Multi-parameter mechanism design

Multi-parameter environments

  • nn strategic participants or agents
  • finite set Ω\Omega of outcomes (could be very large)
  • each agent ii has a private non-negative valuations vi(ω)v_i(\omega) for each outcome ωΩ\omega\in\Omega.
  • the social welfare of outcome ωΩ\omega\in\Omega is defined as i=1nvi(ω)\sum_{i=1}^nv_i(\omega).

Single-item auctions

  • nn bidders (agents)

  • set Ω\Omega consists of n+1n+1 possible outcomes

  • the valuation of agent ii is 0 in all the nn outcomes in which ii doesn’t get the item and viv_i for the outcome in which ii gets the item

  • very simple case

  • e.g. a potential buyer has different valuations for outcomes depending on who gets licenses among competitors.

Combinatorial auction

  • nn bidders
  • set MM of mm indivisible items
  • set Ω\Omega: nn-vectors of the form (S1,S2,,Sn)(S_1,S_2,\cdots,S_n) where SiMS_i\subseteq M denotes the set of items that are assigned to bidder ii.
  • every item is given to at most one bidder
  • the valuation of bidder ii for set SMS\subseteq M is vi(S)v_i(S), i.e. the valuation of each bidder consists of 2m2^m parameters
  • example: spectrum auctions, allocating takeoff and landing slots at airport.

The VCG mechanism

theorem: in every multi-parameter environment, there is a DSIC social welfare maximizing mechanism.

  • DSIC? ✅
  • social welfare maximization? ✅
  • low computational complexity? ❎

design goals (for single-parameter environments):

  • assuming that the participants report their private information truthfully, maximize the social welfare
  • provide incentives (through payments) so that the participants report their valuations truthfully.

Every participant ii declares her preference bi\mathbf b_i, i.e. a value for each possible outcome of Ω\Omega (direct revelation)

outcome: x(b)=argmaxωΩi=1nvi(ω)x(\mathbf b)=\arg\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{i=1}^nv_i(\omega)

payments? Myerson’s lemma doesn’t hold anymore.


monotone when input space is multi-param?

how to define critical bid?

Payment rule (charging each agent her externalities)

  • the payment from each participant is equal to the decrease in social welfare that her presence causes to the remaining participants

  • for outcome ω=x(b)\omega^*=x(\mathbf b), we define the payment.

    pi(b)=(maxωΩjibj(ω))jibj(ω)p_i(\mathbf b)=(\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega))-\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega^*)

    payment of ii = maximum social welfare of the rest of the participants - social welfare of the rest of the participants at outcome ω\omega^*.

VCG mechanism aka The Vickrey, Clarke & Groves mechanism

  • Outcome: ω=x(b)=argmaxωΩi=1nvi(ω)\omega^*=x(\mathbf b)=\arg\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{i=1}^nv_i(\omega)

  • Payment: pi(b)=(maxωΩjibj(ω))jibj(ω)p_i(\mathbf b)=(\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega))-\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega^*)

  • Alternative payment definition: pi(b)=bi(ω)[j=1nbj(ω)maxωΩjibj(ω)]p_i(\mathbf b)=b_i(\omega^*)-[\sum_{j=1}^nb_j(\omega^*)-\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega)]

    payment of ii = bid - rebate (increase in social welfare attributable to participant ii’s presence)

Proof via the VCG mechanism

social welfare is maximized due to the definition ω=x(b)=maxωΩi=1nbi(ω)\omega^*=x(\mathbf b)=\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{i=1}^nb_i(\omega),

we need to show that the utility vi(x(bi,bi))pi(bi,bi)v_i(x(\mathbf b_i,\mathbf b_{-i}))-p_i(\mathbf b_i,\mathbf b_{-i}) of agent ii is maximized for bi=vi\mathbf b_{i}=\mathbf v_i.

vi(x(bi,bi))pi(bi,bi)=[vi(ω)+jibj(ω)][maxωΩjibj(ω)]v_i(x(\mathbf b_i,\mathbf b_{-i}))-p_i(\mathbf b_i,\mathbf b_{-i})=[v_i(\omega^*)+\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega^*)]-[\max_{\omega\in\Omega}\sum_{j\neq i}b_j(\omega)]

so the goal of agent ii to maximize her utility is aligned with the general goal of maximizing social welfare.

Practical issues

Preference elicitation 偏好诱导: reporting 2m2^m parameters (issue for any direct revelation mechanism)

High computational complexity (e.g. knapsack auctions)

Low revenue

Problematic incentives: 容易受到投标者串通、假名投标

Spectrum auctions

Indirect mechanisms

they don’t need a bid from each participant for every possible outcome

they ask bids only when it’s necessary

English ascending auctions


  • the auctioneer increases the price gradually
  • bidders declare in or out at the current price
  • untiil there is only one interested bidder left
  • payment = price when the second-last bidder dropped out


  • non-direct revelation mechanism
  • dominant strategy for the participants: stay in the auction as long as the price is lower than valuation

Some variations

Christie’s, Sothby’s:

  • gradual increase of the price
  • potential buyers can drop out and return at any price 竞拍者可入可出
  • jump bids to aggressively raise the price 可大幅抬高价格

Japanese auction (amenable for theoretical analysis 只适合理论分析):

  • initial opening price
  • price increase at a steady state
  • once a participant drops out, she can’t re-enter at a later higher price

What about indirect mechanisms in multi-parameter environments? In combinatorial auctions? In spectrum auction?

Auctioning off each item separately

  • for every available item, run a separate single-item auction
  • requires one bid per item by each potential buyer
  • Social welfare?
    • High if items are substitutes: v(AB)v(A)+v(B)v(AB)\leq v_(A)+v(B)
    • Low if items are complements v(AB)>v(A)+v(B)v(AB)\gt v(A)+v(B)

Substitutes and complements


  • e.g. spectrum licenses for 2 different frequency block in the same geographical area, 2 different drinks.
  • easy computational problem
  • high social welfare through auction


  • e.g. spectrum licenses for the same frequency block in neighboring geographical areas, a pair of shoes
  • hard computational problem
  • low social welfare (usually)

Simultaneous ascending auctions

aka SAA

Rookie mistakes


  1. Hold the single-item auction sequentially, one at a time


    • kk-unit auction

    • every potential buyers is interested in exactly one copy

    • how will high valuation buyer behave?

      after winning a item, always bids 0

    • What can go wrong?

      not social welfare maximizing

  2. Use sealed-bid single item auctions


    • 3 potential buyers for 2 TV broadcasting licenses

    • each buyers wants only one licenses


  • Run in parallel at the same room, with one auctioneer per item
  • in every step, each potential buyer bids for a set of items
  • activity rule:
    • every potential buyer participates from the very beginning
    • the number of items in the bid of a potential buyer cannot increase as the auction progresses
  • details can be complicated


  • little or no resale of items
  • any reselling should take place at a price comparable to the auction’s selling price 任何转售应该以相同的拍卖售价进行
  • revenues should be meet or exceed projections
  • evidence of price discovery
  • the frequency packages assembled by the bidder should be sensible

Issues for SAA

demand reduction

2 potential buyers 2 items.

buyer 1: 10 for each item separately, 20 for both.

buyer 2: 8 for each item separately, 8 for both.

VCG: revenue=8

SAA: revenue=0

exposure problem


2 potential buyers for 2 items

buyer 1: value 100 for both, value 0 for each separately

buyer 2: value 75 for either item, wants only one.

VCG: revenue=75

SAA: revenue=0

Package bidding

limited use

hierarchical packages 分层包

computing prices/payments can be tricky

unpredictable outcomes

Redistributing the frequency spectrum

2016 FCC incentive auction, US

  1. Purchase of frequency blocks, via a reverse auction
  • A potential buyer 𝑖 has private valuation 𝑣" for her own frequency block
    and utility 𝑝 − 𝑣" when selling it at price 𝑝
  1. Repack not purchased frequencies
  • Bandwidth allocation for optimal spectrum use
  1. Auction off the available spectrum


Mechanism design in multi-parameter environments

The VCG mechanism

Indirect mechanism

Spectrum auctions


Problem 6.1


XiFiX_i\sim F_i, i=1,2,,ni=1,2,\cdots,n

这些 XiX_i 藏在 nn 个盒子中。

process: for i=1 to n

  1. 打开第 ii 个盒子,查看报价
  2. 要么接受第 i 个盒子报价,要么继续开下一个盒子

求证:prophet inequality: there exist a threshold τ\tau, s.t. we guarantee 12E[maxiXi]\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[\max_iX_i]. we accept the bid once we find first Xi>τX_i\gt \tau. 这个系数 12\frac{1}{2} 不能被提高。

我们要证明 ϵ<0\forall\epsilon\lt0, E[ALG]<12ϵE[maxiXi]\mathbb E[ALG]\lt\frac{1}{2-\epsilon}\mathbb E[\max_iX_i]

Monotone Hazard Rate distribution aka MHR

vFv\sim F\rightarrow virtual valuation φ(v)=v1F(v)f(v)\varphi(v)=v-\frac{1-F(v)}{f(v)}

vv is regular when φ(v)\varphi(v) is non-decreasing

vv is MHR when 1F(v)f(v)\frac{1-F(v)}{f(v)} is non-increasing

φ(v)\Rightarrow\varphi(v) is increasing \Rightarrow vv is regular.

Problem 6.2

define a auction: welfare maximization with monopoly reserves.


  1. let rir_i be the monopoly price, ri=argmaxr0{r(1Fi(r))}r_i=\arg\max_{r\ge0}\{r(1-F_i(r))\}.
  2. let ss denotes the agents with viriv_i\ge r_i.
  3. choose winners WSW\subseteq S to maximize the social welfare: W=argmaxTS:T feasibleiTviW=\arg\max_{T\subseteq S:T\ feasible}\sum_{i\in T}v_i.
  4. define payment ala Myerson’s lemma.

a) prove that if viriv_i\ge r_i then ri+φ(vi)vir_i+\varphi(v_i)\ge v_i (due to MHR)

ri=argmaxr0{r(1Fi(r))}[ri(1Fi(ri))]=0ri=1F(ri)f(ri)MHR,viri1F(vi)f(vi)1Fi(ri)f(ri)vi=φi(vi)+1F(vi)f(vi)φi(vi)+1Fi(ri)f(ri)=φi(vi)+ri\because r_i=\arg\max_{r\ge0}\{r(1-F_i(r))\}\\ \therefore [r_i(1-F_i(r_i))]'=0\\ \therefore r_i=\frac{1-F(r_i)}{f(r_i)}\\ \because MHR,v_i\ge r_i\\ \therefore \frac{1-F(v_i)}{f(v_i)}\le\frac{1-F_i(r_i)}{f(r_i)}\\ v_i=\varphi_i(v_i)+\frac{1-F(v_i)}{f(v_i)}\le\varphi_i(v_i)+\frac{1-F_i(r_i)}{f(r_i)}=\varphi_i(v_i)+r_i

b) let M\mathcal M^* be the revenue-maximizing mechanism. prove that E[SW(M)]E[SW(M)]\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M)]\ge\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M^*)]

observe that both mechanism M,M\mathcal M,\mathcal M^* select subset of SS as outcome

c) prove that E[REV(M)]12E[SW(M)]\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M)]

E[REV(M)]=E[iWφi(vi)]E[REV(M)]E[iWri]2×E[REV(M)]E[iWφi(vi)]+E[iWri]E[iWvi]=E[SW(M)]E[REV(M)]12E[SW(M)]\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]=\mathbb E[\sum_{i\in W}\varphi_i(v_i)]\\ \mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\mathbb E[\sum_{i\in W}r_i]\\ \therefore2\times\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\mathbb E[\sum_{i\in W}\varphi_i(v_i)]+\mathbb E[\sum_{i\in W}r_i]\\ \ge\mathbb E[\sum_{i\in W}v_i]=\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M)]\\ \therefore\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M)]

d) prove that E[REV(M)]12E[REV(M)]\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M^*)]

E[REV(M)]12E[SW(M)]12E[SW(M)]12E[REV(M)](c),(b),viφ(vi)viri\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[SW(\mathcal M^*)]\ge\frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[REV(\mathcal M^*)]\\ (c),(b),v_i\ge\varphi(v_i)\forall v_i\ge r_i

Another Problem

Set of items MM, nn agents with valuations for subset (bundles) of items (aka multi-param)

goal: set price for each item and ask their prices as payments from the agent who gets each item i.e., if agent ii gets bundle SiS_i, her value vi(Si)v_i(S_i) and her payment to the mechanism is jSipj\sum_{j\in S_i}p_j.


an allocation S=(S1,S2,,Sn)S^*=(S_1^*,S_2^*,\cdots,S_n^*) of the items of MM to the nn agents at selling prices PP^* is called a Walrasian equilibrium if:

  1. every agent gets has preferred bundle given prices PP^*, i.e., SiargmaxSM{vi(S)jSpj}S_i^*\in\arg\max_{S\subseteq M}\{v_i(S)-\sum_{j\in S}p_j\}
  2. supply agents demand, i.e., every item appear in at most one bundle and stay unsold only if Pi=0P_i^*=0

Prove that a Walrasian equilibrium has optimal social welfare.

Let S,PS^*,P^* be a Walrasian e.g. and S=(S1,S2,,Sn)S=(S_1,S_2,\cdots,S_n) is any other allocation of the items in MM to the nn agents. we will show that SW>SWSW^*\gt SW, meaning that SS^* is social-welfare maximizing

By the Walrasian equilibrium definition, we have that for agent ii:

vi(Si)jSipjvi(Si)jSipjv_i(S_i^*)-\sum_{j\in S_i^*}p_j\ge v_i(S_i)-\sum_{j\in S_i}p_j^*

i.e., the utility of agent ii for the bundle SiS_i^* she gets in the Walrasian equilibrium is at least as high as her utility for bundle SiS_i (given price PP^*)

vi(Si)vi(Si)jSipj+jSipjv_i(S_i^*)\ge v_i(S_i)-\sum_{j\in S_i}p_j^*+\sum_{j\in S_i^*}p_j^*

summing this inequality for all agents ii, we have

SW(S)=i[n]vi(Si)i[n](vi(Si)jSipj+jSipj)i[n]vi(Si)i[n]jSjpj+i[n]jSjpj=SW(S)SW(S^*)=\sum_{i\in[n]}v_i(S_i^*)\ge\sum_{i\in[n]}(v_i(S_i)-\sum_{j\in S_i}p_j^*+\sum_{j\in S_i^*}p_j^*)\\ \sum_{i\in[n]}v_i(S_i)-\sum_{i\in[n]}\sum_{j\in S_j}p_j^*+\sum_{i\in[n]}\sum_{j\in S_j^*}p_j^*\\ =SW(S)