whether all languages in NEXP can be computed by depth 2 circuits consisting of weighted linear threshold gates.
The Razborov-Smolensky Lower Bound
The lower bounds for class AC0[pr], where p is a prime.
Main idea: convert Boolean circuit of small size into a low-degree probabilistic polynomial.
Here we consider r=1.
📖Definition 43. Let F be a field. By a probabilistic polynomial P in n variables of total degree d over F we mean a random variable assuming as value such polynomials. Let f:{0,1}n→{0,1} be a Boolean function. We say that P computes f with error ϵ if Pr[P(x)=f(x)]≥1−ϵ for all x∈{0,1}n. Similarly we say that P computes f with one-sided error ϵ if P computes f with error ϵ and furthermore we have Pr[P(x)=f(x)]=1 for all x∈{0,1}n where f(x)=0.
Then construct a probabilistic polynomial form an AC0[p] circuit.
🤔Lemma 13. Let p be a prime and let C be a depth h circuit with at most S unbounded fanin AND,OR,MODp as well as negation gates computing a Boolean function f. Let t≥1 be an arbitrary integer. Then for any n there exist a probabilistic polynomial in n variables of total degree at most (pt)h over Zp computing f with error ptS.
Probabilistic polynomial for each of the gates of C. Each of these will be of degree at most pt and compute the gate function with error pt1.
Composing these will give probabilistic polynomial of degree at most (pt)h computing f and with error at most ptS by a union bound.
Input gates: xi can be computed by the polynomials xi with error 0. xˉi can be computed by the polynomials 1−xi with error 0.
Negation gates: ¬z can be computed by the polynomial 1−y with error 0.
MODp gate with inputs z1,⋯,zk can be computed by the polynomial
with error 0 by Fermat’s little theorem.
OR gate with inputs z1,⋯,zk: Consider picking a1,⋯,ak∈Zp uniformly and independently at random. Using Fermat’s little theorem again, we have the polynomial
computes OR(z1,⋯,zk) with one-sided error p1. In order to decrease the error, use success amplification using t independent trials.
which then computes OR(z1,⋯,zk) with one-sided error pt1.
Analogously, for AND gate, the probabilistic polynomial
🤔Lemma 14. Let P be a probabilistic polynomial of degree d and let f:{a,b}n→F be a function s.t. Pr[P(x)=f(x)]≥1−ϵ. Then there exists a polynomial P′ of degree d and a set G⊆{a,b}n with ∣G∣≥(1−ϵ)2n s.t. P(x)=f(x) for all x∈G.
A low-degree polynomial is equal to the product of all variables on a set G⊆{a,b}n enables one to replace all polynomials by equivalent polynomials on the set G of degree significantly smaller than n.
🤔Lemma 15. Let P be a polynomial in n variables of total degree Δ over a field F. Let a,b∈F and suppose G⊆{a,b}n is s.t.
Then for every function f:G→F there exists a polynomial Pf of total degree at most 2n+Δ s.t.
Let f:G→F be any function. Define multilinear polynomial Qf:
Thus we replace each monomial of Qf of degree d>2n+Δ by an equivalent polynomial of degree n−d+Δ<2n+Δ. We can thus take Pf to be the sum of these together with the monomials of Qf degree at most 2n+Δ.
One may convert any polynomial into a multi-linear polynomial of the same degree which is equivalent on a given hypercube {a,b}n.
🤔Lemma 16. Let a,b∈F and let P be a polynomial of degree d. Then there exists a multi-linear polynomial P′ of degree at most d s.t. P(x)=P′(x) for all x∈{a,b}n.
An occurrence of xik in P may be replaced by the polynomial
which can never increase the degree.
🤔Lemma 17. For all integers n≥1:
🤔Corollary 10. For all integers n≥1:
🤔Proposition 13. Let P be a polynomial in n variables of total degree Δ over a field F. Let a,b∈F and suppose G⊆{a,b}n is s.t.
By Lemma 16, assume that P is multilinear.
The number of functions f:G→F, which amounts to p∣G∣, must be less than the number of multilinear polynomials of degree at most 2n+Δ, which amounts to pM, where M denotes the number of monomials on n variables of degree at most 2n+Δ. It follows that ∣G∣≤M.
where Cni is estimated by central binomial coefficient, for i>n/2, and use 2π≥410,
Finally combine the construction of the probabilistic polynomials with the counting argument to derive a circuit lower bound.
🎯Theorem 46 . Let p=2 be a prime. Suppose that C is depth h circuit with at most S unbounded fanin AND,OR,MODp as well as NEG gates computing MOD2. Then
Lemma 13, Lemma 14, Proposition 13.
🎯Theorem 47 (Smolensky). Let p be a prime. Suppose that C is a depth h circuit with at most S unbounded fanin AND,OR,MODpr gates for a constant r≥1 as well as NEG gates computing function MODq, where q=p is a prime. Then