Objective: Investigate strategic aspects of fair division, considering Pure Nash equilibria and fairness.

Activities: Review the paper Allocating Indivisible Goods to Strategic Agents: Pure Nash Equilibria and Fairness.


What if the agents are strategic?

Goal: whether there exist mechanisms that have pure Nash Equilibria. If so, what is the fairness guarantee for these equilibria?

Focus on EF1, EFX. The answer is positive.

2 algorithms:

  • round-robin (computing EF1 allocation). Its pure Nash equilibria are EF1 w.r.t. true values.
  • cut and choose algorithm (computing EFX allocation for 2 agents). The corresponding allocations not only are EFX, but also satisfy MMS. A weaker result holds for any mechanism for two agents that always has pure Nash equilibria, which all induce EFX allocations.


This paper is interested in exploring the problem from a game-theoretic perspective.

Assume that the agents are strategic, i.e., agent may misreport its true valuation for the goods to end up with a bundle of higher total value.

The algorithm takes the input values (which are probably misreported) the agents declare.

The existence of truthful mechanisms. Even for 2 agents, truthfulness and fairness are incompatible by providing impossibility results for every non-trivial fairness notion. So next natural question: Is it possible to have non-truthful mechanisms that are guaranteed to have equilibria with these equilibria always inducing fair allocations?


The class of mechanisms that are implementable in polynomial time have pure Nash equilibria for every instance and provide some fairness guarantee as the allocations they produce in their equilibria is non-empty.

  • Round-robin has pure Nash equilibria for every instance, and these equilibria induce allocations that are known properties of round-robin with a novel recursive construction of “nicely structured” bid profiles.
  • Mod-Cut&Choose has pure Nash equilibria for every instance with 2 agents, and these equilibria induce allocations that are always EFX and MMS w.r.t. the underlying true values. For the case of 2 agents, MMS allocations are always EFX allocations; i.e., MMS fairness is stronger. In non-strategic setting, for any ϵ>0\epsilon\gt 0, there are instances in which the output of Mod-Cut&Choose is not (5/6+ϵ)(5/6+\epsilon)-MMS allocation.
  • A weaker result. All mechanisms that have pure Nash equilibria for every instance with 2 agents and these equilibria induce allocations that are always EFX provide stronger MMS guarantees in these allocations than generic EFX allocations do.



Goods MM, agents NN.

Valuations v\mathbf v are additive, non-negative.

All the goods must be allocated.

Allocation AA.

Preference i,i\succcurlyeq_i,\succ_i

Fairness Notions



MMS, α\alpha-MMS

🎯🤔Theorem 1. For n=2n=2, any MMS allocation is also an EFX allocation.

For n=2n=2, MMS allocation is indeed PMMS allocation. Any PMMS allocation is EFX allocation.

🎯🤔Theorem 2. For n=2n=2, any EFX is also 2/32/3-MMS allocation. The bound is tight for any m4m\ge4.

Mechanisms and Equilibria

An allocation mechanism M\mathcal M is an algorithm that takes its input from the agents and allocates all the goods to them.

Assume each agent ii reports a bid vector bib_i, where bij0b_{ij}\ge0 is the value agent ii claims to have for good gjg_j. M\mathcal M takes bid profile b\mathbf b of bid vectors and outputs an allocation M(b)\mathcal M(\mathbf b).

Assume that the agents are strategic (They may misreport their true values in order to get a bundle with higher value).

Hence, in general, bi(vi(g1),,vi(gm))\mathbf b_i\neq(v_i(g_1),\cdots,v_i(g_m)).

Focus: Fairness guarantees of the pure Nash equilibria of the mechanisms.

Best response.

The profile b\mathbf b is pure Nash equilibria (PNE) if for each iNi\in N, bi\mathbf b_i is a best response to bi\mathbf b_{-i}.

When b\mathbf b is a PNE and the allocation M(b)\mathcal M(\mathbf b) has a fairness guarantee, we say that b\mathbf b is EF1.

Some remarks:

  1. Here we don’t consider too much about the complexity of mechanism.
  2. Any PNE of any α\alpha-approximation mechanism for computing MMS allocation is an α\alpha-MMS allocation. This is also true for PROP.

Fairness of Nash Equilibria of Round-Robin

Round-Robin Mechanism takes a bid profile as input. Then RR should also take a permutation NN as an input to determine the priority of the agents.

WLOG, let the permutation be 1,2,,n1,2,\cdots,n.

It’s known that RR outputs EF1 allocation when all agents have additive valuation functions.

Pseudo-code: Omitted, can refer to here.

🤔Lemma 1. If bi\mathbf b_i is the truthful bid of agent ii, then the allocation A\mathcal A returned by Round-Robin is EF1 from ii’s perspective. Moreover, if i=1i=1, then A\mathcal A is EF from agent 11’s perspective, i.e., jN,v1(A1)v1(Aj)\forall j\in N,v_1(A_1)\ge v_1(A_j).

Truth-telling is not a Pure Nash equilibria. Example omitted.

RR is known to have PNE for any instance in which no agent values two goods exactly the same and at least some such equilibria are easy to compute. Strict preference ranking is convenient as it reduces the number of corner case with which one has to deal. This results can be extended to general additive valuation functions.

For only 2 agents, all PNE of round-robin are EF1 w.r.t. the real valuation functions. Complex even for n=3n=3.

🎯🤔Theorem 3. For any fair division instance with 2 agents, every PNE of RR is EF1 w.r.t. v1,v2v_1,v_2.

Assume there exists a PNE b=(b1,b2)\mathbf b=(b_1,b_2) s.t., in the allocation (A1,A2)(A_1,A_2) returned by RR(b\mathbf b), at least one of the agents is not EF1-satisfied.

  • If agent 1 is not EF1-satisfied, then is not EF-satisfied either. Because PROP and EF are equivalent for n=2n=2, we have v1(A1)<v1(M)/2v_1(A_1)\lt v_1(M)/2. According to Lemma 1, no matter what agent 2 bids, if agent 1 reports true values, the resulting allocation is EF from the agent’s perspective. So, if (A1,A2)(A_1',A_2') is the allocation after agent 1 deviates to the agent’s true values, it is EF-satisfied to agent 1, which contradicts the assumption before.

  • If agent 2 is not EF1-satisfied. Let h1h_1 be the good that agent 1 takes during the first round of RR and gargmaxhA1v2(h)g^*\in\arg\max_{h\in A_1}v_2(h) be the highest valued good in A1A_1 according to agent 2.

    Since agent 2 is not EF1-satisfied, v2(A2)<v2(A1{g})<v2(A1{h1})v_2(A_2)\lt v_2(A_1\diagdown\{g^*\})\lt v_2(A_1\diagdown\{h_1\}). This implies that (A1{h1},A2)(A_1\diagdown\{h_1\},A_2) of M{h1}M\diagdown\{h_1\} is not EF-satisfied to agent 2.

    Thus v2(A2)v2(M{h1})/2v_2(A_2)\le v_2(M\diagdown\{h_1\})/2 by the equivalence between EF and PROP for n=2n=2.

    Then suppose agent 2 deviates to reporting the agent’s true values and let (A1,A2)(A_1',A_2') be the resulting allocation. Since the allocation of h1h_1 is not affected by deviation, it is still given to agent 1 in 1st step of RR. Thus the execution of the mechanism would be exactly the same if the input v2v_2 had higher priority than agent 1. This would result in EF w.r.t agent 2 to (A1{h1},A2)(A_1'\diagdown\{h_1\},A_2'). We have v2(A2)v2(A1{h1})v_2(A_2')\ge v_2(A_1'\diagdown\{h_1\}). Therefore v2(A2)v2(M{h1})/2>v2(A2)v_2(A_2)\ge v_2(M\diagdown\{h_1\})/2\gt v_2(A_2) contradicts the fact that b\mathbf b is PNE.

The proof doesn’t work for n3n\ge3 because there is no equivalence between EF and PROP.

Nash Equilibria of Round-Robin for Any Number of Agents

Agent 1 have no envy toward any other bundle whenever agent 1 bids truthfully. Agent 1 is EF-satisfied.

No matter what agent 1 bids, it is possible to “replace” the agent with an imaginary version of agent, who

  1. does not affect the allocation
  2. bids truthfully
  3. considers the bundles of the allocation to be as valuable as the original agent 1 though they were

🎯🤔Theorem 4. For any fair division instance I\mathcal I, every PNE of round-robin is EF1 w.r.t. v\mathbf v.

Proving it reduces to showing that the agent who picks first in the round-robin is EF-satisfied as long as the agent bids a best response to other agent’ bids.

From theorem 5, we know for PNE input, allocation returned by round-robin is EF-satisfied to agent 1.

Fix an agent ,2\ell,\ell\ge2. For i[1]i\in[\ell-1], let hih_i be the good that agent ii claims to be the agent’s favorite among the goods that are available when it is the agent’s turn in the first round, that is hi=argmaxhM{h1,,hi1}bi(h)h_i=\arg\max_{h\in M\diagdown\{h_1,\cdots,h_{i-1}\}}b_i(h). Before \ell is first assigned a good, all goods in H={h1,,h1}H=\{h_1,\cdots,h_{\ell-1}\} have been allocated.

Consider the instance I=(N,MH,v)\mathcal I'=(N,M\diagdown H,\mathbf v') in which all goods in HH are missing.

Consider round-robin on such instance, it starts with agent \ell and the follows the indices in increasing order.

Claim that the bid b\mathbf b_\ell' is a best response for agent \ell assuming that the restricted bid vectors of all the other agents are fixed.

Proof is analogous to induction?

🎯🤔Theorem 5. For any fair division instance I\mathcal I, if the reported bid vector b1\mathbf b_1 of agent 1 is a best response to the bid vector b1\mathbf b_{-1} of all other players, then agent 1 is EF-satisfied with output.

In PNE, each agent’s bid is a BR to other agents’ bids. Thus theorem 5 is a corollary to lemma 2.

🤔Lemma 2. Suppose that v1v_1 induces a strict preference ranking on the goods. Let b=(b1,b1)\mathbf b=(\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_{-1}). Then, there exists a valuation function v1v_1^* with the following properties:

  • If b1\mathbf b_1^* is the truthful bid for v1v_1^*, then round-robin(b\mathbf b) and round-robin(b1,b1\mathbf b_1^*,\mathbf b_{-1}) produce the same allocation AA.
  • v1(A1)=v1(A1)v_1^*(A_1)=v_1(A_1)
  • For every good gMA1g\in M\diagdown A_1, it holds that v1(g)=v1(g)v_1^*(g)=v_1(g).

Proof of Lemma 2.

Recall that k=m/nk=\lceil m/n\rceil, we have kk total rounds.

Let 1\succ_1 be the preference ranking induced by b1\mathbf b_1 and consider all the goods according to this ranking: h11h211hmh_1\succ_1h_2\succ_1\cdots\succ_1h_m. Let n1=1<n2<<nkn_1=1\lt n_2\lt\cdots\lt n_k be the indices in this ordering of the goods assigned to agent 1 by round-robin(b\mathbf b). In round rr, agent 1 receives good hnrh_{n_r}. Thus A1={hn1,hn2,,hnk}A_1=\{h_{n_1},h_{n_2},\cdots,h_{n_k}\}.

Recursively construct v1v_1^* from v1v_1 over the rounds of RR. We define a sequence of intermediate bid vector b1r\mathbf b_1^r and valuation functions v1rv_1^r. One for each round rr starting from the last round kk, so that v_1^*=v_1^1\and\mathbf b_1^*=\mathbf b_1^1. For defining each b1r\mathbf b_1^r, we use a number of auxiliary bid vectors. For any round rr we maintain that

  1. v1r(A1)=v1(A1)v_1^r(A_1)=v_1(A_1)
  2. v1r(g)=v1(g)gMA1v_1^r(g)=v_1(g)\forall g\in M\diagdown A_1
  3. b1r\mathbf b_1^r is truthful from round rr w.r.t. v1rv_1^r, meaning that for every good that is no better than hnrh_{n_r}, according to the preference ranking 1r\succ_1^r induced by b1r\mathbf b_1^r. Formally g̸1rhnrb1r(g)=v1r(g)g\not\succ_1^rh_{n_r}\Rarr\mathbf b_1^r(g)=v_1^r(g).
  4. The preference ranking 1r\succ_1^r is identical to 1\succ_1 up to good hnr1h_{n_r-1}.
  5. ming,hM,ghv1r(g)v1r(h)>0\min_{g,h\in M,g\neq h}|v_1^r(g)-v_1^r(h)|\gt0. (strict preference?)

Focus on the last round kk. Let λk\lambda_k be the most valuable available good for v1v_1 at very beginning of the round. It is easy to see hnk=λkh_{n_k}=\lambda_k. (If not, by increasing the agent’s bid for λk\lambda_k be above the agent’s bid for hnkh_{n_k}, agent 1 would end up with the bundle {hn1,hn2,,λk}\{h_{n_1},h_{n_2},\cdots,\lambda_k\}), which strictly improve over A1A_1 and contradict the fact that b1\mathbf b_1 is BR.

We construct the auxiliary bid bˉ1k\bar{\mathbf b}_1^k by moving up 1\succ_1 every good that is more valuable than λk\lambda_k but comes after it in 1\succ_1.

A long tough proof

Definition of partial slide: Let {q1,q2,,qm}\{q_1,q_2,\cdots,q_m\} be a renaming of the goods according to \succ. We say \succ and \succ' are within a partial slide of each other if there exist x,y[m],xyx,y\in[m],x\le y s.t.

q1q2qmq1qx1qx+1qyqxqy+1qmq_1\succ q_2\succ\cdots\succ q_m\\ q_1\succ'\cdots\succ'q_{x-1}\succ'q_{x+1}\succ'\cdots\succ'q_y\succ'q_x\succ'q_{y+1}\succ'\cdots\succ'q_m

Let Mt(b)M_t(\mathbf b) denote the set of available goods right after t1t-1 goods have been allocated in a run of round-robin(b\mathbf b).

Lemma 3 states that, at beginning of each step, there is at most one difference between the sets of unallocated goods, and this is difference is either fixed or passed on to the next step, possibly slightly altered.

🤔Lemma 3. Let b\mathbf b and b\mathbf b' be two profiles s.t. the corresponding induced preference ranking i\succ_i and i\succ'_i of agent ii are within a partial slide of each other. Then

Mt(b)Mt(b)=Mt(b)Mt(b)1|M_t(\mathbf b)\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b')|=|M_t(\mathbf b')\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b)|\le1

for all t[m+1]t\in[m+1].

Case 1: Mt(b)=Mt(b)M_t(\mathbf b)=M_t(\mathbf b').

  • No matter who jj is and what g,gg,g' are. It always holds either
    • Mt(b)Mt(b)=Mt(b)Mt(b)=|M_t(\mathbf b)\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b')|=|M_t(\mathbf b')\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b)|=\empty or
    • Mt(b)Mt(b)={g}M_t(\mathbf b')\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b)=\{g\} or
    • Mt(b)Mt(b)={g}M_t(\mathbf b)\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b')=\{g'\}
  • Thus Lemma 3 holds in this case.

Because i,i\succ_i,\succ_i' are within a partial slide of each other, there exists a unique good sMs\in M that goes from a better position in i\succ_i to a worst position in i\succ_i'

Claim 1. Suppose that tt_* is the first time step in which the good γ\gamma allocated in round-robin(b\mathbf b) is different from the good γ\gamma' allocated in round-robin(b)(\mathbf b'). Then γ=s\gamma=s. Proof of claim 1 is omitted here.

Case 2: M_t(\mathbf b)\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b')=\{h\}\and M_t(\mathbf b')\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b)=\{h'\}.

  • When g=h\or g'=h', it’s easy to complete the induction.
  • If g=h\and g'\neq h', we have Mt(b)Mt(b)={g}M_t(\mathbf b)\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b')=\{g'\}.
  • If g\neq h\and g'=h', analogously we have Mt(b)Mt(b)={h}M_t(\mathbf b')\diagdown M_t(\mathbf b)=\{h'\}
  • The sub-case g\neq h\and g'\neq h' can’t happen, proof by contradiction.

EFX Equilibria: The Case of 2 Agents

When the agents are not strategic, EFX exist when n3n\le3.

Even for n=3n=3, we are not sure whether there is a polynomial time algorithm.

We consider n=2n=2 in this paper.

Mechanism with EFX Nash Equilibria

A polynomial time algorithm that outputs EFX allocation when we have 2 agents: modified cut-and-choose algorithm in which cut is a variant of envy-cycle-elimination. In this paper, we refer it as “Mod-Cut&Choose”.

This mechanism is not truthful.

This paper shows that although its non-truthful, Mod-Cut&Choose always has at least one PNE for any instance, and all its equilibria are MMS and EFX. (MMS for 2 agent is PMMS, PMMS is EFX.)


input: b1,b2\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_2

  1. (E1,E2)=(,)(E_1,E_2)=(\empty,\empty)
  2. (h1,h2,,hm)(h_1,h_2,\cdots,h_m) is MM, sorted in decreasing order w.r.t. v1v_1.
  3. for i=1,mi=1,\cdots m do // agent 1 partition the bundles
    • j=argmink[2]b1(Ek)j=\arg\min_{k\in[2]}\mathbf b_1(E_k)
    • Ej=Ej{hi}E_j=E_j\cup\{h_i\}
  4. =argmaxk[2]b2(Ek)\ell=\arg\max_{k\in[2]}\mathbf b_2(E_k) // agent 2 chooses the bundle
  5. return A=(ME,E)\mathcal A=(M\diagdown E_\ell,E_\ell)

Mod-Cut&Choose algorithm is 5/65/6-MMS (tight).

🤔Lemma 4. Let (X1,X2)(X_1,X_2) be a partition of MM. Agent 11, by bidding accordingly, can force Mod-Cut&Choose to construct E1,E2E_1,E_2 in for loop s.t. {E1,E2}={X1,X2}\{E_1,E_2\}=\{X_1,X_2\}.

Agent 11 can report in order to create the desired partition (X1,X2)(X_1,X_2) or its permutation (X2,X1)(X_2,X_1).

Case 1: One set has all the goods. Agent 11 declares zero value for all the goods. Then all the goods goes to E1E_1.

Case 2: One set has m1m-1 goods. Agent 1 declares value 11 for the good that is contained in the set with cardinality 11, and for every good that is contained in the set with cardinality m1m-1, the agent declares value 1m1\frac{1}{m-1}. The first good is added in E1E_1, so E2E_2 is going to get chosen next. According to these values, E2E_2 must get all the remaining goods.

Case 3: The two set have cardinalities k2k\ge2 and mk2m-k\ge2. Agent 11 declares value of one for one of the goods that are contained in the set with cardinality kk. For every good that is contained in the mkm-k set, the agent declares a value of 1+ϵmk\frac{1+\epsilon}{m-k} where 0<ϵ<1mk10\lt\epsilon\lt\frac{1}{m-k-1}, For the rest of the goods, the agent declares ϵk1\frac{\epsilon}{k-1}.

Agent 11 can manipulate bidding to produce min{v1(E1),v1(E2)}=μ1\min\{v_1(E_1),v_1(E_2)\}=\mu_1.

Corollary: Agent 11 can force Mod-Cut&Choose mechanism to construct μ1\mu_1-partition in for loop.

🎯🤔Theorem 6. For any instance I=({1,2},M,v)\mathcal I=(\{1,2\},M,\mathbf v), the Mod-Cut&Choose has at least one PNE. Every PNE of the mechanism is MMS and EFX w.r.t. valuation function v1,v2v_1,v_2.

Given a partition X=(X1,X2)\mathcal X=(X_1,X_2), we define a profile (b1,b2)(\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_2) and show that it is a PNE.

Let b2\mathbf b_2 be the truthful bid of agent 2.

Let b1\mathbf b_1 be the bidding vector that results in Mod-Cut&Choose constructing a partition in

argmaxXΠ2(M)v1(argminXX(X)).\arg\max_{\mathcal X\in\Pi_2(M)}v_1(\arg\min_{X\in\mathcal X}(X)).

Notice that Π2(M)\Pi_2(M) is finite. By lemma 4, every possible partition can be produced by Mod-Cut&Choose given the appropriate bid vector of agent 11.

So agent 11 forces the partition that maximizes (according v1v_1) the value of the least desirable bundle according to v2v_2.

Now it’s easy to see that given the bidding strategy of agent 22 (truth-telling), there is no deviation for agent 11 that is profitable. Moreover, agent 22 gets the best of the two bundles according to the agent’s valuation function (truth-telling is dominant strategy for agent 22). Thus, there is no profitable deviation for the agent either. Therefore (b1,b2)(\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_2) is a PNE for I\mathcal I.

Suppose a contradiction that there is a PNE b\mathbf b, for which an agent ii does not achieve the agent’s μi\mu_i in the allocation returned by Mod-Cut&Choose(b\mathbf b). If it’s agent 11, then according to Corollary 11, there is a bid vector b1\mathbf b_1' the agent can report so that the algorithm produces a μ1\mu_1-partition. By deviating to b1\mathbf b_1', regardless of the set given to agent 22, agent 11 ends up with a bundle the agent values at least μ1\mu_1. This would be a strict improvement over the agent’s current gain, contradicting that b\mathbf b is PNE.

So it must be the case that agent 22 gets a bundle that strictly less than μ2\mu_2. Regardless of the partition, by declaring the truthful bid, agent 22 gets a bundle of value at least v2(M)/2v_2(M)/2. Then it’s immediate to see that this value is at least μ2\mu_2, which is a contradiction.

So it’s MMS for 22 agents, thus it’s PMMS, thus EFX.

The Enhanced Fairness of EFX Nash Equilibria

Consider the class of mechanisms that have PNE for every instance, and these equilibria always lead to EFX allocations.

Goal: If these allocations have better fairness guarantees than EFX allocation in general.

2 agents + 4 goods, this paper proved that for every mechanism of this class, all allocations at a PNE are MMS allocations. By Theorem 2, there are instances with just 4 goods in which an EFX allocation is 2/32/3-MMS (tight bound).

🤔Lemma 5. Consider an instance with 22 agents and 44 goods. If agent i[2]i\in[2] has strictly positive value for 33 or fewer goods, then in every allocation that is EFX from the agent’s point of view, agent ii has value at least μi\mu_i.

Suppose agent ii has positive value for at most 3 goods. The statement is trivial when there is at most one positively valued good as in this case μi=0\mu_i=0, and agent ii always gets μi\mu_i no matter the bundle that agent gets. When agent has a positive value for two goods, in order to consider the allocation as EFX, the agent must get at least one of them. In this case, the agent also achieves the agent’s μi\mu_i as it is equal to the smaller of the 2 positive values.

Suppose agent ii has positive value for 3 goods, notice that μi\mu_i in this case is equal to min(\min(the largest one, the sum of two smallest values)). If agent ii gets 2 goods, then the agent always derives a value of at least μi\mu_i. If agent gets just one good, then this good must have the highest value; otherwise the agent wouldn’t consider the allocation as EFX. So agent gets value at least μi\mu_i.

🎯🤔Theorem 7. Let M\mathcal M be a mechanism that has PNE for any instance ([2],M,(v1,v2))([2],\mathcal M,(v_1,v_2)) with M=4|\mathcal M|=4 and all these equilibria lead to EFX allocations w.r.t. v1,v2v_1,v_2. Then, each such EFX allocation is also an MMS allocation.

Suppose for contradiction. There exists a valuation instance v\mathbf v for which there is a PNE b=(b1,b2)\mathbf b=(\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_2) that produces an EFX allocation (A1,A2)(A_1,A_2), where, WLOG, v1(A1)<μ1v_1(A_1)\lt\mu_1. Rename good to h1,h2,h3,h4h_1,h_2,h_3,h_4 so that valuation is in decreasing order. By lemma 6, A1A_1 must be either a singleton or one of {h2,h3},{h2,h4},{h3,h4}\{h_2,h_3\},\{h_2,h_4\},\{h_3,h_4\}.

  • A1=1|A_1|=1. Because (A1,A2)(A_1,A_2) is an EFX allocation and all goods have positive value according to v1v_1, it is easy to see that A1={h1}A_1=\{h_1\}. Then again because we have an EFX allocation, v1(h1)v1({h2,h3})v_1(h_1)\ge v_1(\{h_2,h_3\}). The latter implies v1(A1)μ1v_1(A_1)\ge\mu_1 by second inequality of lemma 6.

  • A1={h2,h3}A_1=\{h_2,h_3\}. Because A1A_1 is EFX-satisfied, v1(A1)v1(h1)v_1(A_1)\ge v_1(h_1). Similar to case 1, this implies v1(A1)μ1v_1(A_1)\ge\mu_1.

  • A1={h2,h4}A_1=\{h_2,h_4\} or {h3,h4}\{h_3,h_4\}. Consider different v\mathbf v^*, where agents have same values over the goods. The valuation function vv^* is defined

    v(hj)={1.2 j=11 j{2,3}0.1 j=4v^*(h_j)= \begin{cases} 1.2\ j=1\\ 1\ j\in\{2,3\}\\ 0.1\ j=4 \end{cases}

    There are only 2 EFX allocations ({h1,h4},{h2,h3}),({h2,h3},{h1,h4})(\{h_1,h_4\},\{h_2,h_3\}),(\{h_2,h_3\},\{h_1,h_4\}). According to assumption, there must be a bid b\mathbf b^* that is a PNE of M\mathcal M for this valuation profile. Because we require PNE to be EFX, M(b)\mathcal M(\mathbf b^*) must be one of these allocations.

    Observe that the value that agent 2​ derives in these allocations is at most 2.

    discuss on bundle of agent 1 accordingly.

    • A1A_1 is singleton. Contradicts PNE.
    • A1A_1 has 3 items. Contradicts PNE.
    • A1A_1 is one of 12,13,14,2312,13,14,23. By lemma 6, this contradicts MMS.
    • A1A_1 is one of 24,3424,34. Contradicts PNE.

Thus EFX allocations here are all MMS allocations. Q.E.D.

🤔Lemma 6. For N,M,v1N,M,v_1 as earlier, we have vi({h1,h4})μ1v_i(\{h_1,h_4\})\ge\mu_1 and max{vi(h1),vi({h2,h3})}μ1\max\{v_i(h_1),v_i(\{h_2,h_3\})\}\ge\mu_1.

For m5m\ge5, theorem 7 is not work. Because there are cases don’t lead to contradiction.

We need relaxation on MMS to α\alpha-MMS, but here α>2/3\alpha\gt2/3.

🎯🤔Theorem 8. Let M\mathcal M be a mechanism that has PNE for any instance ([2],M,(v1,v2))([2],\mathcal M,(v_1,v_2)) and all these equilibria lead to EFX allocation w.r.t. v1,v2v_1,v_2. Then, each such EFX allocation is also an α\alpha-MMS with α>2/3\alpha\gt2/3.

Suppose for contradiction: there exists such a mechanism M\mathcal M and an instance ({1,2},M,(v1,v2))(\{1,2\},M,(v_1,v_2)) for which there is a PNE b=(b1,b2)\mathbf b=(\mathbf b_1,\mathbf b_2) that results in an EFX allocation A\mathcal A, where vi(Ai)2μi/3v_i(A_i)\le2\mu_i/3 for at least one i[2]i\in[2]. WLOG, assume v1(A1)2μ1/3v_1(A_1)\le2\mu_1/3. By Theorem 2, this implies v1(A1)=2μ1/3v_1(A_1)=2\mu_1/3. Thus v1(A2)4μi/3v_1(A_2)\ge4\mu_i/3 because v1(M)2μ1v_1(M)\ge2\mu_1 by definition of MMS.

Initially, we restrict # goods with positive value in A2A_2. Let SA2S\subseteq A_2 be the set of such goods. Let S=k|S|=k and notice that kk can’t be 00 or 11. Finally, let xargmingSv1(g)x\in\arg\min_{g\in S}v_1(g) be a minimum valued good for agent 11 in SS. We have

23μ1=v1(A1)v1(S{x})v1(S)v1(S)k=k1kv1(A2)k1k43μ1,\frac{2}{3}\mu_1=v_1(A_1)\ge v_1(S\diagdown\{x\})\ge v_1(S)-\frac{v_1(S)}{k}=\frac{k-1}{k}v_1(A_2)\ge\frac{k-1}{k}\frac{4}{3}\mu_1,

where the first inequality follows from EFX. Observe that k2k\le2, this implies k=2k=2.

Yet another long proof


This paper discusses fair division with indivisible goods to a set of strategic agents.

Surprisingly, there exists strong impossibilities for truthful mechanisms. The paper shows that there exist mechanisms that have PNE for every instance, and at the same time the PNE allocation have strong guarantees w.r.t. true valuations.

Possible directions for future work:

  • Algorithm that compute EF1 allocations for richer valuation function domains (Envy-cycle elimination) in strategic setting.

    • Does there exist pure or mixed Nash Equilibria?
    • If there exist NE, does it still maintain fairness properties at the NE?
  • Theorem 7&8 leave an open problem: MMS guarantee that the equilibria of mechanisms that always have PNE and these are EFX.

    • suspect: corresponding allocations are not always MMS.
    • For every such mechanism that runs in polynomial time, finding a best response of an agent is NP. For n3n\ge3 the problem is absolutely non-trivial.
  • The complexity for computing best response. Want to know if best response dynamics always converge to a PNE or there might be cyclic behavior?