
a planar subdivision in a complex structure 平面剖分


  • vertices
  • faces
  • edges

store two copies of each edge (opposite directions)

  • one copy of edge for each adjacent face
  • the adjacent face is always to the right
  • edges are clockwise around each face 很巧妙,所有面都有一个顺时针的环构成

an edge points to twin, adjacent face, start and end points e.twin,e.face,e.start,e.end twin 指的是相同端点,方向相反的边

edge around a face are in a linked-list

each vertex points to an out-going adjacent edge

each face points to an adjacent edge

Line Segment Intersection

input: a set of n line segments

output: list of all intersections between the line segments. output has size k

idea: a sweep line algorithm i.e. insert the segments one by one from top to bottom.

the sweep line stops at event points

3 types of event points

  1. top of a segment
  2. bottom of a segment
  3. intersection point

2 data structure are required

  1. list of event points - priority queue

    allows insertion and deletion of events

  2. status of sweep line

    store the ordered list of segments intersecting the sweep line

The Algorithm


SweepLine(P): P is a set of n line segments

  1. Init

    l.y=inf //sweep line coordinate

    Q=null //priority queue

    sort P and add end points to Q as Top or Bottom events

    init. l to null //status of the line

  2. while Q is not empty

    1. E=Q.getNextEvent()

    2. if E is top event of s, l.insert(s)

      add int. points of l.prev(s) and s, and l.next(s) and s to Q.

    3. if E is bottom event of s

      add int. points of l.prev(s) and l.next(s) to Q then remove s from l.

    4. if E is int event of s1, s2

      l.swap(s1,s2) then add int. points of l.prev(s2), s2, and l.next(s1), s1 to Q

Sweep Line Status

a data structure

  • maintain order
  • find
  • insert
  • delete
  • swap order

solution: an abstract balanced binary search tree

SweepLine(P ): P is a set of n line segments

  1. Initialization:
    • .y ← +∞ // sweep line coordinate
    • Q ← ∅ // priority queue
    • Sort P and add end points to Q as Top or Bottom events
    • Init. to ∅ // status of the line.

  2. While Q is not empty

    2.1 E ← Q.getNextEvent()

    2.2 If E is top event of s, .insert(s)

    ​ Add int. points of .prev(s) and s, and l.next(s) and s to Q

    2.3 If E is bottom event of s

    ​ Add int. points of l.prev(s) and l.next(s) to Q then remove s from l

    2.4 If E is int event of s1, s2, l.swap(s1, s2) then add int. points of l.prev(s2), s2, and l.next(s1), s1 to Q


两个数据结构:一条链表,负责记录所有线段的端点和已经找到的焦点,每个点按 y 递减顺序排列。一颗二叉树,负责记录与扫描线段相交的线段(的端点),每条线段按照上端点的 x 坐标递增。





时间复杂度 O((n+k)logn)O((n+k)\log n) n 是线段树,k 是交点数。

Polygon Traingulation


a polygon PP with nn vertices

trangulation: decomposition of PP into triangels

it is fundamental proprocessing step.


a simple polygon PP must satisfy:

  1. no self-intersections
  2. no holes

output: a decomposition into trangles using DCEL, or just a list of triangles


  1. It’s always possible.

    通过归纳法 induction 证明,如果连线了,那么分成的两个部分的其他点的个数是 1 到 n-2

    given a single polygon P with >3 vertices, there exist two non-adjacent vertices, v, w, s.t. vw is inside P and does not intersect the boundary of P.

    let u be the leftmost point, both neighbors of are to the right of u.

    • case 1 vw does not intersect boundary of P.

    • case 2 vw intersects boundary of P.

      there exist at least vertices of P inside uvw.

      solution: let x be the vertex be the farthest away from vw. no vertex inside trinangle uv’w’ (v’w’ 平行于 vw 并且过 x 点), line px doesnot intersect P and cuts it into to polygons of smallersize.

  2. number of triangles is n2n-2.

Algorithm for Monotone Polygon Triangulation

trivial algorithm: O(n2)O(n^2)

a Y-monotone polygon: every horizontal line intersects at most two edges of P

claim: a Y-monotone polygon can be triangulated in O(n)O(n) time.

We can triangulate by recursively adding diagonals:

  1. Take the highest leftmost vertex v .
  2. Try first to connect the neighbors u and w.
  3. If u and w cannot be connected, connect v to the vertex farthest from the edge (u, w) inside the triangle spanned by u, v , and w.