How to segment a sequence of points with an efficient algorithms and how to find similar documents in a linear manner.

2 algorithm.

The first is clustering a sequence to form kk partitions with a dynamic programming.

The second is an approximation that allows to compute pairwise distance avoiding O(n2)\mathcal O(n^2). The idea is to use efficient signatures and hash the signatures in bands so as similar items will likely end up in the same bucket.

Sequence Segmentation

A sequence is a vector (x1,,xn)Rn(x_1,\cdots, x_n)\in\mathbb R^n.

Sequence segmentation: Given a set sequence (x1,,xn)(x_1,\cdots,x_n), find kk contiguous segments that are as homogeneous as possible.

The sequence segmentation problem requires a notion of homogeneity similar to one of clustering. Points in the segment should be subsequences rendering the problem different from that of clustering.

A sequence is homogeneous if its points have a small deviation from the mean. Let D\mathcal D be a sequence of nn dd-dimensional points.

Definition of kk-segmentation: A kk-segmentation SS is a partition of D\mathcal D into kk contiguous segments (s1,,sk)(s_1,\cdots,s_k). Each segment sis_i is represented by a dd-dimensional mean vector μi=1sxsx\mu_i=\frac{1}{|s|}\sum_{\mathbb x\in s}\mathbb x.

The mean vector has the same role of the centroid for kk-means clustering. The error E(S)E(S) of a kk-segmentation SS is the error of replacing each individual point with the means. Similar to kk-means, one of the most common errors is sum of squares error:

E(S)=sSsS(xμs)2E(S)=\sum_{s\in S}\sum_{\mathbb s\in S}(\mathbb x-\mu_s)^2

Problem of k-segmentation problem

Given a sequence D=(x1,,xn)\mathcal D=(\mathbb x_1,\cdots,\mathbb x_n) of length nn, find a set of kk segments SS of D\mathcal D s.t. the SSE error is minimized.

A Dynamic Programming Solution

A dynamic programming solution from Bellman solves the kk-segmentation problem in polynomial time.

The idea is to build the solution bottom-up solving progressively larger instances of the problem.

DP requires the property of optimal sub-problem that states that the solution on a subset of the input is also optimal.

Denote D[1,i]D[1,i] the sub-sequence x1,,xi\mathbb x_1,\cdots,\mathbb x_i with ini\le n. E(i,s)E(i,s) is the error of the optimal segmentation of the sub-sequence D[1,i]D[1,i] with ss segments with sks\le k. The dynamic programming algorithm follows the recursion

E(i,s)=minsji1(E(j,s1)+j+1ti(tμj+1,i)2)E(i,s)=\min_{s\le j\le i-1}\left(E(j,s-1)+\sum_{j+1\le t\le i}(\mathbf t-\mu_{j+1,i})^2\right)

In practice we can use a 2-dimensional table that stores in position s,is,i the value E(i,s)E(i,s).


Input: Sequence D,k,E()\mathcal D,k,E(\cdot)

  1. for each i1ni\gets1\cdots n do
    • A[1,i]=E(D[1i])A[1,i]=E(D[1\cdots i])
  2. for each s1ks\gets1\cdots k do
    • A[s,s]=0A[s,s]=0
  3. for each s=2ns=2\cdots n do
    • for each i=s+1,,ni=s+1,\cdots,n do
      • A[k,i]=minj<i(A[s1,j]+E(D[j+1i]))A[k,i]=\min_{j\lt i}(A[s-1,j]+E(D[j+1\cdots i]))

To recover the actual segmentation, the matrix AA should store also the values jj minimizing the error.


The algorithm needs to fill O(nk)\mathcal O(nk) table, each cell computes the minimum, takes O(n)\mathcal O(n) cells to check, each of it computes the error in O(n)\mathcal O(n). Thus total complexity of O(n3k)\mathcal O(n^3k) for naive version.

The errors per cell can be further optimized by noticing that

j+1ti(tμ[j+1,i])2=j+1tit21ij(j+1tit)2\sum_{j+1\le t\le i}(\mathbf t-\mu_{[j+1,i]})^2=\sum_{j+1\le t\le i}\mathbf t^2-\frac{1}{i-j}(\sum_{j+1\le t\le i}\mathbf t)^2

that requires the repeated computation of t2\mathbf t^2 and t\mathbf t. These two terms can be easily pre-computed for all i=1ni=1\cdots n. By this optimization, complexity is reduced to O(n2k)\mathbf O(n^2k).

Heuristic: we can further reduce the computational burden by using greedy approaches or local search that assigns border points randomly and move the in a way to reduce the errors. The total time is O(nk)\mathcal O(nk).

Finding Similar Points Efficiently

Comparing each point in the data with other, raising O(n2)\mathcal O(n^2).

Given a dataset D={x1,,xn}\mathcal D=\{\mathbb x_1,\cdots,\mathbb x_n\} of dd-dimensional data points, find all the pairs of data point (xi,xj)(\mathbb x_i,\mathbb x_j) s.t. d(xi,xj)sd(\mathbb x_i,\mathbb x_j)\le s for some distance function dd.

With Locality-Sensitive Hashing, we can get rid of O(n2)\mathcal O(n^2).

LSH 不是 今天上午的随机算法课 才讲的么……这下闭环了。

Definition of Jaccard similarity: of two sets is the size of their intersection sim(C_1,C_2)=|C_1\and C_2|/|C_1\or C_2|. The Jaccard distance is then d(C_1,C_2)=1-|C_1\and C_2|/|C_1\or C_2|.

A large number of documents do not fit into memory and we need a representation of each document that allows for preserving the distances while considerably reducing the memory footprint. In order to achieve such a gold, we use the 3 steps:

  1. Shingling: Convert documents to sets.
  2. Min-hashing: Convert large sets to short signatures, while preserving similarity.
  3. LSH: Focus on pairs of signatures likely to be from similar documents.


A kk-shingle is a set of kk tokens that appear in the document.

Idea: we return a large number of sparse vector with low similarity.

For instance, the set of 22-shingle for document D1=abcabD_1=abcab is S(D1)={ab,bc,ca}S(D_1)=\{ab,bc,ca\}.

Long shingles can be easily compressed by hashing. Documents are compared through the hash values. Finally each document is a binary vector in the space of kk-shingle in which a shingle is a dimension.

We assume that documents have a large number of common shingles if they are similar. However, kk is a critical choice to compare documents. A small kk leads to a large number of similar documents. As rule of thumb k=5,10k=5,10 is a reasonable choice for short/large documents.

Shingling doesn’t solve the problem of a large number of similarity computation.


The document is converted into a set of shingles and consequently as a binary vector, where each dimension is a shingle and a 11 in position ii of document jj indicates that the document contains the shingle ii. This way can we represent our dataset as a matrix where each row represents.

Computing Jaccard similarity in such a matrix relies on simple bit-wise AND, intersection and OR.

Min-Hashing is used for faster comparison. It converts the binary representation into small signatures through hashing. The key idea is to hash each column to a small signatures h(C)h(C) s.t.

  • h(C)h(C) is small enough that the signature fits in RAM
  • sim(C1,C2)sim(C_1,C_2) is the same as the similarity of signatures h(C1),h(C2)h(C_1),h(C_2).

Definition of min-hash function: The hash function hπ(C)h_\pi(C) returns the index of the first row in which column CC has value 11.


Hash function is a approximation of a set.

Min-hash preserves the property that Pr[hπ(C1)=hπ(C2)]=sim(C1,C2)\Pr[h_\pi(C_1)=h_\pi(C_2)]=sim(C_1,C_2).

A trick

For each column CC, and hash function, kik_i keep a slot for the min-hash value. Initialize Sig(C)[i]=Sig(C)[i]=\infty, then scan rows looking for 11s. How to choose kik_i? Using universal hashing.



LSH tackles the problem of the comparison by hashing the signatures in an appropriate manner.

Intuition: use a function f(x,y)f(x,y) to determine whether xx and yy is a candidate pair whose similarity must be evaluated. For Min-hash matrices we hash the columns of the signature matrix MM to different buckets. If two documents hashes into the same buckets, they become a candidate pair with similarity simthresholdsim\ge threshold.

LSH works:

  • Pick a similarity threshold ss.
  • The columns of xx and yy of MM are a candidate pair if their signatures agree on at least a fraction ss of their rows. M(i,x)=M(i,y)M(i,x)=M(i,y) for at least a fraction ss of ii.
  • The idea is to hash columns of signatures matrix MM several times. Similar columns should be likely to hash to the same bucket with high probability.

LSH partitions MM’s columns into bb bands each of rr rows. For each band, compute a signatures using a hash function with kk buckets, where kk is arbitrarily large. The candidate column pairs are those that hash to the same bucket for at least 11 band. Tune bb and rr to catch most similar pairs, few non-similar pairs.

How to choose bb and rr?

Balances false positives / negatives.

We need to strike a trade-off with the number of bands and the number of rows.

As bb increases, the method becomes more reliable, but the time increases as well.

If t=sim(C1,C2)t=sim(C_1,C_2) the probability that all rows in a band are equal is trt^r and probability that some row in a band are different is 1tr1-t^r.

As such the probability that no band is identical is (1rt)b(1-r^t)^b that leads to (1(1rt)b)(1-(1-r^t)^b) the probability that at least 11 band is identical.

Pros and Cons

👍Finds similar items in linear time

👍Easy and fast to implement

👍Generalizes to other similarity measures

👎Performance depend on the choice of b,rb,r

👎Requres a fairly large number of buckets