
Exercise 3.4

sponsored search auctions

nn bidders, nn slots. each bidder ii has a value of viv_i.

the j-th slot has CTR aja_j, with a1a2ana_1\ge a_2\ge\cdots\ge a_n

maximize social welfare

denoting by δ(i)\delta(i) the slot bidder ii occupies, this means that the quantity iaδ(i)vi\sum_ia_{\delta(i)}v_i is as high as possible

Q: design a DSIC mechanism that maximizes social welfare

allocation rule should be monotone.

focus on bidder ii and compute the amount of stuff bidder ii gets for given bids by the remaining bidders.

assuming that bids b1b2bi1bibnb_1\ge b_2\ge\cdots\ge b_{i-1}\ge b_{i}\ge\cdots\ge b_n.

可以画一个获得位次 - 出价函数(台阶形状的)

payment rule is generated by Myerson’s lemma according allocation rule.


ll is number of jumps of the allocation rule xi(z,bi)x_i(z,b_{-i}).

Exercise 4.2

XX: feasible solutions (set of agents). downward closures, if SS is a feasible solution w.r.t. XX then any subset of SS is also feasible.

select set SS of agents in XX s.t. the social welfare iSvi\sum_{i\in S}v_i is maximized.

payment of an agent = externalities

Q: how much damage the existence of the agent causes to the remaining agents?


  1. maximum social welfare of the instance without agent ii. (n1n-1 agents)
  2. social welfare of the remaining agents in the social welfare maximizing solution including agent ii. nn agents)

for agent ii, its payment will be value of step 1 - value of step 2. (damage cause to the remaining agents)

Exercise 4.3

n+1n+1 execution of ALG are enough to compute both the allocation and the payments

0: solve the maximum SWSW problem to get the allocation

keep SWiSW_{-i} for each agent ii.

for i=1,,ni=1,\cdots,n: solve the maximum SWSW problem for the instance that doesn’t include agent ii, keep SWi~\widetilde{SW_{-i}}.


Exercise 6.1

nn agents, agent ii has random value viv_i drawn independently from the p. d. FiF_i.

(a) compute an allocation that maximize expected revenue.

FiF_i: virtual valuation φi(v)=v1Fi(v)fi(v)\varphi_i(v)=v-\frac{1-F_i(v)}{f_i(v)}

E[revenue(x)]=E[iφ(v)xi(v)]\mathbb E[revenue(x)]=\mathbb E[\sum_i\varphi(v)x_i(v)]

to maximize expected revenue, x should maximize iφ(v)+xi(v)\sum_i\varphi(v)^+x_i(v).

(b) FiF_i is uniform is [a,b][a,b], Fi(v)=vabaF_i(v)=\frac{v-a}{b-a}, fi(v)=1baf_i(v)=\frac{1}{b-a}. φ(v)=2vb\varphi(v)=2v-b.

in some cases, the highest bidder not win, even if it has a positive virtual valuation.

F1F_1 uniform in [a1,b1][a_1,b_1], F2F_2 uniform in [a2,b2][a_2,b_2].

there exist cases s.t. 2v1b1>2v2b22v_1-b_1\gt2v_2-b_2 where v1<v2v_1\lt v_2.

Exercise 6.4

expected revenue of the second price auction with n bidder is at least 11n1-\frac{1}{n} times the optimal expected revenue.


  • nn bidders, p.d. F.
  • REV1REV1: revenue of the revenue-maximizing auction with nn bidders
  • REV2REV2: revenue of the revenue-maximizing auction with n1n-1 bidders.
  • REV3REV3: revenue of the second-price auction with nn bidders.

According to Bulow & Klemperer’s theorem, we know that E[REV3]E[REV2]\mathbb E[REV3]\ge\mathbb E[REV2]. Then we need to prove E[REV2](11n)E[REV1]\mathbb E[REV2]\geq(1-\frac{1}{n})\mathbb E[REV1].

We have

(n1)E[REV1]=(n1)E[i=1nφ(vi)+xi(v)]=E[j=1ni=1,ijnφ(vi)+xi(v)]=j=1nE[i=1,ijnφ(vi)+xi(v)]j=1nE[REV2]=nE[REV2]E[REV2](11n)E[REV1](n-1)\mathbb E[REV1]=(n-1)\mathbb E[\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi(v_i)^+x_i(v)]\\ =\mathbb E[\sum_{j=1}^n\sum_{i=1,i\neq j}^n\varphi(v_i)^+x_i(v)]\\ =\sum_{j=1}^n\mathbb E[\sum_{i=1,i\neq j}^n\varphi(v_i)^+x_i(v)]\\ \leq\sum_{j=1}^n\mathbb E[REV2]=n\mathbb E[REV2]\\ \Rightarrow\mathbb E[REV2]\geq(1-\frac{1}{n})\mathbb E[REV1]

Q. E. D.

剩下时间的讲 Assignment 2 的题目。