3 players: strategies: connect source si with destination ti.
Assuming that all edges have latency functions ce(x)=x how do the players act?
Load balancing games
Every player has a job and wants to assign it to some machine so that its completion time is minimized
m parallel machines
Machine j has speed σj
If machine j gets x jobs, the latency/cost experienced by each of the players/owners of these jobs is σjx.
Similar to atomic selfish routing with among n players who want to route from a common source s to a common destination t through m parallel edges of latency function cj(x)=σjx.
Congestion games
Set N of n players, set E with m resources
Resource e has latency function ce:N→R≥0
Non-decreasing, denotes the latency caused by the resources to the players who use it.
Player i has a set of strategiesΣi.
Every strategy is a set of resources (denotes the resources used by the player)
StateS=(s1,⋯,sn), where player i selects strategy si∈Σi,
Loadfe(S) of resource e at state S= number of players who use resource e at state S.
Hence, the quantity ce(fe(S)) denotes the latency incurred by resource e to the players who use it.
Cost/latency of player i at state S:
Every player aims at minimizing own cost
Pure Nash equilibrium: costi≤costi(S−i,s) for every strategy s∈Σi of player i
Potential functions
Definition: Function Φ:S→R is a potential function if for every two states S1 and S2 that differ in the strategy of a single player i, the differences Φ(S1)−Φ(S2) and costi(S1)−costi(S2) have the same sign.
Potential games: those admitting a potential function
Theorem: Every potential game have at least one pure Nash equilibrium
Consider the Nash dynamics graph which has a node for each state of the game and a directed edge from state S to state S′ if they differ in the strategy of a single player i, who improves cost when deviating from the strategy she uses in state S to the strategy she uses in state S′.
By definition of the potential function Φ, the potential value Φ(S) is strictly higher than Φ(S′). Then, the Nash dynamics graph can not have directed cycles. This implies that there will be a node which is a sink i.e., it has only incoming edges. Let S be such the state corresponding to this node. Then, no player has an incentive to deviate from S. Thus, S is a pure Nash equilibrium.
Rosenthal’s potential function
Theorem: for every congestion games, the function
is a potential function.
We will show that for two states S1,S2 that different in the strategy of player i, it holds Φ(S1)−Φ(S2)=costi(S1)−costi(S2).
By the definition of Rosenthal’s potential function, we have
To prove the leftmost inequality in the statement of the lemma, it suffice to bound the potential function from below. Working with the equivalent expression for Φ(S), we have:
Theorem: The PoS of linear congestion games is at most 2.
We use potential function method, We start from the state S∗ of minimum social cost. If it is a pure Nash equilibrium, then the price of stability is 1. Otherwise, we let the players change their strategies and improve their cost until we reach an equilibrium S. By Lemma above, we have SC(S)≤2Φ(S), By the main property of the potential function, we have that Φ(S)≤Φ(S∗). Finally, again by Lemma above, we have that Φ(S∗)≤SC(S∗). Thus,
The above bound is not best possible, An upper bound of 1+31≈1.578 has been proved.
Theorem: The price of anarchy of linear congestion game is at most 25.
Lemma first
先证明引理 ∀x,y∈N,xy+y≤3x2+35y2.
Obviously true if y=0.
If y=1, we need to show that x2−3x+2≥0⇔(x−1)(x−2)≥0
显然成立,对于 x=1,2,二次函数=0,对于大于 3,小于 0,两项同号。
If y≥2, 5y2−3y≥49y2, hence x2+5y2−3xy−3y>x2−3xy+49y2=(x−23y)2≥0.
Now consider a linear congestion game and let S∗=(s1∗,⋯,sn∗) be the state of minimum social cost and S=(s1,⋯,sn) a pure Nash equilibrium. Thus, at state S, no player i has an incentive to change her strategy si to si∗, i.e., for every player i, it holds costi(S)≤costi(S−i,si∗)(这个放缩指的意思是,在一个纳什均衡状态下,某一个智能体单方面改变其策略只能是 social cost 增大).
Notice that for every resource e∈E, it holds that fe(S−i,si∗)≤fe(S)+1(难点二(放缩):对于任何一种资源,当一个智能体的策略改变时,该资源的负载最多是之前状态下的负载加 1,取等的条件是:智能体 i 在策略 si 下没有使用资源 e, 而在 si′ 策略下使用了资源 e) since only one player changes her strategy at state (S−i,si∗) compared to state S. Thus, we have: