This week

  • Revenue-maximizing DSIC auctions
  • completely different goal than social welfare maximization
  • average-case analysis


Spectrum auction’s problem: VERY LOW REVENUE

Social welfare maximization

many applications

makes sense even in cases where revenue maximization seems to be more important (e.g. keeping customers compared to competitors)

educational value: ideal auctions and ideal mechanisms always exist

Single item auction with a single potential buyer


what other truthful auctions exist?

posted prices, take it or leave it offers

is it possible to maximize revenue without knowledge of private valuations?

for example, a fixed price of 10 work fine for valuations higher than 10 while it will be disastrous for smaller prices.

Revenue maximization

Average case analysis

single-parameter environment

Independent random variables representing valuations with distributions F1,F2,,FnF_1,F_2,\cdots,F_n with continuous probability density functions f1,f2,,fnf_1,f_2,\cdots,f_n, defined in [0,+)[0,+\infty)

participant ii selects random valuation from distribution FiF_i.

crucial assumption: the mechanism designer knows the distributions of valuations

Fi(z)=Pr[viz]=0zfi(x)dxF_i(z)=\Pr[v_i\le z]=\int_0^zf_i(x)\mathrm dx

the potential buyer has a random valuation, drawn from a known probability distribution FF.

Fixed price rr

What is the best choice of rr?

E(Revenue)=r×(1F(r))\mathbb E(Revenue)=r\times(1-F(r))

Two potential buyers in revenue maximization

assume FF is uniform distribution in [0,1][0,1]

what’s the revenue of the second-price auction?

i.e. smallest valuation among the two.

Ex,yF[min{x,y}]=0101min{x,y}f(y)dyf(x)dx=01[0xyf(y)dy+x1xf(y)dy]f(x)dx=01[0xydy+xx1dy]dx=01(x12x2)dx=13\mathbb E_{x,y\sim F}[\min\{x,y\}]=\int_0^1\int_0^1\min\{x,y\}f(y)\mathrm{d}yf(x)\mathrm{d}x\\ =\int_0^1[\int_0^xyf(y)\mathrm{d}y+\int_x^1xf(y)\mathrm{d}y]f(x)\mathrm{d}x\\ =\int_0^1[\int_0^xy\mathrm{d}y+x\int_x^1\mathrm{d}y]\mathrm{d}x\\ =\int_0^1(x-\frac{1}{2}x^2)\mathrm dx=\frac{1}{3}

  • the highest bid wins the item if it is higher than the reserve price rr
  • pays the maximum between the lowest bid and rr

what do we gain?

Better revenue in cases of very small lowest bid.

what do we loose?

The item is not always sold.

for revenue:

Ex,yF[revenue(r)]=2r2(1r)+r1r1min{x,y}dydx=13+r243r3\mathbb E_{x,y\sim F}[revenue(r)]=2r^2(1-r)+\int_r^1\int_r^1\min\{x,y\}\mathrm dy\mathrm dx\\ =\frac{1}{3}+r^2-\frac{4}{3}r^3

maximized for r=12r=\frac{1}{2} at the value 512\frac{5}{12}.

Revenue-optimal auctions

participant ii selects random valuation from distribution FiF_i.

probability distributions F\mathbf F with continuous probability density function f\mathbf f. defined in [0,+)[0,+\infty)


  1. the mechanism designer knows the distributions of valuations.
  2. the valuations of different potential buyers are independent

virtual valuations: ϕi(vi)=vi1Fi(vi)fi(vi)\phi_i(v_i)=v_i-\frac{1-F_i(v_i)}{f_i(v_i)}

here viv_i stands for desired revenue, 1Fi(vi)fi(vi)\frac{1-F_i(v_i)}{f_i(v_i)} stands for discount.

Revenue and virtual valuation

Lemma: for every single-parameter environment with nn participant having independent valuations drawn from distribution F\mathbf F. every DSIC mechanism (x,p)(\mathbf x,\mathbf p), every participant ii and every vector vi\mathbf v_{-i} of valuations

EviFi[pi(v)]=EviFi[φi(vi)xi(v)]\mathbb E_{v_i\sim F_i}[p_i(\mathbf v)]=\mathbb E_{v_i\sim F_i}[\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v)]

theorem: expected revenue=expected virtual valuations

EvF[i=1npi(v)]=EvF[i=1nφi(vi)xi(v)]\mathbb E_{\mathbf v\sim\mathbf F}[\sum_{i=1}^np_i(\mathbf v)]=\mathbb E_{\mathbf v\sim\mathbf F}[\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v)]

proof using the lemma above and linearity of expectation.

Proof of the lemma

EviFi[pi(v)]=0pi(v)fi(vi)dvi=0[0vizxi(z,vi)dz]fi(vi)dvi=0[zfi(vi)dvi]zxi(z,vi)dz=0(1Fi(z))zxi(z,vi)dz=0[z1Fi(z)fi(z)]xi(z,vi)fi(z,vi)dz=EviFi[φi(vi)xi(v)]\mathbb E_{v_i\sim F_i}[p_i(\mathbf v)]=\int_0^\infty p_i(\mathbf v)\cdot f_i(v_i)\mathrm dv_i\\ =\int_0^\infty[\int_0^{v_i}z\cdot x_i'(z,\mathbf v_{-i})\mathrm dz]\cdot f_i(v_i)\mathrm dv_i\\ =\int_0^\infty[\int_z^\infty f_i(v_i)\mathrm dv_i]z\cdot x_i'(z,\mathbf v_{-i})\mathrm dz\\ =\int_0^\infty(1-F_i(z))z\cdot x_i'(z,\mathbf v_{-i})\mathrm dz\\ =\int_0^\infty[z-\frac{1-F_i(z)}{f_i(z)}]x_i(z,\mathbf v_{-i})f_i(z,\mathbf v_{-i})\mathrm dz\\ =\mathbb E_{v_i\sim F_i}[\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v)]

Revenue-optimal auction design

new goal: select an allocation rule that maximizes the virtual social welfare

EvF[i=1nφi(vi)xi(v)]\mathbb E_{\mathbf v\sim\mathbf F}[\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi_i(v_i)\cdot x_i(\mathbf v)]

we restrict ourselves to regular distributions that have the property that the virtual valuation function φi(vi)=vi1Fi(vi)fi(vi)\varphi_i(v_i)=v_i-\frac{1-F_i(v_i)}{f_i(v_i)} is non-decreasing

then, the allocation rule that maximizes the virtual social welfare is monotone.

process: nn potential buyer with regular distributions

  1. compute the virtual valuation ϕi(vi)\phi_i(v_i) of the truthfully reported valuation viv_i.
  2. select the feasible allocation that maximizes the virtual social welfare i=1nφi(vi)xi(v)\sum_{i=1}^n\varphi_i(v_i)x_i(\mathbf v)
  3. charge payments according to Myerson’s lemma