e∈si∑1=e∈E∑we=sum of weights of edges used by at least one player.
Alternatively, the total cost of the edges used by at least one player.
Theorem: There exists a network with PoA arbitrarily close to n
graph LR
PoA=S∈PNEmaxSC(S∗)SC(S)PoS=S∈PNEminSC(S∗)SC(S)S∗:state of minimum social cost1≤PoS≤PoA
考虑一种均衡,当有 n 个玩家,全部都使用下面的路径,每个玩家的损失都是 1, 此时没有玩家有 incentive to 使用上面那条 1+ϵ 的路径。所以
Price of stability
Theorem: there exists a network design game with PoS arbitrarily close to Hn=∑i=1ni1.