What is Clustering

Grouping a set of data objects into clusters

  • Cluster: a collection of data objects
    1. Similar to one another within the same cluster
    2. Dissimilar to the objects in other clusters

Cluster = unsupervised classification no predefined classes


  1. Get insight into data distribution
  2. Preprocessing step for other algorithms

Application of Clustering

Pattern Recognition and Image Processing

Spatial Data Analysis



Information retrieval



Social networks

Basic Concept of Representative-based Approaches

Goal: Construct a partition of a database DD of nn objects into a set of kk clusters minimizing an objective function

  • Exhaustively enumerating all possible partitions into kk sets in order to find the global minimum is too expensive (exponential time)
  • Example objective: minimize the max distance (Manhattan, Euclidean, Geodesic, …) among the points in the cluster

Heuristic methods:

  • Choose kk representatives for clusters e.g. randomly
  • Improve there initial representatives iteratively
    • Assign each object to the cluster it fits best in the current clustering
    • Compute new cluster representatives based on these assignments
    • Repeat until the change in the objective function from one iteration to the next drops below a threshold

Types of cluster representatives

  • K-means: Each cluster is represented by the center of the cluster
  • K-medoid: Each cluster is represented by one of its objects.

K-means Clustering


Basic Ideas

For a given kk, form kk groups so that the sum of the distances between the mean of the groups (centroids) and their elements is minimal.

Basic Notions

Objects x=(x1,,xd)\mathbf x=(x_1,\cdots,x_d) are points in a d-dimensional vector space

Centroid μc\mu_c: Means of all points in a cluster CC: μc=1CxjCxj\mu_c=\frac{1}{C}\sum_{x_j\in C}x_j.

Measure of the compactness (aka total distance) of a cluster CiC_i:

TD(Ci)=xjCidist(xj,μCi)2TD(C_i)=\sqrt{\sum_{x_j\in C_i}dist(x_j,\mu_{C_i})^2}

Measure of the compactness of a clustering:


The ideal clustering minimizes this objective function.

Lloyd’s Algorithm

Initialize: Partition the objects randomly into kk non-empty subsets.

  1. Centroid Update: Compute the centroids of the clusters of the current partition. The centroid is the center of a cluster.
  2. Cluster Assignment: Assign each object to the cluster with the nearest representative.

Repeat Step 1 until representatives change.

Pros and Cons

Advantages 👍

  • Relatively efficient O(tkn)\mathcal O(tkn)

    nn is # of objects, kk is # of clusters, tt is # of iterations.

  • Normally k,tnk,t\ll n.

  • Easy implementation

Disadvantages 👎

  • Applicable only when mean is defined
  • Need to specify kk in advance
  • Sensitive to noisy data and outliers
  • Clusters are forced to have convex shapes.
  • Result and runtime are very dependent on initial partition; often terminates at a local optimum.

Variant of k-means, e.g. ISODATA (eliminate small clusters, merging and split of clusters)

Choice of Parameter kk

Idea for a method:

  1. Determine a clustering for each k=2,,n1k=2,\cdots,n-1
  2. Choose the best clustering

How to measure the quality of a clustering?

  • measure has to be independent of kk!
  • The measures for the compactness of a clustering TD2TD^2 and TDTD are monotonously decreasing with increasing value of kk.

The Silhouette Coefficient

A measure to clustering

Basic idea:

  • Elements in cluster should be similar to their representative

  • Elements in different clusters should be dissimilar

int(o)int(o): average distance between object oo and the objects in its cluster.

int(o)=1CixC(o){o}dist(o,x)int(o)=\frac{1}{C_i}\sum_{x\in C(o)\diagdown\{o\}}dist(o,x)

ext(o)ext(o): average distance between object oo and the objects in its “second closest” cluster

ext(o)=minCiC(o)(1CixCidist(o,x))ext(o)=\min_{C_i\neq C(o)}(\frac{1}{C_i}\sum_{x\in C_i}dist(o,x))

The silhouette of oo is:

s(o)=ext(o)int(o)max{int(o),ext(o)}s(o)[1,1]s(o)=\frac{ext(o)-int(o)}{\max\{int(o),ext(o)\}}\\ s(o)\in[-1,1]

How good is the assignment of oo to its cluster?

s(o)1s(o)\rightarrow-1: bad, on average cluster to members of second-closest cluster.

s(o)=0s(o)=0: o lies between two clusters.

s(o)1s(o)\rightarrow1: good assignment of oo to its cluster.

Silhouette coefficient sCs_C of a clustering is average silhouette of all objects

  • sC(0.7,1.0]s_C\in(0.7,1.0] implies strong structure.
  • sC(0.5,0.7]s_C\in(0.5,0.7] implies medium structure.
  • sC(0.25,0.5]s_C\in(0.25,0.5] implies weak structure.
  • sC[1,0.25]s_C\in[-1,0.25] implies no structure.

sCs_C is used for determining the best value of kk.

Kernel K-means

Linearity of K-means: K-means assume the boundaries between the clusters are lines.

❓What if the boundaries are not lines? Use Kernel K-means.

Basic Idea

Use kernels to project points into another space

Separate the points with -means in the new space

Recall k-means objective: minCi=1kxjCixjμi2\min_C\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{x_j\in C_i}||x_j-\mu_i||^2

Map every point xjx_j into a different space ϕ(xj)\phi(x_j)

Recall that a kernel is a dot-product K(xi,xj)=ϕ(xi)Tϕ(xj)K(x_i,x_j)=\phi(x_i)^T\phi(x_j)


minCi=1kxjCiϕ(xj)ϕ(μi)2=j=1nK(xj,xj)i=1k1nixaCixbCiK(xa,xb)\min_C\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{x_j\in C_i}||\phi(x_j)-\phi(\mu_i)||^2\\ =\sum_{j=1}^nK(x_j,x_j)-\sum_{i=1}^k\frac{1}{n_i}\sum_{x_a\in C_i}\sum_{x_b\in C_i}K(x_a,x_b)

Kernel K-means can generates non-linear boundaries.

Pro and Cons

Advantages 👍

  • Allow detection of clusters with arbitrary shape
  • Fits any possible kernel

Disadvantages 👎

  • Inefficient O(n2k)O(n^2k)
  • Like K-means: need to specify the number of clusters kk in advance.
  • Requires the choice of a kernel



K-means assumes Euclidean distance while K-medoid is more general.

  • Motivated by L1 norm (Manhattan distance)
  • Works also in space, where a mean is not defined
  • Only input is the possibility to compute pairwise distance

More robust to noise 👍

Lp Norms

General Lp-Metric (Minkowski-Distance)

dp(x,y)=(i=1dxiyip)1pd_p(x,y)=(\sum_{i=1}^d|x_i-y_i|^p)^{1\over p}

p=2p=2: Euclidean Distance used in K-means

p=1p=1 Manhattan Distance used in K-medoids

Basic Idea

Find kk representatives in the dataset s.t., the sum of the distances between representatives and objects which are assigned to them is minimal.

Medoid: representative object “in the middle”


Requires arbitrary objects and a distance function

Medoid mCm_C: representative object in a cluster CC

Measure for the compactness of a cluster CC:

TD(C)=xCdist(x,mC)TD(C)=\sum_{x\in C}dist(x,m_C)

Measure for the compactness of a clustering


PAM Algorithm

Given kk

  1. Select kk objects arbitrarily as medoids; assign each remaining object to the cluster with the nearest representative, and compute current TDTD.
  2. For each pair medoid M and non-medoid N, compute the value TDMNTD_{M\lrarr N}.
  3. Select the non-medoid NN for which TDMNTD_{M\lrarr N} is minimum.
  4. If TDMNTD_{M\lrarr N} is smaller than current TDTD
    • Swap MM with NN
    • Set current TD=TDMNTD=TD_{M\lrarr N}.
    • Go back to step 2.
  5. Else stop



  • additional parameter: numlocal
  • Draws numlocal samples of the data set
  • applies PAM on each sample
  • returns the best of these sets of medoids as output


  • two additional parameters: maxneighbor and numlocal
  • at most maxneighbor many pairs are evaluated in the algorithm.
  • The first pair (M,N) for which TD is smaller than current one is swapped instead of finding the minimal one.
  • Finding the local minimum with this procedure is repeated numlocal times.

Efficiency: runtime(CLARANS) < runtime(CLARA) < runtime(PAM)

Pros and Cons

Advantages 👍

  • Applicable to arbitrary objects + distance functions
  • Not as sensitive to noisy data and outlier as K-means

Disadvantages 👎

  • Inefficient
  • Need to specify the number of clusters kk in advance
  • Result and runtime for CLARA and CLARNAS may vary largely depend on randomization.

Expectation Maximization

Consider points xj=(x1,,xd)\mathbf x_j=(x_1,\cdots,x_d) from a d-dimensional Euclidean vector space

Each cluster is represented by a probability distribution

Typically: mixture of Gaussian distributions

Single distribution to represent a cluster CiC_i

  • Center point μi\mu_i of all points in the cluster
  • Covariance matrix Σi\Sigma_i for the points in the cluster CiC_i

f(xμi,Σi)=1(2π)dΣie12(xμi)TΣi1(xμi)f(\mathbf x|\mu_i,\Sigma_i)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^d|\Sigma_i|}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\mathbf x-\mu_i)^T\Sigma_i^{-1}(\mathbf x-\mu_i)}

The density for the clustering

f(x)=i=1kf(xμi,Σi)P(Ci),i=1kP(Ci)=1f(\mathbf x)=\sum_{i=1}^kf(\mathbf x|\mu_i,\Sigma_i)P(C_i),\sum_{i=1}^kP(C_i)=1

❓ How do we find the parameters θi=μi,Σi,P(Ci)\theta_i=\mu_i,\Sigma_i,P(C_i)? Maximize the log-likelihood (MLE)

argmaxθ1,,θklnP(Dθ1,,θk)\arg\max_{\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_k}\ln P(\mathbf D|\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_k)

where lnP(Dθ1,,θk)=lnj=1nf(xj)=j=1nlnf(xjs)\ln P(\mathbf D|\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_k)=\ln\prod_{j=1}^nf(\mathbf x_j)=\sum_{j=1}^n\ln f(\mathbf x_js)

=j=1ni=1klnf(xjμi,Σi)P(Ci)=\sum_{j=1}^n\sum_{i=1}^k\ln f(x_j|\mu_i,\Sigma_i)P(C_i)

EM algorithm

  1. Assume we have already computed the parameters θ1,,θk\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_k
  2. Compute the probability of each cluster conditioned to each point
  3. Update the parameters θ1,,θk\theta_1,\cdots,\theta_k.

Pros and Cons

Advantages 👍

  • Flexible and powerful probabilistic model
  • Captures overlapping clusters

Disadvantages 👎

  • Convergence to local minimum
  • Computation effort O(nkt)O(nkt)
  • Both result and runtime strongly depend on
    • initial assignment
    • a proper choice of parameter kk
  • Modification to obtain a partitioning variant