PageRank as a fundamental tool in graph mining, connections to Markov process and linear algebra.

Random Walk


An algorithm that provides a score to each web page.

It follows:

  • Each link’s vote is proportional to the importance of its source page.
  • If node jj with importance rjr_j has nn out links, each of the jj’s neighbors gets rj/nr_j/n votes.
  • Page jj’s own importance is the sum of the votes on its in-links.

PageRank can be simply expressed as the sum of the scores of the neighbors.

Let mji=1/dim_{ji}=1/d_i^- be the probability that from ii we end up to ii’s neighbor jj and did_i^- is the out-degree of node ii.

The PageRank of a page is the weighted sum of the PageRank of the pages that links to it

rj=imjirir=Mrr_j=\sum_im_{ji}r_i\\ \mathbf r=\mathbf{Mr}

where M\mathbf M is the matrix of the probability of landing on page ii from jj. M\mathbf M can be computed as AΔ1\mathbf {A^\top\Delta}^{-1}.

The Power Iteration Method

Think of r=Mr\mathbf{r}=\mathbf{Mr} as an iterative process that updates the previous value of rt\mathbf r^t at iteration tt with the new rt+1=Mrt\mathbf r^{t+1}=\mathbf{Mr}^t. This is the idea of Power Iteration method.

The PageRank vector r\mathbf r is initially uniform with 1/n1/n for all nodes. The iteration continues until convergence rtrt+12<ϵ||\mathbf r^t-\mathbf r^{t+1}||_2\lt\epsilon. Note that the choice of stopping criteria is arbitrary and can be easily substituted with a simple sum of absolute differences.

Pseudo Code of Power Iteration

Input: Transition matrix M\mathbf M, number of nodes nn

Output: PageRank r\mathbf r

  1. r0=1n1\mathbf r^0=\frac{1}{n}\mathbf 1

  2. t0t\gets0

  3. repeat

    • tt+1t\gets t+1
    • rrt\mathbf r\gets\mathbf r^t
    • rtMr\mathbf r^t\gets\mathbf{Mr}

    until rtr2<ϵ||\mathbf r^t-\mathbf r||_2\lt\epsilon

Dominant eigenvector. The eigenvector of M\mathbf M. In fact, PageRank corresponds to the eigenvalue 11. Mr=1r\mathbf{Mr}=1\mathbf r. Furthermore, the PageRank is the dominant eigenvector of the matrix M\mathbf M.

Power Iteration method converges to the dominant eigenvector by following theorem:

Theorem. The sequence Mr0,,Mtr0\mathbf {Mr}^0,\cdots,\mathbf M^t\mathbf r^0 approaches the dominant eigenvector of M\mathbf M.

Random Walk Interpretation. A characterization of PageRank. This assumes that at any point in time tt an internet surfer lands on page ii, and at time t+1t+1 the surfer follows an outlink from ii uniformly at random. Once the surfer lands on a different pages, they repeat the process of selecting a linked page uniformly at random.

Let p(t)\mathbf p(t) be a vector whose ii-th coordinate is the probability that the surfer is at page ii at time tt. Then p(t)\mathbf p(t) is a probability distribution over the pages. At time t+1t+1 the surfer will reach any of the linked pages with probability p(t+1)=Mp(t)\mathbf p(t+1)=\mathbf{Mp}(t). At convergence p(t+1)=Mp(t)=p(t)\mathbf p(t+1)=\mathbf{Mp}(t)=\mathbf p(t), then p(t)\mathbf p(t) is a stationary distribution of the random walk.

The PageRank r\mathbf r satisfies r=Mr\mathbf r=\mathbf{Mr}, so r\mathbf r is a stationary distribution for the random walk. A central result from the theory of random walks says that graphs that satisfy certain conditions have a unique stationary distribution and will eventually converge regardless of the initial distribution t=0t=0.

Convergence of PageRank. Does the iteration r=Mr\mathbf r=\mathbf{Mr} converge? The answer is no. It’s possible to design such an example.

Other problems with PageRank.

  1. Sinks: a node without outgoing edges.
  2. Spider trap: a group of nodes without outgoing edges.

Pros and Cons


  • Fast to compute with Power Iteration O(mt)\mathcal O(mt) where tt is number of iterations.
  • It provides a measure of relevance that does not depend on the content of a page.


  • It measures generic popularity of a page, but is biased against topic-specific authorities.
  • Susceptible to link spam.
  • Uses a single measure of importance.

Solving PageRank Issues

Using teleportation.

It is the process under which, with some probability the surfer chooses a random node where to teleport.


  • At each iteration tt we toss a coin.

  • With probability α\alpha we continue in our surfing by choosing randomly among the node’s neighbors, else with probability 1α1-\alpha we select a random node to teleport.

    rj=i,jEαridi+(1α)1nr_j=\sum_{i,j\in E}\alpha\frac{r_i}{d_i}+(1-\alpha)\frac{1}{n}

  • Equivalently written in matrix notation

    r=αMr+(1α)[1n]n×n\mathbf r=\alpha\mathbf{Mr}+(1-\alpha)[\frac{1}{n}]_{n\times n}

Observation: α\alpha. If it’s close to 00 the PageRank will converge to the uniform distribution 1/n1/n; if it’s close to 11 the PageRank might converge slower like original version. A typical choice of α:α[0.8,0.9]\alpha:\alpha\in[0.8,0.9].

Personalized PageRank

There are (1α)1n(1-\alpha)\frac{1}{n} teleports equally on all nodes. However, in some application we might to teleport only on a small number of nodes by substituting the vector [1n]n[\frac{1}{n}]_n with a generic probabilistic vector p\mathbf p obtaining

r=αMr+(1α)p\mathbf r=\alpha\mathbf{Mr}+(1-\alpha)\mathbf p

This equation is called Personalized PageRank. This kind of PageRank corresponds to Random Walks with Restart:

r=αAΔ1r+(1α)p\mathbf r=\alpha\mathbf{A\Delta}^{-1}\mathbf r+(1-\alpha)\mathbf p

where AΔ1\mathbf{A\Delta}^{-1} is a stochastic matrix as the sum of each column is 11. p\mathbf p is the restart vector, and is also stochastic.

Topic-specific PageRank

Topic-specific PageRank computes the Personalized PageRank for a group of nodes SS. These nodes are selected among the pages that have the same topic.

If we cluster the pages by words we might find different communities. One way to restrict to one of these communities is to run PPR on the of initial pages with the same words. We can compute PPR for each topic set SS and get a different vector rSr_S. We update the transition matrix M\mathbf M with a probability of teleporting to the nodes in the set SS

wi,j={αmi,j+(1α)/S if iSαmi,j+0 Otherwisew_{i,j}=\begin{cases} \alpha m_{i,j}+(1-\alpha)/|S|\text{ if }i\in S\\ \alpha m_{i,j}+0\text{ Otherwise} \end{cases}

As we teleport uniformly to any node in SS we can simply use the personalization vector p\mathbf p and define

pi={1S iS0p_i=\begin{cases} \frac{1}{|S|}\ i\in S\\ 0 \end{cases}

In this way, the rest of the PPR definition remains the same besides p\mathbf p.


Teleportation probably solves a deal of problems, but PageRank may still be biased towards pages that spread false information.

TrustRank tries to solve this issue with the use of trusted pages.

Main idea: the principle of approximate isolation under which it is unlikely that a good page points to a bad page.

Two problem to solve:

  1. how to select the set of trusted pages;
  2. how to decide whether a page is a spam or is a good one.

Selecting a subset of trusted pages. In order to select a list of trusted pages we can use different approaches:

  1. Sample a set of pages and ask a set of volunteers to evluate whether the pages are good or bad. Expensive!!!
  2. Select the kk pages with the highest PageRank, assuming that bad pages cannot eventually reach too high PR values.
  3. Select a set of trusted domains.

Detecting spam pages. One way to detect spam pages is to define a threshold value and mark all pages below such threshold as spam. However, finding the right threshold is difficult.

Another solution is to compute spam mass as the deviation of TrustRank from PageRank. The spam mass is the fraction of a page’s PageRank that comes from spam pages. Since in practice, we forget about spam pages, compute an estimate instead.

Let rxr_x be the PR of page xx. The rx+r_x^+ is the PR of xx with teleport only into trusted pages. Then spam mass is x=rxrxx=\frac{r_x^-}{r_x} where rx=rxrx+r_x^-=r_x-r_x^+. Pages with high spam mass are considered spam.

Link Farms

One problem for PageRank: Link farms.

A link farm is a page ss, usually controlled by a malicious spammer, that is connected to a set of good and trusted pages. Such page creates a number TT of fictitious pages that links from and to ss with the purpose of increasing artificially its PR to appear higher in search engines. But how many of such pages does ss need?

Let psp_s be the PR of ss and pXp_X the PR of the “honest” pages that link to ss. The PageRank ptp_t of any fake pages TT is

pt=αpsT+1αnp_t=\frac{\alpha p_s}{T}+\frac{1-\alpha}{n}

The PR psp_s is the sum of the contribution of the honest pages pXp_X and the fake pages

ps=pX+pt=pX1α2+αT(1+α)np_s=p_X+p_t\\ =\frac{p_X}{1-\alpha^2}+\frac{\alpha T}{(1+\alpha)n}

If α=0.85\alpha=0.85, the quantity 11α2=3.6{1\over1-\alpha^2}=3.6. As such for each honest page the malicious page ss is rewarded 3.63.6 times the honest page’s PageRank. This effect can be amplified with a large TT.

HITS: Hubs and Authorities

The Hypertext-induced topic selection (HITS) is a measure of importance of pages and documents similar to PageRank.

Main idea: in order to find good newspaper, we can find experts that support the newspaper. Any link becomes a vote.

In HITS, every page has 2 scores, a hub score and an authority score. The hub score is the sum of the scores to the authorities pointed by the hub; the authority score is the sum of votes coming from hubs.

HITS uses principle of repeated improvement that iterates over hubs an authorities in turn.

Each page ii starts with hub score 11. The iteration works in alternating manner: after the authorities collected their votes, the hubs sum the scores from the authorities. Once again the computation of the scores is a mutually recursive definition. A good hub links to many good authorities and a good authority is linked to many good hubs. We denote hub and authority scores as hh and aa.

Pseudo Code HITS

  1. Initialize ai0=n1/2,hi0=n1/2a_i^0=n^{-1/2},h_i^0=n^{-1/2} for all ii

  2. repeat

    • i:ait+1=j,iEhjt\forall i:a_i^{t+1}=\sum_{j,i\in E}h_j^t
    • i:hit+1=i,jEajt\forall i:h_i^{t+1}=\sum_{i,j\in E}a_j^t
    • Normalize i(ait+1)2=1,j(hjt+1)2=1\sum_i(a_i^{t+1})^2=1,\sum_j(h_j^{t+1})^2=1
    • tt+1t\gets t+1

    until i(hithit1)2<ϵ\sum_i(h_i^t-h_i^{t-1})^2\lt\epsilon and i(aitait1)2<ϵ\sum_i(a_i^t-a_i^{t-1})^2\lt\epsilon

HITS converges to a single stable point. We can see that HITS indeed converge by considering the authority vector a\mathbf a and the hub vector h\mathbf h. In this way we can rewrite hi=jAijajAah_i=\sum_jA_{ij}a_j\Rarr\mathbf{Aa} and ai=j,iEhj=jAjihjAha_i=\sum_{j,i\in E}h_j=\sum_jA_{ji}h_j\Rarr\mathbf{A^\top h}. For two consecutive iterations HITS iterations we obtain

a=(AA)ah=(AA)h\mathbf a=(\mathbf{A^\top A})\mathbf a\\ \mathbf h=(\mathbf{AA^\top})\mathbf h

and repeat until the difference of h,a\mathbf h,\mathbf a in two different iterations is less than ϵ\epsilon. From the two equations above it is easy to see that HITS converges to the principal eigenvalue of h\mathbf h^* for (AA)(\mathbf{AA^\top}) and a\mathbf a^* for (AA)(\mathbf{A^\top A}).