APS 重点复习课程之深度学习及应用
Gradient Vanishing/Exploding
Gradient Descent
- Batch Gradient Descent
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Mini-batch Gradient Descent
Useful Data Argumentation Method
Active Function
Several Network
- Generative Models
Gradient Vanishing/Exploding
Active function (sigmoid) + depth of the network:
Gradient vanishing
refers to the situation where the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights of the network becomes very small, making it difficult for the network to learn. This can happen when the network has many layers, and the activations of the neurons in the earlier layers are close to zero, resulting in very small gradients during backpropagation.
Gradient exploding
refers to the situation where the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights of the network becomes very large, making it difficult for the network to learn. This can happen when the network has many layers, and the activations of the neurons in the earlier layers are very large, resulting in very large gradients during backpropagation.
How to solve these?
One approach is to use more advanced optimization algorithms, such as RMSProp or Adam, which can help to prevent the gradients from becoming too small or too large.
Another approach is to use weight initialization techniques, which can help to ensure that the weights of the network are initialized in a way that avoids the vanishing or exploding gradients problem.
Additionally, using techniques such as batch normalization or gradient clipping can also help to prevent the gradients from becoming too small or too large.
Overfitting refers to a situation in which a model performs well on the training data, but poorly on new or unseen data.
when a model is too complex and has too many parameters, causing it to memorize the details of the training data rather than learning the underlying patterns.
refers to a situation in which a model performs poorly on both the training data and new data. when a model is too simple and does not have enough parameters to capture the complexity of the data.
Data augmentation (数据扩充) + Regularization (L1, L2), drop-out
L1 L2 Penalty
Through the restriction of weight, make model disabled to learn stochastic noise in training data.
L1 Penalty make params more sparse, like function of feature capture. can’t be derived.
L2 Penalty doesn’t. easy to be derived.
Activation Functions
Leaky ReLu
Why non-linear activate function?
If linear, each layer input is linear combination output of last layer. The output of network is linear combination of input. no hidden layer, that is Perceptron(感知机).
What’s the advantages of ReLU?
- sigmoid function contains power which calls for more calculation especially when derivations. It’s easy to differentiate ReLU.
- for deep network, sigmoid in BP, exists gradient vanishing(when sigmoid is close to saturation region).
- ReLU makes some neurons output 0, sparse network, easing over-fitting problem.
Several Network
CNN series
aka convolutional neural networks
receptive field 感受野
- local connection
- shared weight
- subsampling in space/time
z.B. LeNet, AlexNet, Inception
aka residual network, improve efficiency of info transmission.
is residual function.
take as target function.
Residual unit
RNN series
aka recurrent neural network, want to enable network to memorize.
neurons with self-feedback, applied in sequence processing(language, voice, music…)
RNN has long-range dependency problem due to gradient vanishing/exploding.
- solution: LSTM
aka long short-term memory, detail
input gate, output gate and a forget gate.
Application of RNN series
language model: writing poems & lyrics, translation, seq2seq, chat bot (chatGPT)
Generative Models
VAE(variational autoencoder), GAN(generative adversarial network)
Generator network: input is stochastically sampling on latent space. trying to mimic true sample in training set, deceive the judger network.
Judger network: input is from true training set and generator network. trying to decide which input is true data.
The training process of G and J is a MiniMax Game. zero-sum
Hard to train!
z.B. DCGAN, Conditional GAN, seqGAN