APS 重点复习课程之软件工程
Overview software development models waterfall model Divided the whole model into parts, we must finish the last task first, before starting the next task. The output of the last task is the input of the next task. incremental model Using Waterfall Model iteratively, develop a subset of the whole task, then do it repeatedly. rapid prototype model Quickly develop a subset of the program that is usable and deliver it the costumer. Gradually adjusting it according to the customers’ demand. ...
APS 重点复习课程之深度学习及应用
Overview Gradient Vanishing/Exploding Gradient Descent Batch Gradient Descent Stochastic Gradient Descent Mini-batch Gradient Descent Overfitting+Underfitting Backpropagation Useful Data Argumentation Method Active Function Several Network CNN RNN, LSTM Generative Models Gradient Vanishing/Exploding Active function (sigmoid) + depth of the network: Gradient vanishing refers to the situation where the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights of the network becomes very sm ...
APS 重点复习课程之编译原理
Overview Definition Difference between compiler & interpreter Front-end of Compiler Lexical Analyzer Read src l2r and produces a sequence of tokens. check the error of lexical and register on the symbol table. Token consists of work-type-code and word-value formal language Parser check if the sequence of tokens follow the grammatical rules, group the tokens into grammatical units and construct the Parse Tree, by middle-order traverse the Parse Tree we will get the original input strin ...
APS 重点复习课程之计算机网络
Overview Application Layer HTTP: on TCP or other SMTP DNS FTP Transport Layer RDT GBN Selective Repeat Congestion Control Connection Establish and Release SYN 1 1 0 FIN 1 1 Network Layer IP CIDR DHCP NAT Routing Algorithm OSPF BGP Link Layer CRC checksum Protocol Layer Application Layer: support network applications (FTP, HTTP, SMTP) Transport Layer: host-host data transfer (TCP, UDP) Network Layer: Routing of Datagrams from source to destination. (IP, Routing protocol) Lin ...
APS 重点复习课程之汇编语言与逆向技术基础
Overview Brief Intro Application of AL & RE Big/Little-endian Basic info of IA32 Architecture Work Mode Register Assembly Instruction Data Define mov, add, cmp, ja, jb, jg, jl, in&out, push&pop jmp&loop Addressing Mode Direct Addressing Register Direct Addressing Register Indirect Addressing Register Relative Addressing Base Index Addressing Interrupt INTR INTP Interrupt Type Code Keep the break point Interrupt Vector Table Block Memory attribute: readable, writea ...
APS 重点复习课程之计算机体系结构
Overview Definition Storage System Evaluate Amdahl’s Law MIPS MFLOPS Benchmarking Parallel Technology Pipeline IF ID EX MEM WB Conflict Avoiding Definition Refers to those attributes of a system visible to a programmer, or those attributes have direct impact on logical execution of program. The relationship between computer architecture and computer organization: Computer organization is the logical implement of Computer architecture. A architecture can have many computer organization. ...
APS 重点复习课程之操作系统
Overview Definition Resources Management Process State PCB Process Communication Message Passing Shared Memory Process Scheduling Priority Thread User Thread Kernel Thread Thread Pool Deadlock Solutions: resources allocation diagram Preventions: apply and release concentrate Memory Management Linking Static Link Dynamic Link Memory Allocation Contiguous Allocation Fixed Partition Variable Partition: first fit / best fit Pagination Allocation Page Table (Logical Addr to ...
APS 重点复习课程之并行程序设计
Overview Brief Introduction Parallel Algorithm Design and Analysis SIMD Pthread OpenMP MPI Brief Introduction Why Parallel Development of frequency: slow down, due to restriction of power and cooling. All computers are parallel computers. Application of Parallel Computing Scientific simulation: climate modeling, Parallel Ocean Program, Biology informatics, medicine… Super Computer Hardware Parallel architecture von Neumann architecture temporal locality&spatial locality Lower memory ac ...
APS 重点复习课程之人工智能导论
Overview Brief Introduction Logic and Reasoning Searching Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Statistics and Machine Learning Deep Learning Reinforcement Learning Game Theory Brief Introduction Symbolism, connectionism(Deep Learning), and behaviorism(Reinforcement Learning) Logic and Reasoning Propositional calculus 命题逻辑 Basic Every proposition is True or False. connectives 逻辑连接词 and, or, not, conditional, bi-conditional \and,\or,\neg,\rightarrow,\leftrightarrow compound proposition 复 ...
APS 重点复习课程之数据库系统
Overview Main Concept Candidate Key Primary Key Primary Attribute Foreign Key The Structure of DBS Internal Schema Schema External Schema SQL Norm Form 1NF 2NF BCNF 3NF ER Model Transaction Atomic Durability Isolation Consistency Failure and Recovery Transaction Failure: Backward Scan Log File System Failure: Forward Scan Log File Media Failure Concurrency Control Lost Update Not-repeatable Read Dirty Read Lock S-Lock X-Lock Two Phase Locking in the former phase add locks ...